ack at the hotel, Ji An packed up his things and downloaded the electronic navigation system from his mobile phone, ready to drive away from s city immediately.

The hotel attendant knocked on the door and handed her a package: "a guest asked me to bring it to you. Please sign for it."

"Master, I will check it first."

When he heard the electronic sound, he looked at the metal face under his mask. The waiter was so scared that he almost fainted.

It's been detected. There are no bombs or toxic gases.

Xiao Xi gave the contents to Ji An'an.

It's a recording pen and a velvet jewelry box.

Ji An frowned. Who is it? Someone delivered the meal yesterday. Isn't it true?

Opening the lid of the velvet box, she saw a black diamond earring.

Gu Nancheng!

Ji An pursed her lips. She was so familiar with the earrings that he had worn on his ears since he was a teenager.

Her initials are engraved on the back of the earrings

Ji An took it to the light and saw the tiny handwriting QM.

Press the recorder, and the voice of Xin Keqi comes:

[my brother's condition is getting worse, and he has a severe attack, and he is going to die. He wants to see you - Miss Ji, can you come and see my brother? He is thin and poor. When he is suffering from illness, he always shouts a thousand foam ]

Ji An's tears fell down unconsciously.

She has seen Gu Nancheng attack with her own eyes, and she has been tortured by the disease.

Already Is that serious? Didn't he just give her the crystal for two months? There should be time!

October pregnancy, she was pregnant for a month, originally calculated after the baby was born, Gu Nancheng still has a month of life.

She gave him the crystal with the child.

She was afraid that she would die and he would follow her.

But if they can have a child, it is not only to compensate him, but also to live with him.

Gu Nancheng's character, she is too clear, must not give up her children, will strive to live for this.

My brother has been in s city all the time. He knows that you have returned to Shaoxi's side. He has given you the crystal and a happy future. Can you come and see him before he dies? He really missed you. ]

"Gu Nancheng Sorry... "

Ji'an squatted down with tears in a string.

[I've already parked my car at the door of the hotel. If you want to come, get off the car and see a black Toyota car with license plate number of XXX. Just get on the car. Naturally, someone will bring you here. However, you can only come here alone. You can't carry others with you. Especially the robot around you who has hurt me many times! ]

after hearing about Gu Nancheng's illness, Ji'an has no thinking. He just wants to take out the crystal and return it to him immediately, and doesn't want him to suffer any more.

I don't want to help you. If not, he would die lonely and miserable ]

the recording stops here.

Ji An didn't know that once the recorder was turned on, it would automatically wash off after listening to it once.

She ran to the terrace and looked out at the side of the road. Sure enough, there was a black car parked and two black uniformed bodyguards were waiting in front of the car.

"Xiao Xi, you wait for me at home. I'll be back soon." Ji'an opened the function of guarding the family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!