Chapter 150 Curing The Plague Part 2

Name:Heavenly Harem Sect Author:

Amidst the desolation of the plague-stricken land, a sense of objectivity radiated from the trio of Daniel, Cecilia, and Mecil.

As the group ventured deeper into the heart of the afflicted area, Mecil's curiosity couldn't be contained any longer.

"Daniel, how do we intend to initiate our mission of recruiting disciples in this land?" Her voice carried a mix of intrigue and determination.

Daniel's gaze remained steady, his eyes reflecting a blend of strategy and compassion.

"We're going to set up a booth right here, in the heart of this plagued landscape. It will serve as a beacon of hope for those seeking a way out of their suffering."

Cecilia's eyes sparkled with comprehension, and at the same time, she thought she could use this chance to recruit more sisters into the cult.

"So, we'll present an offer, join our sect, and we'll cure their afflictions."

A nod from Daniel affirmed her understanding.

"Exactly. We'll be transparent about our intentions. Our sect can provide them with a fresh start, a path to strength and also love."

''But first, the Booth will be about curing their plague and that would be free for all and for both the men and the women. Take it as a preview before joining the sect, and of course, it'll only apply to women''

''After a few days, then, we'll begin recruiting all of the women available'' He explained.

Mecil's features softened with insight. "So, it's like throwing a bait, and once they eat it, we'll go a step further, we'll grant them the powers of cultivators, a chance to transcend their limitations."

Daniel's smile was one of assurance. "Yes, by bestowing upon them abilities they've never imagined, we'll make our proposition impossible to resist."

With their plan solidified, the group set their intentions into motion.

Amidst the backdrop of suffering, they began constructing a simple yet impactful booth. Adorned with symbols of healing and strength, it stood as a beacon amidst the bleakness.

Marie observed the process with a mix of fascination and anticipation.

The concept was brilliant in its simplicity, a lifeline extended to those drowning in despair.

She found herself admiring her parents' strategic brilliance and their unwavering dedication to their cause.

As the booth neared completion, Daniel stepped back to survey their work. "It's time to let those in need know that help is within their reach," he declared, his voice a blend of determination and empathy.

Cecilia's gaze swept over the gathering crowd, comprised of the afflicted seeking solace.

"They're starting to notice," she noted.

Mecil's enthusiasm was palpable. "Let's see how our offer resonates with them."

As the crowd began to notice Daniel and his group, a murmur of curiosity and anticipation rippled through the gathering.

Eager eyes turned toward the booth, where symbols of hope and transformation adorned the surroundings.

The atmosphere was charged with a mixture of desperation and yearning.

As the afflicted women gathered around, their eyes were a reflection of their dire circumstances.

They hesitated at the threshold of the booth, their expressions a blend of hope and vulnerability.

Their voices carried a tremor of need as they addressed Daniel, desperation pushing them to take a chance.

"S-Sir, if you have any food...could you give us some?" a woman's voice quivered, her gaze fixed on Daniel.

Daniel's gaze softened, his heart aching for the women who had been left in such dire straits.

His response was immediate, his tone gentle and reassuring. "Of course," he said, his voice carrying a mixture of empathy and determination.

Cecilia and Mecil joined Daniel's side, their presence a symbol of unity and support.

They exchanged knowing glances, each understanding the role they played in this transformative moment.

They were aware that it wouldn't be long before any women that they saw would be their sisters, hence, it wouldn't hurt them to forge compassion for them.

Mecil stepped forward, her expression radiating compassion.

"We're here to offer more than just food," she explained, her words resonating with the gathered women.

"We're offering a chance for change, for healing, and empowerment."

Cecilia nodded in agreement.

"Our sect can provide you with the means to overcome your current challenges," she added, her eyes locking onto each woman's gaze in turn.

The women exchanged uncertain glances, their hearts were torn between scepticism and the flicker of hope.

Daniel's gaze remained steady, his sincerity evident in every word he spoke.

