Marcellus was currently within Castra Regina, with Sarus and Ordius by his side. For the time being, the defection of the Gothic Foederati, and Marcellus’ open rebellion remained an in house secret. He could not afford to simply march on Ravenna with his recently acquired forces. Such a thing needed much time for preparation and planning. It was because of this that Marcellus decided to stake his claim in the spring of the next year.
For the time being, Marcellus had other worries that occupied his mind. Alaric sat on his eastern border with an army of Gothic warriors at his behest. At any moment, they could flood his borders and cause a massive war to take place.
If this weren’t bad enough, Raetia remained divided, split into two smaller provinces. The Dux of the westernmost region of Raetia was a man unfamiliar to Marcellus, and he feared the man may cooperate with the approaching Roman Army sent by Honorius to claim Marcellus’ head.
If Marcellus were to survive the upcoming winter, then he would need to do two things, negotiate with Alaric, and potentially coerce him towards his side, as well as consolidate all of Raetia under his control. It was for this reason that he had dispatched a messenger towards the Dux of Raetia I.
The man in question was named Decius Flavius Primus, someone Marcellus had never actually met before. However, he commanded an army of three thousand men, men Marcellus desperately wanted to incorporate into his army.
The two of them had some correspondence via letters over the past couple of weeks, and had agreed to meet within the villa of Castra Regina. The appointed hour was drawing near, and Marcellus was growing anxious. Despite this, Sarus seemed to be in a good mood. He was confident that Marcellus could convince the other Dux to join his side. After all, Olympius’ rise in power was a threat to all of Rome. Especially those who maintained the borders.
Suddenly the doors to the villa bursted open, and a man in the armor of a Roman General entered the scene. Primus was a man in his late thirties, or perhaps his early forties. He had medium hair that had begun to gray, and a matching beard.
He was relatively tall for a Roman, much like Marcellus, and had the robust figure of a warrior who had spent his life fighting battles on the frontier. He held his plumed helmet under one arm, and proudly strode into the center of the Villa where he greeted Marcellus.
“I presume you are Titus Claudius Marcellus? It is an honor to meet a man of such renown. I know why you have asked me to come here, and I will let you know before our negotiations take place that I am interested in what you have to say. However, even so, it will not be easy to buy my loyalty.”
Marcellus stood before the man and sized him up with his eyes. After the two had waged a little war with their gaze, Marcellus smiled before bringing Primus to the dining hall where Sigefrida and the other house slaves had prepared a feast.
“For now, let us eat. I am sure the journey was a long and treacherous one. Enjoy the fruits of my land. We can discuss matters of importance over a nice meal.”