Chapter 384 Light and Darkness - Part 2

Name:Hellbound Heart Author:
384 Light and Darkness - Part 2

Alicia and Zeke reappeared onto the sprawling terrace of a castle perched atop mountains as sharp and imposing as the claws of a colossal dragon. The sky above was purple-black, a dusk that seemingly knew no dawn, while the mountains themselves were shrouded in the obsidian shades of twilight. Despite the clarity of the sky, not a single star dared to twinkle as if this world was devoid of any celestial bodies.

Shifting her gaze from the sky to the structure before her, Alicia stared. This castle wasn't the one she remembered. This structure dwarfed the previous one in both size and height! "This castle is... massive." She whispered, still awed at its spires that seemed to be stretching toward the heavens to stake a claim among the gods themselves.

Zeke followed her gaze. "This is the second-largest stronghold in the underworld. It was once the seat of the so-called strongest prince."

"Did you and Gav kill this so-called strongest prince, and that's why this castle is yours now?"

"We defeated him, and the castle fell to us," he answered. "But unfortunately, he is still alive somewhere. Come, let's get inside."

Zeke then gathered her in his arms, lifting her as effortlessly. "I don't feel as weak as I do in our world right now, my husband. You don't need to cradle me as though I'm a sick, fragile princess."

"I know." Zeke's voice was a gentle rumble. "But indulge me in this, Alicia. I want to care for you every moment that we share here... every minute, every second."

"Oh dear... please don't overdo it Ezekiel... I might just melt." Alicia beamed as she reached out and lovingly pinched Zeke's cheek. "But who am I to say no when my husband wishes to spoil me?"

Before Zeke could say a word, Alicia's body lifted from the ground and she floated effortlessly towards the ceiling. Surrounded by the enveloping darkness of the underworld, she appeared ethereal, like a glowing angel suspended in a void.

"Oh, goodness... I can't believe this!! My power is truly back! All of it, Ezekiel!" Her voice, that was filled with excitement, echoed, causing Zeke to just stand there, watching her hover above with a dreamy expression painting his features.

From her elevated position, she looked down at Zeke. "Want to make love with me, hm, dear husband? Catch me if you can."

Zeke's smirked. "Are you seriously challenging me right now, my wife?" he called out.

Alicia laughed, her voice resonating in the vastness of the hall. "I most certainly am, my husband!"

With the ease of one born to command the elements, Zeke's wings unfurled and the next moment, he was chasing after Alicia. Alicia's speed hastened as she darted across the ceiling, her silver hair trailing behind her like a comet's tail as Zeke pursued her. Glancing back at Zeke, Alicia's eyes sparkled as she dared him playfully. "You'll have to be faster than that, dear husband!" she teased before she weaved and spiraled through the air. She truly moved with the freedom and grace of someone rediscovering a long-lost part of themselves.

Zeke simply smiled, his glinting eyes never leaving her. In truth, at that moment, Zeke felt like he was falling in love with Alicia all over again. He had been scared that Alicia wouldn't even smile anymore after her separation with Azy so watching her laughing and enjoying herself right now was just... Zeke felt his heart brimming with utter relief and gladness.

Right now, he just really wished that she would be able to keep smiling like that, at least for a little bit longer. He wanted nothing more than to preserve this moment, to extend their little game so that her smile might linger just a while longer.

And so, he skillfully guided their aerial dance, ensuring their playful chase continued, drawing out the time where they could just be lost in the moment, away from the burdens and shadows of their reality. As they moved through the air, the sound of Alicia's laughter echoed like a melody within him, a tune he wished to play on an endless loop. Until Alicia was about to reach the dead end, towards a section of the castle that Zeke preferred to keep hidden from her.

With a sudden burst of speed, Zeke closed the gap between them. As their bodies meeting in mid-air in a tender collision, his arms encircled her in a gentle, yet firm grasp, bringing their game to a sweet end. "Caught you, Alicia," he declared with a triumphant grin and Alicia's laughter rang out in the darkness once again. Cheêck out latest novels at