Chapter 803: Tombs of Emperor Zun

Mime private 803

Chen Mo suppressed his heart and breathed out in horror. Hundreds of billions of mushroom spores drifted away in the void.

The surrounding space was so terrible that even he couldn't teleport in the void, so even though it was only a few million miles from the tombstone, the mushroom spores still took a few days to reach the place, and he lost his memory many, many times these days.

Until the mushroom spores flew to the place and came over the tombstone with his name engraved on it.

These days, Chen Mo did not try to see what is on the back of other tombstones?

I can't see it at all, it's blurry.

Chen Mo didn't want the one with his name engraved to be an exception. If he could see the things on the back of this tombstone, it means that the tombstone is really related to him. The mushroom spores began to fall and land on the back of the tombstone.

Chen Mo finally saw it this time. On the back of the tombstone is an epitaph.

Looking at it, Chen Mo felt cold in his heart.

Originally, he still had some luck, could it be just a tombstone of a person with the same name and surname.

But judging from the epitaph, this is clearly him.

The content of the epitaph is short and limited. It summarizes in dozens of sentences that he came from the original ancestral world, became the master of the world, participated in the era war, won the era war and opened up the ancient kingdom of destiny, and finally held the same five supreme roots, and went through seven eras in the upper world. Dark enough to conquer the eternal ancient kingdoms.

In the end, the upper realm was unified, and after six eras of dominating the upper realm, the attempt to surpass the upper realm failed and fell.

If all this is nonsense, Chen Mo just laughed at best.

But intuition tells him that these are true.

His future has long been doomed. From life to death, he will proceed according to the epitaph. In the end, he will really be buried in the tomb below this tombstone, and not just him, all the immortal emperors and eternal emperors are here. There are graves here.

Because the mushroom spores arrived here these days, he has seen many familiar names on the tombstone.

Just when Chen Mo was at a loss, a figure suddenly appeared behind his tombstone.

This figure appeared out of thin air. Chen Mo saw that this figure was exactly what he looked like when he was old. The figure swept away the mushroom spores with a broom, and disappeared after sweeping the mushroom spores. Chen Mo also completely forgot to look at it. To the epitaph.

Even this time, the emperor ant who always backed up his memories had forgotten these memories.

Chen Mo pondered for a long time before blowing out a mushroom spore again.

In the same process, Chen Mo lost his memory the moment he saw the epitaph a few days later.

But this time, Chen Mo laughed.

The emperor ant can't back up the memory, but the creation rune in the destiny book can.

He just tried it, and the creation rune did not disappoint him.

According to his research, creation runes have two uses. The first is to form graphic texts from multiple creation runes, and the second is to compose paraphrasing texts. He has seen the process of the suspected birth of the upper realm from the graphic texts. Interpretation Nothing has been found in the text so far.

However, even if he could not decipher the interpretation of the creation rune, he could forcibly equate the creation rune with the blue star text.

Then write down the lost memories in the creation talisman with equal signs.

Sure enough, the power here cannot affect the creation rune.

So what is going on with these tombstones, and what is going on with the tomb sweeper exactly like him.

Next, Chen Mo continued to make various attempts.

He also knows that this is dangerous, but what comes here is only an incarnation. Secondly, if the fate of sentient beings is really determined in advance by these epitaphs, then no matter how dangerous he is, he must find out. He likes to control his fate, but he doesn't like himself. The fate of is controlled by others.

Creating countless mushroom spores as eyes, Chen Mo no longer pays attention to the tombstone but the entire cave in the belly of the mountain.

More than half a month later. There was finally good news from the mushroom spores.

A second cave was discovered in the rock wall near the cave where he was.

In this cave, he also found a pool that was the same as the cave where he was.

The mushroom spores swallowed each other and grew, and Chen Mo immediately created another clone in the hole.

Manipulating the avatar to walk towards the pool, Chen Mo saw words in the pool.

The characters written in the creation runes were submerged by the over-limit root of the liquid in the pool.

This made Chen Mo wonder if there used to be words in the pool of the first hole. It's just that the emperor ant that came in at that time was just an ordinary ant from the upper realm, and even wisdom was not born, and he never wrote it down. There may be creation runes in the pool.

