Chapter 223 The Reincarnated Matriarch

Name:Heavenly Harem Sect Author:
Chapter 223 The Reincarnated Matriarch

[: 3rd POV :]

Upon an empty throne, a woman sat with an air of indifference, her gaze fixed upon the vacant hall.

Although her expression appeared nonchalant, beneath the surface, a whirlwind of emotions churned within her.

Draped in a stunning red dress that accentuated her every curve, she possessed facial features that could captivate the heart of anyone who laid eyes upon her.

She appeared serenely poised, but there was an unmistakable air of sorrow and a pervasive aura of solitude that surrounded her.

As the matriarch of the Quil Household, she bore the weight of her unique identity and responsibilities.

To the casual observer, she might have seemed like an ordinary woman, but beneath that exterior lay a complex and mysterious existence.

Zena's face remained a mask, skillfully concealing the turmoil that brewed beneath the surface.

Her emotions, though concealed, ran deep, and the secrets she held close were like shadows lurking in the corners of her heart.

In truth, Zena was not originally from the mortal world.

She hailed from the Immortal Realm, a place where the strong rule and the weak bowed in submission.

Born into a renowned family, Zena was destined for greatness in the world of cultivation.

She was once a formidable cultivator, a name to be reckoned with among the powerful families of her realm. nOVelBIn

With her exceptional talent, Zena ascended through the ranks of cultivation.

Her remarkable abilities earned her the coveted position of Noble Leader, a role that many envy, especially considering her family's status as one of the top ten strongest clans.

However, her journey to the pinnacle of power was not without its sacrifices.

One fateful night, Zena fell victim to a treacherous ambush by a group of rogue cultivators, seeking vengeance against her clan.

Her death came suddenly and unexpectedly, leaving an immense void in her heart.

"Cursed those bastards!"

Zena's teeth clenched, her eyes seething with hatred as she gripped the armrest of her throne.

The memory of her betrayal and murder fueled her anger, a simmering fire that had never truly extinguished.

"How could they have done such a thing to me, the heiress of the Quil Family?!"

She cried out, her voice echoing with indignation.

The assassination had served as a cruel reminder that even in the Immortal Realm, the strong could be brought low by the treacherous actions of the weak.

The only way to survive was to constantly be on guard and eliminate any potential threats.

In the days that followed, her thoughts revolved around the bitter unfairness of her predicament.

She had dedicated years of tireless effort, honing her skills and amassing wealth, only to see it all vanish in a single, treacherous night.

The injustice gnawed at her, yet Zena knew that she couldn't linger in the past.

Zena understood that her focus had to be on the present, on making the best of her new life.

"I'll make sure that one day, I'll have those bastards' heads!"

She declared with fiery determination, causing the arms of the throne to shatter into pieces.

"Heavenly Harem Sect!?"

Zena's shock deepened, her disbelief palpable.

She had heard of the sect before, particularly the extraordinary event that had transpired some time ago, but it had always seemed unbelievable to her.

The ability to spread one's influence throughout the world was unheard of in her realm, and she had never encountered any immortals capable of such a feat.

The concept of spreading influence and piercing through the minds of countless cultivators wasn't just about having a massive amount of spiritual qi or a high cultivation base.

It also required a profound mental fortitude, the ability to effortlessly intrude into the consciousness of others.

Zena, who had once been immortal, could confidently attest that no cultivator in the mortal realm could penetrate her mental defences.

Yet, someone had not only accomplished it with ease but had done so on a global scale.

This revelation left her deeply shaken, as not even the supreme masters or the ancient beings of the Immortal Realm possessed such a capability.

Knowing that there was someone out there with such extraordinary power, she resolved to seek out this individual.

She was determined to become his disciple or, at the very least, to request his assistance, no matter what it took.

The potential mentor she sought held the key to answers that had eluded her for far too long.

'I know that finding that person wouldn't be easy, but I never thought he would appear in front of me... but is he really the same person?'

Zena harboured doubts about whether the man before her was truly the individual she had been seeking.

Though he had materialized without her notice, she found it difficult to fully trust him.

Daniel, perceptive as ever, understood the turmoil of her thoughts.

In the end, he decided to employ a certain trick.

"What are you thinking of?"

The voice that echoed in Zena's mind was the same as that time, and as she looked toward the man, he wore a charming smile.

"Is there something bothering you?"

Once again, Daniel's voice reverberated in her mind, and this time, Zena was thoroughly convinced.

The connection was unmistakable, and she had finally found the person she had been searching for.

"F-Forgive me, great master, I never expected that you'd appear right in front of me,"

Zena's attitude toward Daniel underwent a profound transformation, replaced by deep respect and admiration.

Daniel, somewhat taken aback by the level of reverence she held for him despite not yet being a part of his sect, reassured her, saying, "It's alright; you can lift your head up."

With a wide smile, Zena raised her head, her eyes sparkling with newfound enthusiasm.

"Alright, as I had said earlier, are you willing to join the sect?" Daniel inquired.

"Young Master, I can't be any happier. Even if you'd ask me to jump off a cliff, I'd willingly do it,"

She declared passionately, her loyalty evident.

"Good. You seem pretty loyal, and loyalty is the most important thing I look for when choosing a member for my sect,"

Daniel replied, pleased with her unwavering commitment.

"Yes, Young Master!"

Zena responded obediently, her dedication resolute and unwavering.

She was ready to do whatever it takes, however, the next few minutes greatly shattered her expectation.