Without waiting for the two to catch their breath, Lu Fei turned to the two of them and said: "This place is not suitable for training, stop here, let's go to the abandoned factory yesterday. It just so happens that I'm doing some activities as well, so I'll run over with you guys. "

But as Lu Fei increased his pace, the two of them could no longer keep up. The two of them had just fought two great battles, and almost exhausted all of their energy to follow Lu Fei, and since they were not satisfied with the speed, they were running at their utmost, so from observing the two of them fighting, Lu Fei could tell how much energy the two of them had, so how could he let the two of them feel relaxed?

"So stylish!" "If only I could be my boyfriend!"

The people around them looked at the three running and discussed amongst themselves. The way they ran was too eye-catching, ordinary people would not run as fast as these three if they were in a hurry, even if they were in a hurry. The three looked as if something big had happened to them.

The three of them did not care about the discussions around them, and continued to run, and in front of the eyes of the people around, Lu Fei and Ma Hong had already blocked their view and comments, but seeing that Lu Fei did not say anything, and did not have any intention to stop, the two of them followed Lu Fei and continued to run.

Lu Fei intentionally doing so, the two of them placed too much importance on face and honor, if they did not break this concept, then even if the two of them did not improve, it would not be by much, but of course Lu Fei would not let the two of them do anything that would cause trouble for the masses, it would not be because of their good mindsets, it was something that only a bunch of fools would do.

When they reached the factory where the three went to yesterday, Lu Fei did not let the two of them rest, and instead shouted at them: "Immediately make five hundred pushups."

After the two of them did some pushups, Lu Fei called the two hoodlums that he taught them a lesson before, and told them to give him a stool and some food.

The two of them were working quite efficiently, not long later, they drove a truck over, inside it were the things that Lu Fei wanted, seeing that the two of them had brought a lot of people over, Lu Fei looked at Zhang Wenfeng and his thoughts went astray.

"Don't be in such a hurry to leave, am I a tiger or a lion? I can eat you two? " Lu Fei looked at the two who were about to escape.

"Then, what other orders do you have for us brothers to give you? If you want to speak, we will definitely do it for you." Zhang Wenfeng said to Lu Fei obsequiously.

"Can you trust these people?" Lu Fei did not reply the two, but asked the two instead.

"These people are definitely not a problem. They are all my trusted aides. I can trust them." Zhang Wenliang hurriedly replied to Lu Fei.

"That's good. Since I'm training these two now, I don't have anything to do when I have nothing to do, so why don't you let your subordinates train with you as well. If you two want to train with them as well, then do it as well." Lu Fei said to the two brothers.

"It's fine, it's fine, how could anything happen to me!" Lu Fei's martial arts was something that they had personally experienced before, and now that they had the chance to get Lu Fei to give them pointers, how could the two of them refuse?

Right now, he had to set up a underworld, but there were too few underlings, other than Liu Xuefeng and him, there was not a single other person that he could take out. To tame those unimportant lackeys, Lu Fei was very interested, in China, where one does not have a spear, only one's fist was the biggest, if he had a lot of brave battle generals under his command, he would not have to worry about the underworld.

"You guys follow these two and do push-ups first. Just do one-third of what they do." Lu Fei said to Zhang Wenliang.

Hearing Lu Fei's words, Zhang Wenfeng immediately called for the people around him, and followed Ma Hong. When they came, everyone already noticed the two, but hearing Lu Fei say that he would only take on a third of the job, they were not very convinced. They held their breaths, and decided to do the same thing the two did.

A lot of people think that you need money to do whatever you want, but there are times when society still retains the rule that the fist is the boss. To give a simple example, there is a huge gap in international status between a country with an atomic bomb and a country without one.

From Lu Fei's point of view, as long as they had power and people, the rest would be easy to handle. It's not like Lu Fei didn't have money, because his business wasn't in Hua Xia, but he could still take out the money.

"What are you two looking at? Do you feel like the requests that I have for you all have decreased? Hurry up and finish all of these push-ups. You all still have other tasks. " Lu Fei looked at the duo who were in a daze and said.

After doing the push-ups that Lu Fei specified, the two of them did not feel tired. The amount of training they did was similar to what they had done in the past, but of course, they would not feel relaxed after doing all of these, as the quantity was still there!

Looking at Ma Hong and Yue Yang who had finished doing push-ups, Zhang Wenliang could not help but ask: "Big Brother, how many push-ups did these two people do, we also have a count."

"They made five hundred each. There are five of you in total, so you don't have to be too many. Adding all of them together, you can make as much as they make on your own." Lu Fei looked at them and said.

"What?" Five or five hundred. " The hoodlums who were called over said in disbelief, and then looked at the two of them with admiration, some could not help but sneakily glance at Lu Fei, since he could train such a strong person, his level must be very high too.

"That's enough, don't be surprised. Not only are you guys done doing push-ups, there are other tasks as well." Lu Fei picked up a piece of watermelon and ate while speaking to the rest of the people. Everyone was extremely greedy and could not help but swallow their saliva when they saw Lu Fei.

"You two take this, hold it over your heads, and start squatting. You don't have to squat too deep, no one will sit on three hundred of them. " Lu Fei took out the dumbbell Zhang Wenfeng had brought over, and said to Zheng Qiang and Ma Hong.

Hearing Lu Fei's words, the two of them immediately walked towards Lu Fei, picked up the dumbbell, and silently squatted down. The two of them had experienced some kind of demonic training with idleness. Compared to Lu Fei's training, the two's previous training was much too easy.