Chapter 196 A New City

Name:Heavenly Harem Sect Author:
Chapter 196 A New City

[: Daniel POV :]

After a night with my harem members, a new day greeted us.

Following a week of dealing with administrative matters concerning the new city, my disciples wasted no time and began their missions.

It was their first venture into the field, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

Simultaneously, I found myself alone in a new city.n.-0Velb1n

I arrived in a city known as Velia, and it held the 1245th ranking, a hundred places higher than Exolia.

While the ranking sounded impressive, my initial impressions were akin to what I had experienced in Exolia.

Here, instead of grappling with a plague, the city was plagued by a different issue—a severe depletion of resources.

Each city had its unique resources, but when those resources began to dwindle within their territories, the consequences were severe.

Despite the existence of transportation and trade, the vast distances between cities used too much of a resource and the cultivators were more focused on cultivation.

As a result, the residents of these cities frequently suffered hardships.

As I surveyed Velia, it became evident how devastating the city's plight truly was.

In Velia, you could feel the harsh reality of resource depletion all around.

The city that used to thrive was now a shadow of its former self.

The buildings, once tall and strong, now looked worn out and weary.

Streets that should have been busy were eerily quiet, and the marketplaces that were once bustling with activity were deserted.

But what really got to me was the women.

I could see the worry and exhaustion on their faces.

The lack of essential resources had hit them hard, and it showed in their exhausted eyes and weary expressions.

In Velia, every day was a struggle just to get by, and I could sense the desperation in the air.

It was a reminder of the tough life in lower-ranked cities where finding enough resources was a constant challenge.

As I walked through the desolate streets of Velia, taking in the sombre atmosphere, I suddenly felt a gentle tug on my robe.

Startled, I turned my head downward, and my heart sank as I gazed into the pleading eyes of a frail, thin child.

Her small, trembling hand clutched at my robe, and she looked up at me with desperation.

Her voice was barely a whisper as she begged, "Mister, please, I'm so hungry. Do you have any food?"

Her words were a poignant reminder of the harsh reality that engulfed this city.

Without hesitation, I knelt down to her level, my heart aching at the sight of her emaciated form.

"Of course, little one," I whispered, my voice filled with compassion. I reached into my bag and handed her a small portion of food that I created on the spot.

Her eyes lit up with gratitude as she took the food, her hands trembling as she clutched it tightly.

"Thank you, Mister," she murmured, tears welling up in her eyes.

It was a simple act, but at that moment, I knew that even amidst the dire circumstances of this city, a glimmer of hope had been kindled for the women.

The young girl wasted no time with the food I had given her; she devoured it right there on the spot.

As she finished the meagre meal, her eyes, once filled with desperation, began to shine with a faint glimmer of energy.

Then, hesitantly, she looked up at me and asked, "Mister, do you have more?"

Her voice was soft, almost timid.

Her hunger was far from satisfied, and her resilience was both heartrending and inspiring.

I nodded and offered her another portion, which she accepted with a grateful smile.

But before she continued eating, she asked in a voice barely louder than a whisper, "Mister, can you also help my mother? She's hungry too, and we haven't had a proper meal in days."

Her plea struck a chord deep within me, and I knew I couldn't turn away.

With a nod, I said, "I will do my best to help your mother, little one. Take me to her."

I followed the young girl as she led me through the desolate streets of Velia.

The more I witnessed the dire circumstances that the women and children of the city were enduring, the stronger my wish to help them, to offer them a chance for a better life within my sect.

As we walked, I couldn't help but notice the countless faces etched with hardship, women and children struggling to make ends meet in a city plagued by resource scarcity.

It fueled my resolve to provide them not only with food but also an opportunity for a brighter future.

Eventually, we arrived at her home, a dilapidated structure made from scavenged wood and makeshift materials.

It was a testament to their resilience amid adversity, but it also spoke of their need for assistance.

The young girl pushed aside a tattered curtain serving as a door, and we stepped inside to find her mother, sitting on a threadbare mat.

Upon noticing my presence, the mother, whose frail and thin body bore the signs of her struggles, questioned her child with a weak voice, "Who is this, dear?"

The young girl, standing by her mother's side, explained with a hint of excitement, "He's the kind sir who gave us food, Mama. And he wants to help us."

Tears of gratitude welled up in the widow's eyes as she extended her frail hand towards me. "Thank you," she said, her voice quivering with emotion.

I took her hand gently and nodded. "You're welcome. No one should go hungry, especially not in such challenging times."

I reached into my bag and brought out more food provisions, handing them to the mother and her daughter.

Tears welled up in the widow's eyes as she extended her frail hand towards me, her voice trembling with emotion. "Thank you," she whispered, her gratitude palpable.

The young girl, her daughter, added, "Yes, thank you, Mister. We haven't had a proper meal in so long. You're like an angel."

As they looked at the sustenance before them, tears formed in their eyes.

They thanked me profusely, their voices filled with gratitude for the lifeline I had extended to them.

I couldn't help but smile at their heartfelt appreciation.

"You're both very welcome. In desperate moments like these, every act of kindness means even more. I want to help you and others like you."

After their heartfelt thanks, I decided to offer them a way out of their current misery.

The mother's eyes, filled with desperation and longing for a better life for her daughter, were drawn to my words.

She explained, her voice heavy with sorrow, "We've been struggling ever since my husband passed away due to hunger. I don't want my daughter to suffer any longer."

I understood the depth of her despair, and I laid out the offer.

"You don't have to suffer alone. You and your daughter can join my sect. We provide food, shelter, and a community that cares for one another''

''There are terms for joining, but I promise it's a path to a brighter future."

Her eyes brimmed with hope as she listened, and after explaining the terms of joining my sect, she agreed with a resolute nod.

At that moment, I knew that this decision would bring a ray of hope to their lives, and I was committed to ensuring that they would no longer have to endure the misery of hunger and scarcity.

With a sense of newfound hope, the mother, Danica, introduced herself along with her daughter, Amara.

Their faces held a mix of relief and anticipation as they took the first steps towards a brighter future.

Amara's voice quivered with excitement as she said, "Thank you, Mister. I can't wait to have a proper meal and a safe place to sleep."

Danica echoed her daughter's sentiments, her voice filled with gratitude.

"We are grateful for this opportunity, and we swear our loyalty and devotion to the Heavenly Harem Sect''

''We're ready to embrace this new beginning."

I smiled warmly at them both. "Welcome to the sect, Danica and Amara. Together, we'll build a better life, not just for you two, but for all those in need''

''We are a community that supports one another"

Amara's eyes sparkled with newfound hope as she said, "I want to learn and become strong, just like the disciples here."

Danica nodded in agreement. "We're ready to work hard and contribute in any way we can. Thank you for giving us this chance."

With a warm smile, I addressed Danica and Amara, "As a token of welcome for joining our sect, I have gifts for both of you."

Danica's eyes widened with curiosity as she asked innocently, "What are the gifts, kind sir?"

In response, I activated my powers, causing a brilliant surge of energy to envelop Danica.

It was a moment of sheer wonder as she felt a tremendous, almost overwhelming, surge of power coursing through her.

As the newfound abilities settled within her, Danica's thoughts about me became even more obsessive.

The intensity of the power I had bestowed upon her fueled a deep sense of devotion.

She couldn't help but admire me for the incredible gift I had granted her.

"Thank you, kind sir," she whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of awe and adoration.

"I will use this power to serve the Heavenly Harem Sect and to honour you."

Amara, too, looked at me with newfound respect as she too, had an unparalleled strength after her name had been registered in the Daughter Support Function.