Chapter 610 - Moment Of Truth

Name:Hell's Consort Author:
Newest  Chapter For Highest Tier (July 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


Without holding anything back, Luna told him what happened from the moment she was carried to Ravin's Kingdom in the First Circle of Hell after the huge white lotus, to which the Archdemons called the Armor of God, eaten her spat her out.

Ravin even speculated that it was the exact moment her soul tie with the Archdemon of Lust was cut off due to an Archangel's help.

She didn't remember all of that because she was unconscious when she drowned herself in the defrosted lake in Luxen's Kingdom at the Second Circle.

Ravin understood, and even Sloth agreed—that perhaps, the Archangel erased her memory after the cord-cutting when she returned her to Hell.

She noticed quite late that it was already gone like it wasn't even there in the first place, and Luna didn't dare leave any information behind. It was quite a long story since the events followed from one situation to another as quick as a lightning flash that she could hardly keep up, especially since she was out of it.

Luna further explained that she was unconscious for three days because the Angel Dust had seeped into her pores.

While she was insentient in her bed, Ravin tried his best to remove the golden specks of glittering dust on her body with the help of his imps through diligently rubbing the cloth again and again until her snow-white complexion grew red from the constant friction.

Still, her condition got worse that Ravin had no choice but to strip— Luna had to pause when he witnessed Apollyon's clenched his jaw and the hand leaning on the mattress crumpled the fists on the bedsheets.

Apollyon's features hardened all the while staring at her with icy blue eyes that she wondered if her husband's soul was still in those hidden depths.

Her eyes widened with fear from the emptiness and cold rage emanating from his aura that she hesitated if she should continue.

Luna went on as she averted her gaze from time to time in discomfort, telling her that Ravin assisted her in bathing her himself.

The water mixed with demon blood and other nameless liquids and solids, but they still didn't work. 

He suggested that licking her was the only cure to this Archdemon's bane, and Luna agreed simply because she wanted Ravin to ingest the Angel Dust and perish.

Unfortunately, her wish didn't come true, and Luna had to endure the consequences. 

Some parts of the story were elaborated in great detail, but she considered her husband's feelings.

She wasn't about to expose how much of a bad a wife she really was for what she allowed to let the Archdemon Gluttony do to her.

Luna tolerated Ravin's behavior, so it was her fault.

Nostrils flaring to accommodate his harsh breaths, Apollyon's arm muscles flexed when he placed a finger below her chin as he forced her to look at him. 

"Wife."Apollyon said under his breath, "Why did you have to let him do that?"

"I thought about it, really, Apollyon." It burned her throat just by coming in contact with her tongue's saliva, but it didn't seem to affect Ravin. "I tried to remove them myself, but I had a huge reaction to it." 

"I think that's because you were an Archdemon." Then, he asked in a carefully controlled tone as Apollyon gritted his teeth, "Why wasn't Ravin affected by the Angel Dust if he was an Archdemon?"

"I don't know. I always wondered about that." Luna answered, unsure, as her soul cried in humiliation. "Maybe he was stronger."

He didn't want to admit that her involvement with Ravin and Luxen emasculated him.

It didn't feel good to be cuckolded, even if it was for his wife's health and freedom.

But he had no choice because he wasn't there to help her, and she did what she can to survive.

Hopefully, her husband appreciated the honesty. 

"I'm sorry, husband. I'm really sorry for that incident." Apollyon's eyes seemed to soften from the apology. "I am at the mercy of these Archdemons. They made it their source of entertainment to crush my willpower."

His jaw was set. "You just tore my pride as the Vampire King to shreds, beloved." 

"It takes a lot of strength to say 'no' from Ravin's offer." Guilt stabbed her through the heart as she reasoned out. "All I wanted to do was get away from there as fast as possible." 

Apollyon sank his lower body into hers, and her tall and slender frame fit perfectly to his larger shape."I'm just worried, wife. You still haven't removed the blood bond with Ravin. I wonder if he reacts to your sweet scent just like it did me because of the pregnancy. You know how blood-bonded mates are."

"The Archdemon didn't act wild and possessive, though."

"I notice that he likes to be around you at all times compared to that  Sloth." Luna held her as Apollyon complained angrily, "He likes to touch you."

"I already told him not to. Just think of him as my Familiar instead of a mate, husband, and we will be alright."

He swallowed her words with another kiss, coaxing her to respond with his tongue, and she did with fervor. 

Luna cherished every one of them because that was how she knew that he still wanted her and did not treat her with disgust as if there was no salvation for her for what happened in the past.

If this was her husband's trick to get more kisses from her, then his plan had worked.

"You must know that I don't want him, and nothing happened between us." Luna said as she tugged him in her embrace, "Ravin had respected my wishes not to force me into anything related to sex, and he did. After eliminating the angelic dust, he just left me to sleep alone in the Pleasure Room."

"I was sleeping peacefully, so exhausted from the dread shame shrouding me in a dark cloud because you might think I am cheating you with him. " She added sincerely, "Nothing happened, Apollyon. You must believe me when I say so. You must believe your wife instead of those Archdemons, Apollyon. Whatever it is, you have to believe in me first. That's all I ask for."


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