Chapter 84

Name:Heaven's Shadow Author:
Chapter 84

The black dog, Ah Tu suddenly pricked up his ears, then suddenly jumped up and stared at the door with gleaming eyes, showing his teeth and sharp fangs, with a low growl of "woo woo" in his throat, with a vicious biting look.

Outside the house there was a cry of alarm, but a moment later, suddenly a figure appeared at the door, it was Lu Chen.

Just as Lu Chen kicked it away, and immediately kicked the stupid dog over to the ground, and scolded: "Stupid dog! If you want to eat meat and bones in the future, it depends on others. Do you want to die?"

"Wooo ......" the low and vicious roar suddenly changed, the black dog Ah Tu's vicious aura disappeared in a flash, only to see its tail wagging wildly, with low and sharp humming in the mouth he ran to the door in a flash. The figure outside the threshold turned around twice, wagging his tail incessantly. Shaking his head and tail endlessly, showing no morals at all.

"Ah ...... ah!"

The person outside the house was first startled, then blurted a "eek", but laughed out a "pfft", covered her mouth and laughed: "Why is this dog so funny?"

Lu Chen raised his eyes to look, only to see outside the house on the green stone road, standing was a ten-year-old girl, apricot eyes and peach cheeks, white skin like snow, although the size of the body has not yet grown, but in the future she's bound to be a stunning beauty.

And at that moment, the little girl looked at the black dog Ah Tu bouncing around next to her, and seemed to find it very interesting. She was all smiles.

The wind blew through the alley, soft and quiet, and swept up her red-sleeved dress, floating in the wind.

At that moment, the spring breeze, the deep alley, the young girl, this scene was like a wonderful painting.

Lu Chen called out, and called back the stupid dog that was jumping around, then his eyes fell on the girl's face, and he couldn't help but admire in his heart: Although the girl in front of him is not very old, this color was really real. He has only seen in his life, it could be said that since he was a child, he has had a face that was like a disaster for the country and the people.

"Miss, is there something wrong?" Lu Chen politely asked the young girl, while glancing to the far side of the alley.

The alley was empty, and she seemed to have come here alone.

The girl pointed to the plaque that read "Black Mound Pavilion" and asked, "Is this your store?"Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then looked back and said, "...... is sort of."

The young girl smiled and nodded, then stepped in, while a pair of bright and clear eyes looked at the humble things in this store, with some curiosity, but also some cautious look.

That little girl's cheeks surged up a cloud of red, her skin looked like the skin white in red, adding a bit of beauty, she seemed to be a little dumbfounded, and said: "I, I seem to have forgotten my money."

"Well, so ah ......" Lu Chen sighed, this business is really too difficult to do.

The little girl had a hesitant expression on her face, and after a while, she said to Lu Chen with some embarrassment: "Uncle, I have an urgent need for this Cangzhuzi, can you let me take it away first, and I will send money over later... "

Halfway through speaking, she suddenly noticed that Lu Chen was staring at her with a strange face, and couldn't help but lower her voice, and couldn't help asking after a while: "Can't you?"

Lu Chen coughed and asked without answering, "What did you call me just now?"

Lu Chen coughed and asked instead of answering, "What did you just call me?"

The little girl was stunned for a moment and said, " are already the uncle of the shopkeeper at your age."

"Well ...... okay!" Lu Chen shook his head, then squarely to the little girl said: "No, you can not take the goods without money!"

The little girl was taken aback and seemed to want to say something else, but her cheeks seemed to get even redder, whispering, "I, I'm not that kind of person ...... I said I'll pay it back, I'll definitely pay it back!"

That demeanor of her bowed head posture was as if without drinking, it was enough to intoxicate people, and her eyes were full of water, enough to make the world fall for it.

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "No."

The little girl gave him a sad look and had to put the paper bag in her hand back on the counter, then turned around and walked out.

When he saw that she was about to walk to the door, Lu Chen's voice suddenly came from behind, saying, "Hey! You dropped your wallet."

The little girl's footsteps froze suddenly, and when she looked back, she saw that Lu Chen had come out from behind the counter at some point, holding a small red bag with a flower embroidered with gold thread on it.

"Ah... I was like "where was my purse?" The little girl opened her beautiful eyes wide, walked over quickly, said with a smile, and then stretched out her hand to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen let her grab the small bag, but did not let go. The little girl pulled, a little surprised and she looked at Lu Chen and said: "Uncle, why don't you let go?"

Lu Chen said, "I'll return the money pouch to you, and you also have to return the Cangzhuzi in your sleeve to me.", He said, without looking at the little girl's suddenly stiff smile, he sighed and said: " Also, don't call me uncle, it sounds weird."

** Cangzhuzi: Dried Atractylodes(it is an aromatic herb found throughout Asia especially in China)