"I think so too." laughed. The other party knew that he could no longer change the situation, so he might as well accept this reality.

… ….

"I'm going to invite people from the construction site to a meal. What do you think?" Ni Xier said to Lu Fei.

"Is there even a need to ask me? "You're the one who decides, CEO!" Lu Fei said without the slightest hesitation.

"Then I'll go and talk to Old Wang now." After Ni Xier finished speaking, she turned around and left.

"Sigh!" Have you heard? "There's no need to work today, the salary is still being paid as usual, and the boss still wants to treat us to a meal."

"Aren't you daydreaming? How could there be such a good thing, and it's all up to us. "

"That seems to be true. I heard about it too."

"It can't be, I'll go ask King Head."

Old Wang quickly relayed what Ni Xier had said to him, and everyone started to discuss about it.

Today, the reason I'm treating everyone to a meal is mainly to thank everyone. You've paid so much for this place, so I should have invited you to this meal a long time ago, but I haven't been able to make time for it. Ni Xier said as she looked at the gathered people.

Following that, the group majestically rushed to Rose Manor, it could be said to be one of the top restaurants in the entire city, Ni Xier had spent a large amount of money to rent this place, but with regards to all of these, Ni Xier felt that it was worth it.

"Work friends, do you think we should let Director Ni say a few words before we eat?" said to the others as he ate.

"That's right, Director Ni, say a few words, otherwise, we won't be able to eat at ease."

"The king is right!"

"Say a few words, say a few words."

When the people below heard Old Wang's words, they started to cheer him on.

"Since everyone has said so, then I will say a few words. The main reason for inviting everyone to dinner is to thank everyone, and without you guys, the construction site wouldn't have been built like this. I won't say anymore, I just hope that everyone can eat happily and play happily today." After saying that, Ni Xier finished the wine in her cup in one gulp.

Everyone saw Ni Xier directly finishing her own wine, they all raised their wine cups and drank. It was not like they had never met a good boss before, but it was still the first time for people like Ni Xier.

Lu Fei did not participate in any of these matters, he only drank two cups of wine at a corner. With here, Lu Fei did not think that anything would happen to Ni Xier at this time.

"Little girl, now let me see where your Qing Gao went!" I'll show you what a real woman is tonight. " While Lu Fei was still drinking his wine alone, a wretched voice came from not too far away, attracting Lu Fei's attention.

"Let me go, let me go, or I'll call the police." The woman the man was carrying said subconsciously.

"Don't even think about it, unless you don't want your face anymore. I'm telling you, I'll record the entire process of us. When that happens, we'll have a memorial." The man smiled sinisterly at the girl in his arms as he supported the awning that had been erected earlier.

"Leave the person here, you can leave now!" Lu Fei stopped the man and spoke rudely to him. Today was the day Ni Xier invited the workers to dinner, so Lu Fei did not want to blow the matter, of course, if the man did not know his place, he would be blamed.

"Brat, who do you think you are? Can't you see that I'm really being intimate with my girlfriend? What are you doing here? "If you don't have anything to say, then hurry up and scram!" Initially, the man was still feeling excited, but after hearing what Lu Fei said, he felt that it was a little depressing.

"Sir, please save me. I'm not his girlfriend at all. He drugged me, so I can't move right now." Hearing that there was someone who helped her fight against the injustice, she immediately spoke to Lu Fei.

"Jane, stop messing around. I will definitely buy the gift for you. Let's go home now." The man looked at the girl in his arms with a sincere expression.

"Xiang Zhengtian, stop pretending, hurry up and let me go." The woman said rudely.

"Alright, stop acting here. I heard what you said just now, so I advise you to let go. I'll let you go today, since I'm in a good mood." Lu Fei said unceremoniously as he looked at the other party.

"F * ck, I want to see what you can do to me. Also, look at how I made you want to die tonight." Xiang Zhengtian put the lady down and walked towards Lu Fei angrily. He extended his hand out to grab Lu Fei's collar.

Lu Fei stopped thinking about anything else and retreated backwards to dodge. Then, he grabbed Xiang Zhengtian's hand and pulled him back a little.

"You are truly a person who doesn't care about face at all even if you're given a bit of face. Yet, you still insist on forcing me to attack you." Lu Fei said as he slapped the opponent's face.

"Who is this brat, he actually dares to meddle in young master's matters. Could it be that the other party doesn't know that he is the young master of Rose Manor?"

"Exactly, what kind of prestige does this kid have? Isn't he throwing himself in there too?"

"What a pity for such a young fellow."

When the surrounding people saw Lu Fei's actions, they looked at him with a regretful expression and said. The surrounding people did not think that Lu Fei's status was stronger than Xiang Zhengtian's.

"Brat, you actually dared to hit me. I think you don't want to get out of here in one piece. "Security!" As he spoke, Xiang Zhengtian shouted towards his surroundings.

"Pah!" You really can't see the situation clearly. Don't you know what I'm talking about? With you here, how could anything happen to me? " Lu Fei slapped the other party again, and said while looking at him with a face of disdain.

"Eh!" Brother, let's just forget about this matter here. I won't look for trouble with you, put me down now. " With his head lowered, Xiang Zhengtian still had a face full of resentment. When he raised his head, he changed his appearance completely, and started begging for mercy towards Lu Fei.

felt that he did not need to fight with Lu Fei, this foolish youth. As long as released him and the security guards were to come, he would be able to take care of no matter what he wanted to do.

"Seeing that you've returned like this, I'll let you go. But I'll tell you if you're despicable or not. You can only behave after I beat you up." Lu Fei wanted to throw Xiang Zhengtian aside as if he was trash, and said disdainfully.