Chapter 100 The Ten Great Continents Alliance

Name:Heavenly Harem Sect Author:

Right after Daniel had disappeared, the whole world turned into an uproar because of his voice and the strange occurrence that happened during the day.

The aftermath of his actions caused the world to erupt into chaos and confusion.

Unbeknownst to him, his departure coincided with a series of huge changes, and the sudden sound of his voice captivated the attention of people worldwide no matter who they are.

News of this phenomenon spread rapidly through various channels and people.

The people were perplexed and intrigued, searching for answers to the mysterious event that had unfolded.

Speculations and theories emerged, with some attributing it to divine intervention, while others hypothesized about an old monster finally acting out.

As the world tried to make sense of the inexplicable, the Emperors and Empresses of the Ten Great Continents began taking action and measures against the sudden mysterious force.

In the kingdom of Xebex where Empress Lilith ruled, all Imperial Noble Families were summoned abruptly due to an emergency meeting.

"Have all the Imperial Families arrived?"

The Empress questioned on a throne where the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of different families were kneeling as all of them answered here questions.

"The Juno Imperial Family is here!"

"The Illumi Imperial Family is present!"

"Hilheim Imperial Family has been summoned!"

"The Maeka Imperial Family is here!"

"The Vastro Imperial Family is here!"

There was a total of 5 Imperial Families and all of the important figures were present and being summoned, they were aware of the reason behind it.

"Good, now can we start with the meeting?"

She said with her chin on her arm.

"Yes your majesty"

Her loyal subordinate answered as he stood on her left side.

"Then without further ado, let's start with the main point"

She cleared her throat and began the meeting.

"Without a doubt, I believed everyone have heard the voice right?"

All of them nodded their heads in agreement as no one denied. After all, they were the ones who were shocked the most.

Being the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the Imperial Noble Families, they had old monsters behind their back, and the number of resources and treasures they possessed were filthy rich.

Thus, they find it hard to believe that there was an existence able to transmit its voice through countless minds.

"Then my second question would be do anyone of you have any clue as to who was the being that had transmitted its voice?"

She asked further and although Lilith knew it would be pointless in asking this question, she still did it though.

"Your Majesty, we have no idea about the identity of that being, but we do have a clue about its motive"

The Patriarch of the Illumi Family answered with conviction.

"Speak" She allowed the patriarch to continue his explanation.

"Apparently, its motive was to give a warning to all of us perhaps the whole world, that we shouldn't mess with its sect, and it had clearly wiped away the Slave Continent for crossing the line"

"And for more information, our only clue about this person is that he or she is the Sect Master of the Heavenly Harem Sect, and that's all we have"

The patriarch finished his explanation and even he was in disbelief that there was an existence who could wipe a continent immediately within a day.

"Then, does anybody have any clue about the Sect? If that's our only leading clue to this case, then, find the sect in every mean and I expect such results within a week"

She commanded and all of them replied "Yes, your Majesty" in synchronization.

"Then let's discuss the main important topic. Because of that voice and the sudden changes in the day hours ago, the world is now in turmoil and the 10 Ten Great Continent is demanding a meeting"

"Hence, all of you will have to come as well as for the first time in thousands of years, the world will be forming an alliance to prepare any savagery attacks against this being"

Her words cause all of them to be in surprise as no one would have expected that the 10 Great Continents would be allying.

Such news has never been heard for thousands of years and usually, only when the world is being threatened that all of them decides to put their personal grudge aside and settle for world peace.

As Daniel's voice echoed across the world, his actions carried a profound impact.n0velusb.c0m

One unexpected positive change he had impacted was the surprising alliance forming among the 10 Great Continents.

This revelation left countless people in a state of stupefaction and astonishment, as such a collaboration seemed unimaginable.

The 10 Great Continents, with their diverse cultures, histories, and race, had often been at odds with each other.

They had faced conflicts and disagreements throughout history, leading to divisions and rivalries.

The idea of these continents setting aside their differences to join forces was a paradigm shift of monumental proportions.

The news spread like wildfire, reaching every corner of the globe.