"We're not here to exploit your suffering," Daniel assured them, his voice unwavering. "

''I know that this land had been abandoned due to the worsening condition of the plague, which is why, before all of you consider joining my sect, consider this as a gift from me''

As the women stood before the booth, scepticism etched into their expressions, Daniel's gaze met theirs with calm reassurance.

He extended his hand, his fingers glowing with soft, green healing light.

"Please, allow me to show you," Daniel's voice was steady, his eyes reflecting a genuine desire to alleviate their doubts.

One by one, the women stepped forward, a mix of uncertainty and curiosity in their eyes.

Daniel's touch was gentle as he placed his hand on the arm of the first woman.

The healing energy flowed from his palm, spreading through her body in a soothing cascade.

The woman's eyes widened in shock as she felt the warmth enveloping her.

Her breath caught as the sensations of pain and ailment began to fade.

It was as if a veil of darkness was lifting, replaced by a renewed sense of vitality.

Amazement rippled through her expression, and her gaze shot toward Daniel with newfound awe.

She turned to her companions, her voice carrying a note of revelation, "Look! I feel... better!"

The people around her were shocked to see that her body condition was gone. Her burned skin deformed fingers and even disfigured face had all returned to normal.

Because of this, the onlookers rushed in for the opportunity.

One by one, as Daniel's healing touch extended to the others, a chorus of surprised gasps and exclamations filled the air.

Scepticism gave way to wonder, and disbelief was replaced by the tangible experience of healing.

"They're cultivators!" someone exclaimed, their voice carrying a mixture of astonishment and excitement.

The revelation spread like wildfire among the women, their eyes widening as the realization dawned upon them.

They looked at Daniel, Cecilia, and Mecil with a mix of reverence and gratitude.

"You have this power?" another woman asked, her voice tinged with awe.

Cecilia nodded, a small smile gracing her lips. "We do. And we're here to share this power with you."

Mecil stepped forward, her expression a blend of compassion and determination.

Marie watched from the sidelines, her heart swelling with pride as the women's scepticism transformed into hope. She could see the impact her parents and Mecil were making, not just as healers, but as mentors and inspirations.

The women exchanged glances, their shared experience forging a sense of camaraderie among them.

They looked back at Daniel and his companions with a shared decision in their eyes.

The booth that Daniel, Cecilia, and Mecil had set up proved to be incredibly effective.

As word spread about their healing abilities and the promise of cultivating power, more and more women were drawn to their cause.

The area around the booth became a bustling hub of activity, filled with women who had once been plagued by doubt and suffering, now united by a newfound hope.

Conversations buzzed through the air, a mix of gratitude, curiosity, and a touch of obsession towards Daniel and his companions.

The women who had experienced the healing touch couldn't help but express their amazement to others who were just arriving.

"I couldn't believe it at first, but after he touched me, the pain just disappeared!"

"Did you see the glow around his hand? What was that!?!"n0velusB.c0m

"They say he's a cultivator, someone with incredible power. I can't wait to learn from him."

As more women shared their stories, the atmosphere became charged with an energy of transformation.

Gratitude towards Daniel mingled with a sense of wonder, and whispers of admiration spread like wildfire.

As the crowd continued to grow over the past few days, the number of how many people Daniel had cured were more than tens of thousands.

He cured not only the women but also the men, and the reason why he bothered to cure the men was that he didn't want to be seen as sceptical.

Nevertheless, it was about the time Daniel seized the opportunity to promote his sect, the Heavenly Harem Sect.

Around his booth, there were crowds surrounding and now, most of the people had been cured.

They gathered now all because they were curious, they wondered why would a cultivator like him be in such a place, and they were about to find out.

Daniel stepped forward, his voice carrying a sense of conviction and purpose.

"Ladies, what we offer here is more than just healing and cultivation''

''We offer a sect that would grant every one of your wishes. Resources and Powers are nothing but just the beginning. The Heavenly Harem Sect is a place for you to discover your worth as a woman''

Mecil's voice joined in, her words reinforcing Daniel's message.

Cecilia's eyes sparkled with a knowing glint. "In the Heavenly Harem Sect, we value strength, camaraderie, and absolute loyalty towards our master''

''This is your chance to rise and transcends your limit"

The women listened, captivated by the promise of a new beginning.

