"Is that so?" Ouyang Hao looked at the middle aged man with a dark expression.

"Tell me, how do you plan to settle this matter today?" Then, as if he had calmed down, Ouyang Hao asked the middle-aged man.

"Please speak, I can accept whatever you say today. I only hope that Young Master Ouyang can let my family go. " The middle aged man spoke to Ouyang Hao as if he was resigned to his fate.

"Although I can't say your name, it's still simple if I want to know. You actually offended my esteemed guest, I really can't think of any way to forgive you. Is it because our Ouyang Family hasn't made a move in a long time? Everyone wants to dance with me now." Ouyang Hao did not reply to the middle aged man's words. Instead, it was as if he had said a bunch of nonsense.

The middle aged man was not sure how Ouyang Hao would feel about it, as long as he let out the word out, many people would be willing to settle this issue. But Lu Fei was truly unable to see through him, even though he clearly had such good skills, and yet, he gave Ni Xier such a bodyguard in front of him. It was not like Ouyang Hao had not looked into Lu Fei's information before, but he did not find out anything, which caused Ouyang Hao to be very surprised, in this province, it was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

However, Lu Fei's performance almost made Ouyang Hao spit blood. Lu Fei calmly watched, and it was as if he did not hear what Ouyang Hao said, or what he did not say to them, made Ouyang Hao punch himself hard on cotton.

"I don't dare, I don't dare." The middle aged man saw Ouyang Hao's expression and spoke quickly.

His own family was still in the city, and now that he was in the middle of middle age, he did not hope for Ouyang Hao to let him go, he only hoped that the other party would not harm his family.

"You can go back first, you'll know how to resolve today's matter, and you'd better not think about escaping. I think I still have the strength to prevent you from escaping here." Ouyang Hao said to the middle aged man as if he was waving a fly.

Looking at Ouyang Hao's expression, the middle-aged man knew that the conclusion to the matter was already set, so he did not say anymore words about begging for forgiveness, and walked far away with a face as ashen as if he had died. Seeing the situation, the gold lady beside her did not chase up to the middle aged man, but instead knelt down towards Ouyang Hao and begged for forgiveness.

"Young Master Ouyang, if your excellency doesn't remember this lowly one, then let me go. I was muddle-headed for a moment, I want you to apologize." He looked at Ouyang Hao and said with his mucus all over his nose.

"I was wrong. Please let me go. I do not dare to do it again. I really know what to do." At first, she did not plan to do so, but seeing that Ouyang Hao had been standing there without moving and had been staring at him, the Gold Substitute knew that this matter was still up to Ni Xier.

When she heard Ouyang Hao say that he wanted her to disappear, she was so scared that she shivered. She knew what that meant as she wanted to kill him, but there were so many people now that Ouyang Hao couldn't just say it out loud.

"I think we should forget about it. If they are punished like this, then we can forget about it." Ni Xier could not bear to see the golden girl that was still kowtowing to him, and begged for mercy.

"Consider yourself lucky today. Director Ni will help you plead for mercy, otherwise …" Ouyang Hao did not finish half his sentence, but everyone understood the meaning behind his words.

"Thank you, Young Master Ouyang, and thank you too, Director Ni." Gold Daughter said gratefully.

"Hurry up and get lost!" Ouyang Hao said to the Gold Daughter in annoyance.

"If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have done it this way!" muttered to himself as he watched the back of the golden woman.

"Some people are born with cheap bones. If you don't teach them a lesson, they won't be obedient. If you didn't have any status today, things wouldn't be like this." Hearing Ni Xier's words, Lu Fei pointed out.

Lu Fei had always been a human being with regards to the law of the jungle, and had always been at a disadvantage when it came to cutting grass without removing its roots. If this was in the case where Lu Fei was used to being a person, he would never be able to return alive, no matter what they did, they wouldn't even think of what Ouyang Hao said.

Just like those believers, they clearly had nothing, yet they could think of some kind of human bomb that could cause great losses to their enemies. They could also sacrifice their own lives, but in the eyes of those believers, these were all worth it.

"That sounds reasonable, but I can't accept it." Ni Xier said to Lu Fei. No matter how strong Ni Xier was, he was still a woman, so these things were still unacceptable, and she was not Lu Fei, and she lived in a time of peace, and what was true was that a shopping mall was like a battlefield, but in the end, a shopping mall meant that you lost everything. But on the battlefield, you lost your life.

"I'm just spouting nonsense, don't worry about it." Lu Fei consoled when he saw his troubled face.

Ni Xier did not continue to talk about what just happened, and pretended as if nothing had happened.