"F * ck, you still dare to sneak attack me? Let's see how I'll teach you a lesson today. I'll show you how powerful my Taekwondo is." The man rubbed his face and rushed over while cursing.

When Lu Fei saw that the other party's stance was not bad, and that it was actually a flashy move, he shook his head in disdain. When the other party rushed over, Lu Fei directly slapped him into the ground.

As long as he was truly living abroad, he would know how good China was. Coincidentally, Lu Fei had lived abroad for many years, had seen a lot of dirty and disgraceful things, and had a unique and immediate invitation to China.

"Brat, I want you to die!" The man said with a savage expression as he laid on the ground.

"Darling, are you alright?" When she saw the man fall, the woman hurriedly ran over and said with a face full of concern.

"Scram!" This is none of your business! " The man pushed the lady away and stared at Lu Fei.

"You are still lacking in your words just now. Not only do you have the potential to become a traitor, you are also a scum!" If you can even hit a woman, what do you think you are worth? " Lu Fei said in disdain after seeing the man's actions.

"I don't need you to teach me what to do. I'll see if I don't put you down today …" Before the man could finish his sentence, he felt Lu Fei's body emit a bone-piercing cold killing intent, causing him to immediately choke back his words, as he looked at the other party in shock and fear.

"Hurry up and get lost!" Lu Fei said as he stared at the other party.

When the woman on the other side saw how useless the man was, she glared at him in disgust. However, she quickly calmed herself down and forced out a smile, walking up to the man and helping him up before leaving with him. The woman had no choice but to suppress her negative emotions, even though she looked down on him and he was half her parents.

"Kid, this matter isn't over yet, don't let me meet you again." The man seemed to feel that it was embarrassing for him to leave like this, and before he left, he said some harsh words to Lu Fei. Seeing that Lu Fei seemed to have the intention to walk towards him, the man didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly left with his tail between his legs.

"This young lad is really amazing, he actually beat him down."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore. Be careful of the words that come out of his mouth, the other party hasn't gone far yet!"

The people watching the show started discussing the man's back. Their words were all intended to belittle him, causing the man to quicken his pace as he tried to leave this place that had caused him to lose face.

"Brat, don't let me bump into you again. Aiyo!" The man rubbed his face as he listened to what she said. He was in so much pain that he couldn't help but grin bitterly.

"Dearest, don't let them get away with this. They actually dared to treat you like this." the woman agreed.

"If not for you! I, your father, how could I lose this much face? " The man ruthlessly slapped the woman as he spoke with a ferocious expression.

The woman felt wronged by the man's sudden slap. She held back the tears that she wanted to leave behind and left while supporting the man.

"The annoying flies have finally left. Let's go to the party." Lu Fei spoke to Qiu Yanyun from the other side.

"You're still in a hurry? I haven't bought you any clothes yet!" Qiu Yanyun replied.

When Lu Fei bought clothes, he wasn't like how Qiu Yanyun was, where he continuously picked clothes. He was like a natural born rack, no matter what kind of clothes he wore, as long as they were worn, they would be able to perfectly display the characteristics of his clothes.

When Lu Fei came out from the changing room, he was immediately stunned. Was this still the Lu Fei he knew? This was simply a completely different person!

He had bright and spirited eyes, a high nose bridge, and thick eyebrows that were slightly raised in rebellion. He had a sword-like face, a faintly discernible smile, and from time to time, a sorrowful expression that made people want to approach him and understand his past.

Looking back at Lu Fei's clothes, a slightly skinnier black robe revealed his perfect figure.

"Was he enchanted by my amazing handsomeness?" Lu Fei waved his hand in front of the other party, and said with a face full of smiles.

"Pui!" Such narcissism. " Qiu Yanyun snorted, using it to cover her violently beating heart, her face flushed red as she changed the topic.

"And!" "You still don't dare to admit to it?" Lu Fei continued to make fun of him.

"I really didn't realize that when you put on your clothes, you really look like a human or a dog. People really rely on their clothes, or on their gold!" Qiu Yanyun calmed herself down and teased Lu Fei.

"Go!" No wonder you're a dog. "You really can't spit out anything good from your dog mouth!" Lu Fei said without showing any weakness.

Lu Fei never thought that he would become so handsome after putting on the clothes. Originally, he could be considered a rather handsome man, but without paying attention to his clothes, he did not reveal it, and now that the change occurred, it caused him to be greatly shocked.

"Lady, your boyfriend is really handsome. And look at how beautiful you are. It really is a match made in heaven." The shop assistant was also shocked by Lu Fei's change, and praised him.

"We're not lovers. At most, we can be considered as good friends." After hearing the shop assistant's words, Qiu Yanyun hurriedly explained.

"It's fine! I understand. " The shop assistant said meaningfully.

Seeing the shop assistant's expression, Qiu Yanyun did not explain anymore. After paying the money, he quickly left, not staying for another minute.

"What a weird couple. They were clearly together, and yet they still had to explain it. However, if that man was my boyfriend, that would be great." The shop assistant muttered to himself as she looked at Lu Fei's back with a bit of infatuation.

"Why didn't you explain when the shop assistant said we were a couple?" After exiting, Qiu Yanyun asked Lu Fei.

"Aren't I playing your boyfriend now? The more you explain, the worse it will be. I don't think we'll go there anymore, why must you explain so much? " Lu Fei said with an expression of indifference.

"Humph!" Saying all that is still not an explanation. " Qiu Yanyun agreed with Lu Fei's words, but because of his own pride, he continued to speak stubbornly.