Chapter 380 Kyle & Lilith (Part 2)

Name:Hellbound Heart Author:
Chapter 380 Kyle & Lilith (Part 2)

Lilith's gaze widened in astonishment, locking onto Kyle, who returned her look with a soft smile, his grey eyes sparkling.

"When... when did you..." she faltered, still caught off guard by his unexpected consciousness.

He extended his hand, gently caressing her face, his smile slowly dissipating. "Why do you look so sad? Is it because you think you couldn't do anything for me?"

Words failed her as she opened her mouth, speechless. Sad? Was that the emotion her face was betraying at this moment?

"Would your sadness dissipate if I asked something of you?" he continued, his thumb tenderly brushing her cheek.

Lilith found herself immobilized, bewildered about how to react or respond.

Nonetheless, she nodded, not wishing to imply there was another reason for her demeanor, which he interpreted as sadness. Cheêck out latest novels at

"Then, would you sleep next to me?" he proposed, surprising her further.

He tilted his head slightly, his tone laced with a hint of mischief. "What's the matter? Is the queen feeling shy?"

Her face flushed slightly as her lips parted, her reaction eliciting a chuckle from him, which only intensified Lilith's embarrassment. What was happening to her at this moment?

The smile on his face had vanished, replaced by a searching gaze in his grey eyes. Whatever he discerned in her eyes sparked a flurry of intense emotions, among which hurt was unmistakably present. He swiftly concealed it, however, and offered a gentle smile as he tenderly caressed her lips with his thumb.

Lilith, anticipating a kiss, found herself instead pulled back into his embrace, as if he were clinging to life itself. He released a shaky breath, enveloping her in a silence that spoke volumes.

No words were exchanged, yet the understanding passed between them through that silent exchange. His reaction, his understanding, began to pain her more than anything else. She had hoped, that over the past ten years, his memories of her would have faded, or his feelings would have dulled. But the way he held her, with the same intensity as the last time she bid him farewell, indicated that nothing had changed for him.

For what felt like an eternity, they remained in silence. Her throat hurt, her chest tight. She knew she was hurting him again, but she also knew there was nothing she could do. She couldn't choose him over her duty, couldn't die for him, couldn't sacrifice her identity as a witch and the witch queen for him.

Closing her eyes to prevent tears from spilling, she steeled herself and broke the painful silence. "Are you... just going to hug me like this until you wake up tomorrow?" she asked, trying to mask the hurt in her voice. "I thought you wanted to do everything you've longed to do with me before you wake up."

His grip loosened, and their gazes met once more. This time, there was an unfathomable fire in his eyes. "I wonder if... your answer would remain the same if I tell you what I wanted to do with you, Lilith," he said, his voice deep and hoarse.

She found herself momentarily lost in his gaze before replying, "My answer will not change." His eyes dilated, seemingly struggling to believe her resolve.

Surprised by her words, he remained silent, his gaze fixed on her as if anticipating more. "Your brother told me that except for your vampire heartbeats, all of your vampiric abilities vanished when that woman's spirit was destroyed forever. However, he said you will eventually regain everything and return to your usual self soon after you wake up."

Realization dawned in his eyes, but before Lilith could gauge his reaction to losing all his powers and abilities, he rolled over her. "So this is why you said 'yes' so confidently, huh? Because I'm practically human now, and nothing harmful will happen even if we—"

"That's...!" she interjected, her face flushing red. "I can't believe sex is the first thing you think of after finding out you're practically human now!"

He tilted his head, a devilish smile playing across his angelic face, causing her to momentarily lose her breath. "Sex... when did I say I'm thinking about that, my queen?" he teased.