Chapter 8

Name:Heaven's Shadow Author:
Chapter 8

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Listening to Ding Dangs complaints, Lu Chen wasnt angry but instead smiles, Hey, I am just about to go out but after your words, how could I still leave? After saying those words, he stops and returns to sit by the bed side. He retrieves a piece of Spiritual Stone from some place on his body and throws it towards Ding Dangs pillow.

Ding Dangs eyes immediately shines. She delightfully stretches her hand to grab it, revealing her jade-like arms. Lu Chen laughs heartily and made use of this opportunity to sneak his hand below the blanket and squeezes her flesh with force.

Ding Dang yelps. She clenches the hand that is grabbing the Spiritual Stone and throws it a fist towards Mu Chen while her other hand grabs the blanket tightly to stop that degenerate hand of his. Just that, in the chaos of her flailing her arms and legs, he manages to get in a few touch off her warm and soft body.

Lu Chen immediately jumps away from that warm bed and walks towards the entrance of the room with large steps. Opening the door, he steps out of the room. Behind him, the coy and angry voice of a woman echoes, Damn it, there isnt a good man out there. Remember this!

The refreshing morning wind blows from the faraway tea mountain, touching the surface of the clear water of a flowing stream, creating a series of ripples. Then, it brushes by the green bamboos and delicate peach blossoms on both sides of the coast, giving a tinge of fragrance to it. Then, it flits past the Feng Yu Bridge which has algae growing on it, past the dam along the stream, past the bluestone road by the stream and finally, lightly caresses the body of those walking under the morning sun.

Lu Chen stretches his body as he releases a yawn from his mouth. A satisfied smile appears on his face. He looks around his surroundings. This village which was peaceful in the morning is the place he is staying at currently.

This place is known as Clear Stream Valley. The origin of its name came from the meandering clear stream that flows slowly and steadily through the village. Other than the deep lake under the tea mountain where the water flows from, the deepest part of stream reaches up only ones knees. On sunny days, the children of many different valleys would play in its water.

There are many pebbles in the clear stream and they come in different sizes and many differing and bizarre shapes. There are often some unknown fish swimming between these pebbles, playing around leisurely.

On the both sides of the coast of the river, there are many peach blossom trees and green bamboos. When spring arrives, the scenery here would be magnificent. Green bamboo leaves coupled with pink peach blossoms reflecting off the clear stream, creating a beautiful picture of the mountainous village.

Lu Chen wanders around and hears the crisp chirping of the birds. In the distance, the call of the roosters echoes and the many residences of the farmers on both sides of the streams appear before him. It is slightly messy without any certain order to it, but it gave the scenery the carefree touch of the countryside.

Around this time, the residents of Clear Stream Village are already out of their homes. Walking around the village, Lu Chen meets quite a few people on the road by the clear stream. To them, he either nods or greets them with a smile on his face. It seems like he is quite familiar with most of the villagers here.

After walking quite a distance, a large chinese scholar tree appears between the bluestone road and stream in front of him. It is lush with long branches and plentiful of leaves on it. There is a large rock below the tree and a fisherman wearing a coir raincoat is seated on top of it with a fishing pole in his hands.

Old Ma grabs a cloth from the back of the counter and walks over, taking stool after stool down from the table to wipe them. At the same time, he smiles and says to Lu Chen, Stop fooling around. Even if my alcohol and food are awful that even dogs refuse to approach it, you still can eat it nonchalantly.

Lu Chen continues eating in big mouthfuls, as though he didnt hear those words of Old Ma.

Old Ma isnt bothered over it as well. After wiping all of the stools in this little tavern, by the time he turns around to look, the table in of Lu Chen only has an empty bowl remaining.

The refreshing morning wind blows from the faraway tea mountain.

TL: Tea mountain probably refers to , quite a beautiful scenery.

past the bluestone road by the stream

TL: This kind of

a large chinese scholar tree appears between the bluestone

TL: The name of the sounds bad it is actually kinda pretty also. It is also known as the japanese pagoda tree.

fisherman wearing a coir raincoat

TL: Damn it why are there so many descriptive phrases. Anyway, .

Xiao Lu, I am not lying to you, there really are fishes in the water.

TL: Xiao means small, it is like a common way to call someone younger than you. For example, your name is John, so an elder may call you Xiao John (Ok it sounds weird but thats is the gist of it)

Actually, although theres no action, I think I kind of like the peacefulness :O Makes me want to live by the countryside. But nay, I think bloodshed probably will come soon