The name "Heavenly Harem Sect" resonated with them, representing not just power, but a sisterhood united by common goals and aspirations.

As the message sank in, the women's expressions shifted.

Scepticism gave way to contemplation, and curiosity kindled in their eyes.

They looked at one another, their faces a tapestry of shared experiences and shared desperation.

They were aware of what the sect's name, 'Harem' means and they were hesitant about it.

One woman, her features etched with both hesitation and longing, finally spoke up.

"And what do we have to do in return?" Her voice was cautious, her gaze fixed on Daniel.

Daniel's smile held a glimmer of warmth. "All we ask is your loyalty and everything about you to me. If you choose to join us, I'll provide you with anything you want''

''And I believed all of you have seen it'' Daniel smiled.

All of them couldn't deny his words since the plague that had been snatching away their lifeforce was cured in an instant which is something that not even the nobles could do.

The silence that followed was pregnant with possibility.

The women exchanged glances, each gauging the resolve of the others.

Slowly, a sense of unity began to form among them, an unspoken recognition that they shared a common desire for change.

The initial woman who had spoken exchanged a determined glance with those around her, a silent affirmation that they were in this together.

Her voice, stronger now, carried a note of the decision.

"We're willing to take that chance. We're willing to join your sect and embrace the path you offer."

The sentiment was echoed by nods and murmurs of agreement.

A ripple of agreement spread through the group, and Daniel's smile widened.

"Welcome," he said, his voice carrying anticipation.

As the women stepped forward, their hesitation replaced by a newfound resolve, Daniel's heart swelled with impatient as he looked forward to the results.

The booth that had stood as a symbol of hope had become a catalyst for change, a vessel through which the promise of a brighter future would be realized.

The moment all of the women agreed to become his disciples, the land underwent a huge change as an unbelievable surge of aura burst one after the other.

Once the women had experienced the changes they had transformed, they looked at Daniel with eyes that held a mix of devotion and love.

One woman approached Daniel with tears in her eyes, her voice trembling with emotion. "You've given me a second chance. I don't know how to thank you enough."

Daniel's expression was gentle as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "This is just the beginning and we'll have more''

Another woman, her gaze intense, looked at Daniel with a determination that bordered on obsession. "I'll do anything to prove myself to you, Master."

Cecilia and Mecil shared amused glances, knowing that Daniel's charismatic presence had garnered him more than just followers.

As more women had become his disciples, their gazes were fixated on Daniel, their expressions a mixture of obsession and love.

The intensity of their feelings was palpable, and it was clear that Daniel had become a man whom they wouldd depend on.

"I've never met someone so powerful and caring," whispered one woman to her friend. "I want to be by his side and learn from him."

"He's like a god in a human form" another woman mused dreamily. "I can't believe he's standing right in front of us."

Some women couldn't help but blush as they stole glances at Daniel, their infatuation was evident in their flushed cheeks and fluttering eyelashes.

"I could listen to his voice all day," one woman sighed, her eyes dreamy as she gazed at Daniel.

"Did you see the way he touched that woman's hand?" another whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of admiration and longing. "I wish he would touch me like that."

As the crowd murmured with excitement, a hush fell over them when Daniel extended his hand towards the women, offering them a chance to change.

Gasps of awe rippled through the crowd as women eagerly stepped forward, their hands trembling with a mix of anticipation and nervousness.

The women's reactions ranged from surprised gasps to delighted laughter, each of them experiencing a sense of relief and wonder.

But it wasn't just the powers that left them in awe, it was the presence of Daniel himself.

"He's so close... I can hardly believe it," a woman whispered, her heart pounding as Daniel's hand rested on her skin.

"He's like a god among men," another woman murmured, her eyes shining with adoration.

The women's reactions became even more intense as they started to notice subtle changes within themselves.

The level of admiration and obsession had reached new heights, as the women saw in Daniel not only a cultivator but someone to whom they would love to offer their bodies to him.

The aftermath of today's event sparked an intense infatuation within them.