Beiming Shaoxi frowned and could not count how many times he fell down and got up again from the snow.

The knee was worn to the bone, and he didn't know the pain at all

Frown tightly, in the snow brain explosion pain not only, can not tell which is the way home.

In his mind echoes the words of Ji'an in the globe, her grievances and unspeakable love for him.

He thought of Ji'an's promise to him that no matter what happened, he would not push him away or leave him behind

She promised him to accompany him forever, although he drove her away in the end.

But she also said that she would be with him as long as he needed to.

She said that seeing him hurt, she hurt more than him

Beiming Shaoxi looks at the rubbed hands, and his breath becomes weaker and weaker.

Beiming night Chen's car is far away, holding a telescope to pay attention to the action of Beiming Shaoxi.

Watching the big boss fall down and get up countless times, as long as he can stand up, he will refuse his help.

Ji'an said that he couldn't be found out by Beiming Shaoxi. He could only carry him back to the manor after he collapsed and fainted completely. But his physical strength was amazing.

After walking for more than an hour, Beiming Shaoxi, like a slow-moving old man, still refused to fall.



The sky suddenly across dry thunder, a heavy rain with snow is coming.

Beiming Shaoxi's eyes are empty and his mind is like entering a strange circle. He wants to go home. Where Ji An'an is there is home.

There is Ji'an in Beiming manor and Ji'an in the villa of Beiming yechen

His spirit was so close to disorder that he was on the verge of collapse.

Suddenly, two big lights came from afar.

Beiming Shaoxi's face, hands and knees were severely abraded. His slippers had long been unknown where he was flying. His two socks stepped on the road so far, and his big foot was as unconscious as his illness.

Bentley led the team, followed by a long line of cars.

A woman came down from the car door and ran towards him from afar

"Shaoxi --"

her eyes are full of tears, and she tears as she walks.

Beiming Shaoxi frowned, like a man walking in hell. Finally, she arrived

Xin Keqi left the main driveway with his bodyguard, stepped on the thick snow and fell down a few steps.

The lips of Beiming Shaoxi are dark purple, his face is as stiff as a ghost, and his body seems to be frozen and frozen.

He stood still, facing the final collapse of the spiritual world.

Boom, boom When the rain came, a soft body rushed into his arms.

He didn't smell the fragrance that belonged to Ji'an on her body. It wasn't her, it was her

The world in the hypnotic dreamland was like the end of the world. All the cities collapsed in his mind. The faces of all the characters turned into cracked porcelain pieces, mottled and broken into nothingness.

[Beiming Shaoxi ]


I love you. I will marry you. ]

"wake up

No matter what happens, I will never leave you again. ]

"Why are you still in a daze? Carry him to the car!"

Past and reality, reality and illusion Countless memories shuttle overlapping, and all like a broken mirror

The body of Beiming Shaoxi is freezing into ice. The high temperature is frightening.

His legs were immersed in the snow for a long time. If he fainted in the snow for more than half an hour, he would not freeze to death, and would be disabled to high amputation because of blood circulation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!