"Boom!" "Boom!" Before the soldiers under vassal king could take a few steps forward, they heard a deafening explosion.

Seeing the sounds of explosions, Lu Fei did not stay idle. If he could see someone, he would directly shoot them. Since they were not his own people, he did not have any burdens in his heart, nor would he show mercy when killing them.

Seeing dragon-group's state, Zhao Yang couldn't help but nod his head. The other party had been fighting with vassal king's men for such a long time, yet they were still in such a state.

Seeing his subordinates fall one by one, everyone would feel heartache. Even if he didn't have any feelings for these people, he was still a soldier.

"Enough, what's the use of complaining about this. It's better to think of a way to capture the people from dragon-group." A Samu said impatiently.

Because Lu Fei's few grenades had officially started fighting, the troops from both sides used all of their abilities to kill the enemy.

The vassal king had the advantage in numbers, but since they had rushed over from such a far distance, the soldiers were all exhausted. It was already considered good enough that they could take out half of their strength normally, and adding the fact that Du Yingtian still had the soldiers of the dragon-group mixed in, the soldiers of the vassal king were simply no match for him.

The people of dragon-group were all Sharpshooters, and practically all of them could unleash their bullets without fail. A single shot was fired, and the other party also fell along with Lu Fei, who was also shooting at these people.

Lu Fei's reaction was even more frightening. As long as he saw the enemy, he would not even need to aim and directly shoot at them.

It was completely faster than the speed of the dragon-group.

Slowly, the number of vassal king's subordinates became fewer and fewer. They were about to be annihilated, causing A Samu and Ti Langke to panic, they never would have thought that they would encounter such a situation, and were at a loss at what to do.

"What do we do now!" Ti Langke asked.

He knew that he couldn't go back like this. Not only did he not destroy dragon-group, he also made these people stay here. vassal king's temper could directly destroy him, but if he didn't run away, he would kill the other party right now.

"You're asking me, but who should I ask!?" A Samu said snappily.

How could he not see through the situation that the other side could see? If he could think of a viable plan, then he wouldn't be in such a hurry.

"How about we surrender? If we leave everything be, we won't have to worry about nothing. We can't just stay here and eat whatever we want with anyone." Ti Langke suddenly said.

"What are you hesitating for? You've already seen the situation. If we wait any longer, a bullet might land on our head." Seeing the slightly moved A Samu, Ti Langke immediately took the opportunity to strike the iron while it was hot and continued to lure her.

"Du Yingtian's men, stop shooting, we surrender." Seeing that A Samu had let go, Ti Langke quickly replied, afraid that the other party would go back on her words.

He was infatuated with a life of drunkenness and drunkenness. He didn't want to die so early. He hadn't had enough of such a good life yet.

"That bunch of useless fools, they've already surrendered now. I haven't had enough fun yet." After Lu Fei heard Ti Langke's surrender, he could not help but complain.

However, Lu Fei did not continue to compare notes with him, after all, these people were not his subordinates, if he really fought them all out, it would be hard for him to explain himself to the other party. Although the other party would not care about all this in order to get his legs, but the other party did not know what he was thinking.

Lu Fei did not have much hatred towards this group of soldiers, nor did he want to immediately kill them. He was also a veteran in this business, these were all orders given by his superiors, there was no reason for him to reject them.

"Lu Fei, what do you think about this matter?" In the end, Zhao Yang still asked for Lu Fei's opinion.

Zhao Yang also understood that if Lu Fei didn't exist here today, then let alone those who could save the dragon-group, even he himself would have to die here.

"It's fine. Just tell them to put down the gun in their hands and we won't make things difficult for them." Lu Fei thought for a while before replying to the other party.

"A Samu, I accept your surrender. Throw the spear far away, and then hold your head and squat down." Zhao Yang put down the phone, and told Du Yingtian's subordinates to shout at the other party.

The soldiers didn't hesitate to throw away the guns in their hands. No one wanted to lose their lives for nothing. For soldiers like them, no matter where they were or under whose hands, they all looked the same.

"Alright, we are going to take care of these captives now, it's the right time to surprise Du Yingtian again." Lu Fei said with a sinister smile.

"I understand.

"Rest assured, I will definitely settle this matter well." Zhao Yang replied with a laugh.

"Don't worry about this matter. As long as you say it, Du Yingtian won't dare to say a single word." Lu Fei did not forget his last words.

"I've been with Elder Long for so long, I understand this point. I will definitely take care of this matter properly."

Zhao Yang said without care.

It was not like Zhao Yang did not see Du Yingtian's attitude towards him, and he knew the relationship between the two of them, so he would not care too much about it. He did what he wanted to do.

In Zhao Yang's opinion, Du Yingtian almost treated Lu Fei as an emperor and did what he said without fear.

"Don't worry, I'll do well in this matter." Zhao Yang replied without care.

Hearing the other party's reply, Lu Fei also calmed down. He also didn't want to continue worrying over this matter … …

"This matter is also over, what's next is to go to vassal king, why would the other party have such guts, to even dare to do such a heavy thing to dragon-group?" Lu Fei muttered to himself after putting down the phone.