You know each other!

After hearing what Qiu Yanyun had said, the Mr. Zheng did not stay any longer and directly left with his tail between his legs. Before he left, he did not forget to take revenge on Lu Fei even once.

"Wait a minute, let me take the call. I said, are you going to pick me up? I've been here for so long, but I haven't even seen your shadow, and I was almost taught a lesson. " Lu Fei waved his hand at Qiu Yanyun, and picked up his own phone, speaking into the phone.

"Alright, I'm at the southern gate of the airport now. Hurry up and come pick me up!" With that, Lu Fei hung up the phone.

"Who was it that just called you!?" Qiu Yanyun wanted to stay and see what the people in the dragon-group were like. She had not told her about the few people from the dragon-group and she also didn't want to go back so early, so she stayed behind.

"Even if I told you, you wouldn't know. You'll know when he comes over later." Lu Fei replied.

Not long later, a black SUV stopped in front of the two of them. It was just an ordinary SUV, but if one looked at the license plate carefully, they would not think this way. Military A00010 was not something that could be driven by an ordinary person.

"Can't you sympathize with this old man? No matter what, I'm already this old. If I'm a bit late, I shouldn't have made you say that, right?" The moment they got out of the car, they saw a seventy year old old old man wearing a black Chinese tunic, a pair of sharp eyes, and an imposing manner that made people revere him, but they didn't expect him to joke around with this twenty-something year old youth.

"Just say that you've overslept and that's all that matters. How can you have so many excuses? Don't you think I would know about the little things you invited me to do?" Lu Fei said as he looked at him snappily.

"Grandpa Long, it's you!" When Qiu Yanyun saw who it was, she looked at her in shock and said.

"Stop, stop, stop!" What's going on? What are you two fighting for? " Lu Fei interrupted the two people who were talking.

"Xiao Fei, you don't even know this, she is the granddaughter of the head of the Elder Qiu! I thought you two had known each other for a long time and understood each other already. " Elder Long said as he looked at the astonished Lu Fei.

"You are the granddaughter of the head of Elder Qiu, who would have thought! That old man can actually have a granddaughter like you. " said in disbelief after hearing Elder Long's explanation.

Qiu Yanyun's grandfather, was also called "Head of the Elder Qiu" by Lu Fei and Elder Long. When Lu Fei was in the dragon-group, the other party had often joked with him, and the other party simply did not see him as a senior at all. Every time he spoke to Lu Fei, he would not be proper and proper, and this caused Lu Fei to not know what to say.

"You're not allowed to speak ill of my grandfather!" Qiu Yanyun did not refute Elder Long when she said her grandfather. After all, the other party was of the same generation as her grandfather, so it was understandable, but if these words came from Lu Fei's mouth, it made her feel that it had changed.

"Good! If you don't say anything bad about your grandpa, when you see your grandpa, you can just tell him that you know me and you'll know what he says about me. " Lu Fei replied.

"Xiao Yun, I still have some things to do here, so I'll be leaving with Xiao Fei first. We'll have a meal together when we have time." Elder Long said as he looked at Qiu Yun.

"Alright, Grandpa Long!" Qiu Yanyun replied.

"Lu Fei, what exactly is your identity? Why do I feel like you are so mysterious!" Qiu Yanyun looked at the two of them who were walking far away and muttered to herself.

Qiu Yanyun had always thought that Lu Fei was a mystery. Since the other party was a member of the dragon-group and even had the ability to become an instructor in the dragon-group, how could he be a secretary in a small Bo City? This made Qiu Yanyun even more surprised that the other party could actually chat with Elder Long so casually.

… ….

However, how are you going to call him Elder Qiu? Don't tell me you want to call him grandpa? Hahaha! It's quite interesting. " After Elder Long had his driver drive, he started to joke with Lu Fei.

"That's up to you young people." Elder Long said meaningfully.

"You called me back to be the instructor of the dragon-group, it can't be that simple, could it be that there is something else in the process?" Lu Fei looked at him speechlessly, before changing the subject.

"You guessed it right. The main reason I called you here is because there are always some reckless people jumping around at the border. It's the right time for you to go over there." Elder Long said carelessly.

"This doesn't suit your personality. Where are those people? Don't you dare tell me that you're the only one in dragon-group with a single commander rank? "No, you still have the group of people I need to train." Lu Fei asked somewhat curiously.

"That's not true. The key is that the best ones have all been taken away by you, and the rest are doing some confidential work abroad. They won't be able to leave for a while. I was going to let you take a picture. " Elder Long complained when he mentioned this.

"You can't blame me for that, they left voluntarily with me. They did a lot of things to help your dragon-group in the past few years, but that's only from a subordinate relationship to a cooperative relationship!" Hearing the other party's words, Lu Fei hurriedly said.

"Then you agreed to this matter!" Elder Long said as he looked at Lu Fei.

"Since you already said so, how could I not agree? When are you going to go! " Lu Fei said snappily.

"You don't have to worry about that, you can just train the rest of the kids in dragon-group before going." After hearing Lu Fei's words, Elder Long was overjoyed as he spoke to Lu Fei.

"I will take a day of rest. Tomorrow morning at five o'clock I will have a meeting with them and see what the elites of the military are like." After hearing what Elder Long had to say, Lu Fei nodded and said to the other party.