"Brother Zheng, what should we do now?" Do you think we will die? " Delta, the young soldier asked the veteran beside him in despair.

"Don't worry, the captain has already asked Elder Long for help. He should be arriving here by now." The veteran smiled stiffly at the young soldier.

His team was surrounded by more than ten times the force of the enemy. The enemy had long since annihilated them and was now only toying with them or waiting for their 'rescue troops' to finish them off in one fell swoop.

"Brother Zheng!" At this time, just tell me the truth, and let me have some hope. " The young soldier looked at the old soldier with a sad expression.

The young soldier received the news that his wife was pregnant last month. He thought that after completing this task, he would no longer have to do these dangerous things. He would go back abroad and find a comfortable job to accompany his wife every day.

He did not want to die here. He had not seen his unborn child, not hugged him, not even heard his father call him father. He did not dare to imagine how much pain he would bring to his mother and son, what kind of life they would have in the future. There were too many things in this world that he would miss.

In the past, he could still pat his chest and say that he was willing to sacrifice his life for the dragon-group, but now, he was truly afraid. Everyone had the softest part of their heart, and the young soldier's was his wife and children.

"Little Liu, you have to remember that you will only encounter miracles if you can survive. You can also see the current situation, wait for you to hide behind me. As long as I'm alive, I won't let you get hurt." The old soldier said calmly.

The only person he cared about in this world were the other soldiers of the dragon-group. Seeing these people fall down nonstop, the old soldier had a very bad feeling in his heart, those people who stayed with him from morning to night and joked around with him for no reason, and were still alive and kicking a few days ago, could not even speak now.

He planned to use his final illness to bring hope to the soldiers beside him. He was already old and the other party was different. He should not be with this bad old man as he had a lot of youth to squander.

"Brother Zheng, don't speak such depressing words. We will definitely live on." The young soldier wiped the tears that were about to leave his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Da Da Da Da..." "Boom, boom, boom …" The soldiers could hear the sounds of machine guns and gunfire. Everyone was hiding behind their bunkers, not daring to take a single step.

Despair, helplessness, sorrow, and other negative emotions were like an infectious disease that constantly spread to the hearts of every soldier.

"Captain, why hasn't Elder Long's people come yet!" A soldier complained.

In the face of life, nothing was that important anymore. At this point in time, many soldiers only had two beliefs. One was to defeat the enemy, and the other was to find a way to survive.

"He will come, he will come!" The captain ignored the soldiers' complaints and kept muttering to himself. It seemed like this would give him the courage to persevere.

"vassal king, we can clearly eliminate them, why are we still wasting time here!" On the other side, a fat man with big ears was sitting in an armchair. A soldier beside him was fanning him while he asked.

From the conversation between the two, it could be seen that the person in front of them was the leader of the group that surrounded dragon-group.

"Don't you know who the people we're surrounding the dragon-group this time? Is China a dragon that we can challenge? If it wasn't for America's promise, I would have done such a foolish thing. " vassal king did not open his eyes as he said this meaningfully.

vassal king knew that this was his chance, if he grasp it well, he wouldn't need to worry about it for the rest of his life. This was a gamble, if he won, everything would be fine, if he lost, he would have nothing left.

However, the benefits from this battle was too great, which forced him to take the risk. If God wanted him to die, he would have to shilling him for his madness.

America promised him that as long as he could complete the mission given to him this time, not only would he be protected, he would become the true ruler of this place. He would rule this place for his entire life, and because of this, he had no choice but to agree to the request.

"But, this has nothing to do with destroying the opponent." The subordinate asked in confusion.

This person was one of vassal king's trusted aides, and was able to access the other party's most confidential information. That was why he dared to ask this question, if it was anyone else, the tombstone would probably have already grown out.

He did not agree with vassal king's decision to take the risk. The current Hua Xia was no longer the same as before, to offend him like this was not a wise choice, but he was only a subordinate, so he could only give his opinion, not the other party.

"Since we have already decided to go to the America, we have to show our sincerity. Just these people are not enough, I want them to attract more and more people. This way, we can eliminate them. vassal king said with full of ambition.

He also knew that he had no other choice but to go down the dark path. However, he had never regretted his decision before, and the current him did not have the qualifications to regret it either.

Ever since this incident had happened, he had felt that something bad had always been on his mind, as if something big had happened. If it wasn't for the fact that the other party had shown him a favor that was difficult to repay, he would have long slipped away.

"Send the order to let the soldiers press forward another fifty meters. If there's no one else to save them within five hours, annihilate them immediately." vassal king suddenly glared and ordered the people around him.

He was not sure if there were still people who came unafraid of death, but if they did not complete the mission, it would be hard for him to explain it to the America.

Hearing vassal king's words, the people around him did not stay any longer and directly turned around to give the order.