Chen Mo recorded all these creation runes, and finally tried to absorb the root cause of the overrun.

Sure enough, the creation rune in the pool disappeared immediately after the overrun root cause was absorbed. The clone continued to search for a long time in the cave, but nothing was found, but this time Chen Mo discovered that his memory of the cave was not lost.

Except for the memories related to the epitaph will still be lost, he has been able to retain other memories.

So the root of the overrun is the key to the memory of the emperor ant?

However, he merged with the Emperor Ant card. At that time, he also mastered the root cause of the transcendent. So in addition to the root cause of the transcendent, it may also be related to the creation runes in the pool. I have seen these creation runes while mastering the roots of the transcendent. , This may be the key to retention of memory.

Opening the Book of Destiny, Chen Mo began to combine the creation runes copied in these pools.

The interpretation cannot be deciphered, and a little bit of content can be seen in the composition graphics.

After all the creation runes in the pool appeared together on a page of the book of fate, they immediately began to reorganize into a picture.

It was a figure, standing in countless graves and devastating crazily.

Then he left helplessly, with countless figures surrounding the suspected Tianzhu Mountain, and finally interrupted the entire Tianzhu Mountain, with these figures destroying the entire world, and finally the entire world turned into a hand to hold these figures in the palm of the palm.

Only one of all the figures survived, and once again came to the belly of the mountain where the tombstone was located.

Came to a cave on the rock wall of a cave, dug another hole nearby, and took something out of the body and put it into the pool. Finally, he left the cave and walked towards the grave, leaning against the tombstone and looking at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo can be sure that the figure leaning on the tombstone is really looking at him.

Not really seeing, but imagining to see.

From these graphics, it can be seen that a figure once discovered this cave like him, and then interrupted Tianzhu Mountain with many suspected subordinates, and even destroyed the entire upper realm, but was transformed by the upper realm. One of his hands caught all his subordinates to death.

Only this figure was alive, and finally returned to this cave, leaving the cave and pool.

It is very possible that this figure also knew the epitaph, so he resisted in anger, but the resistance failed in the end, leaving only the last traces in this cave. Two caves, maybe there are two figures that once resisted the epitaph but failed. .

Regarding the origin of the Upper Realm, Chen Mo is naturally curious.

He also asked Hunyuan Emperor, what is the origin of the upper realm, and who is the oldest emperor, but these questions can’t be answered either. Perhaps only those eternal emperors who have existed for dozens of upper realm epochs know a little bit. clue.

A few days later, the mushroom clone returned to the first cave.

Chen Mo also looked for it, but did not find the third cave.

Chen Mo absorbed the over-limit root of the mushroom clone, and waited for the cracks to appear again in the pool, and left from here when he followed up, but he did not return to the void secret realm where the ancient Nether Kingdom was located, and had to return to Netherworld through the World Transit Station. Ancient country.

No matter what secrets exist in the belly of Tianzhu Mountain ~ no matter what the purpose of leaving the two caves is.

These are not things that he can continue to explore now. Chen Mo doesn't think he is special. He doesn't think he is stronger than the two predecessors. The first one doesn't know it, and the second figure clearly destroys Tianzhu Mountain. Use the power of the five great rivers of the upper realm.

Even so, he failed. He can only use the five long river tributaries of the Lower Realm. It's better to treat him as if he didn't see it.

The epitaph doesn't mean that he can become the supreme of the upper realm, then he will become the supreme of the upper realm first.

Regardless of the second half of the epitaph, the first half is still very good.

Time passed day by day, and since he made a discovery, Chen Mo felt uncomfortable if he didn't fight the emperor ant every day.

Because he discovered that the emperor ant is simply squandering things and wasting the root cause of excess.

These supreme roots, which are suspected to be left behind by the Supreme Supreme of the Upper Realm of the previous generation, possess the power to break the limit of everything and everything. He uses the roots of beyond limit on the root of destiny, and the root of destiny he grasped has begun to break away from the long river of destiny and become a brand new one. power.