Skillfully press password, fingerprint verification, pupil verification, infrared scanning
The stone door opens and Locke steps down.
Here, it is a pure high-tech underground laboratory.
Smart instruments, transparent glass partitions, countless glass boxes, some scientists in white coats, busy in the workshop.
As soon as Locke came in, the Panther, who had been squatting in front of the glass lattice, walked with elegant steps and walked on tiptoe.
"Good boy, you've done well," Locke praised, stroking his head, grinning coldly as he watched the dark man floating in the liquid, his long eyelashes drooping, and his face pale to death.
Gu Nan Cheng sleeps in the instrument forever like sinking in the boundless darkness.
Locke knelt in front of him on one leg and watched him guard the king for the first time
"Little Lord, crystal I found it. "
Gu Nancheng, frozen in the liquid, can't hear his voice of course.
Locke's handsome face aroused excitement, stood up and stroked Gu Nancheng's face through the glass.
Of course, he knows that if Gu Nancheng wakes up, he knows that this crystal was dug out of Ji An'an's body
Gu Nan Cheng will give up the crystal to Ji An'an at all costs.
Locke's eyes burst out a trace of vicious light. As long as Ji'an lives and needs crystal, Gu Nancheng will give her the only chance to live!
The only way to drink is to let her die!
"Lord Locke, the fighters are ready." The voice from the Bluetooth headset.
Locke was playing with the crystal in his hand, at all costs: "attack."
"The air raid shelter under Marissa's hotel was attacked by the power of Beiming master. He found it..."
"They are not important. They should concentrate all their energies on Su Qianmo."
Su Qianmo is Gu Nancheng's love in this life. His strongest armor is also his weakest weakness.
Take off this rib, the little Lord will return to the nature of darkness, from now on, there will be no weakness, impeccable
"Uncle will, baby is hungry"
Leo's small face is dirty, but he is very strong.
Will was coming out of the door, wiping his sleeve twice with a dagger in his hand.
It took him many days to untie the rope.
Just taking advantage of the negligence of defense, he ran out and killed two of them. Unfortunately, it was a big problem to take two children, one infant, to escape from the air raid shelter, which is full of organs and bodyguard rob.
So -
will wisely said, "I grabbed a box of drumsticks from them."
Leo puffed his face: "really? Leo's best porridge is chicken drumsticks... "
"Here you are, all for you to eat." Will gave him a box of drumsticks. He must be hungry.
"Foam god horse time to 9 baby It's just like foam... "
"Soon, the young master must be trying to find a way." Will picked up little ash and was at a loss.
At the beginning, when Shaoxi of Beiming was lying in the hospital, Xin Keqi came back with a strange hypnotist. Will regretted that if he had stood firm and refused to treat the young master, he would not have been hypnotized.
Weil didn't know that Locke was a hypnotist, but Xin Keqi introduced him to be a famous overseas brain and skull expert.
After sleeping for half a year, Shaoxi of Beiming is about to become a vegetable
Will has looked for any doctor, tried everything! , the fastest update of the webnovel!