People struggled to comprehend the implications of this unprecedented alliance.

But soon their questions about the motives behind such a collaboration and the potential impact were answered with a simple reason and that was because of the voice.

However, some certain people analyze the implications of this newfound unity and discovered that there were huge benefits.

The potential benefits and challenges of this alliance became topics of intense scrutiny and speculation.

The surprise and disbelief gradually transformed into a mixture of hope and skepticism.

Optimists saw this alliance as a significant step towards a new era of peace.

Skeptics, on the other hand, remained cautious, questioning the longevity and sincerity of the newfound unity, considering the complex web of interests and power dynamics involved.

Nevertheless, the world held its breath, eagerly awaiting further details and developments regarding the alliance.

Instead of looking at Daniel's actions as a villain who destroyed billions of lives, his actions served as a catalyst, sparking unity on a global scale.

Moreover, spies were sent to the site where the continent was destroyed, and to their shock, there weren't any signs of lives or even land left behind.

In the aftermath of the destruction of the continent, the world's attention turned towards uncovering the truth behind the cataclysmic event.

Although the unity was seen as a positive change, the Ten Great Continents were the only group that had recognized the gravity of the situation.

Hence, they dispatched spies to investigate the site where the continent once stood. However, what they discovered left them utterly shocked and bewildered.

As the spies arrived at the location, their expectations of finding signs of life or remnants of the land were shattered.

Instead, they were met with a desolate sea, devoid of any recognizable features.

It was as if the continent had been erased from existence, leaving no trace behind.

The absence of any discernible remnants or signs of life defied logic and challenged the understanding of what was possible.

It created a sense of eerie mystery and deepened the enigma surrounding the catastrophe.

Although they had weapons and treasures that could perhaps destroy a major huge city, none could perform a feat ad huge as a continent.

Hence, questions arose, 'What could have caused such utter annihilation? Was it a natural disaster, an unimaginable force, or something even more sinister?'

The spies meticulously searched the area, hoping to uncover any clues that might shed light on what had transpired.

They scoured the surroundings, examined the sea, and even swim deep in the sea to find any lingering remnants or traces of the lost continent.

However, their efforts yielded no conclusive evidence, further deepening the sense of perplexity and astonishment.

Reports of the spies' findings spread, adding to the global sense of shock and disbelief.

The lack of answers intensified the world's hunger for answers and fueled a relentless quest to unravel the truth.

The absence of any signs of life or remnants of land at the site where the continent once thrived served as a stark reminder of the magnitude and inexplicability of the event.

It deepened the sense of foreboding danger and spurred a collective determination to comprehend the unfathomable, to prevent such devastating occurrences from happening again in the future.

The magnitude of the threat they were up against raised doubts and concerns among their leaders and citizens.

In light of this new and formidable adversary, they collectively recognized the need for immediate action and called for an emergency meeting.

The leaders of the Ten Great Continents understood that the situation demanded unity and cooperation rather than division and conflict.

They recognized that this was not a time for wars or internal strife, as the very existence of their nations and the well-being of their people were at stake.

The realization that they were facing an enemy capable of obliterating entire continents brought a sobering perspective to their decision-making.

They understood that their conventional methods of defense might not be sufficient to address this new threat.

It was clear that drastic changes were required to confront the challenges that lay ahead.

The emergency meeting served as a platform for leaders to share information, discuss strategies, and forge a united front against the common adversary.

Collaborative efforts were emphasized, as the leaders recognized that no single nation or continent could face this threat alone.

They set aside their differences, pooling resources, knowledge, and expertise to develop a comprehensive and coordinated response.

Moreover, they acknowledged that the emergence of this powerful being would have far-reaching consequences for the world as a whole.

The destructive force displayed had already reshaped the global landscape, instilling a sense of urgency for change and adaptation.

The Ten Great Continents understood that their focus needed to shift from internal conflicts to a collective effort in ensuring the survival and prosperity of humanity.

The emergency meeting marked a turning point, as the Ten Great Continents committed themselves to a new era of collaboration and peace.