"What do we do now?" After the manager left, Qiu Yanyun asked Lu Fei in a low voice.

Lu Fei had observed the terrain earlier. There were no blind spots at all at the position of these three people, unless he could kill three in an instant, which would definitely make a sound. Everything he had done would be for nothing.

"Sir, I beg of you, please save my wife. As long as she is fine, I can do whatever you want." Lu Fei shouted in panic.

"Brat, what are you shouting for? Are you seeking death?" One of the aconite pointed his spear at Lu Fei and shouted.

He wasn't like the leader, who said that he could fire a bullet if he wanted to, otherwise a bullet would have shot him long ago.

"Number3, as I've said, you don't have any feelings, right? Such a beautiful lady is in a bad mood. No matter what, you have to help her solve her problem!"

"Yeah, you stay here and take a look at the wind. We'll go there and enjoy ourselves."

"Are you going to violate Number 1's orders?" Number Three shouted at the two of them.

"We're just going to help treat the beauty, not kill him. Is there a need to be so nervous?" Number 2 replied without much concern.

"You! What are you guys doing? " Lu Fei said while pretending to be anxious.

"Brat, this is none of your business. Your girlfriend will be cured by us soon." Number Two pushed Lu Fei away and looked at Qiu Yanyun with a lustful look.

Just as the two were about to reach out for Qiu Yanyun, Lu Fei grabbed Number 2's throat and broke it into two. Then he pulled out a dagger from both sides and threw it at Number 3 and Number 4's throat.

This move, in less than three seconds, was completed. It was as if he had practiced countless times, skillfully to the point that it was flawless.

"Shh!" Lu Fei placed his index finger on his lips, signalling the passengers to stay silent, then said softly: "You guys stay here and watch, I'll go to the driver's seat to take a look. Now we are all grasshoppers on a rope, if anything goes wrong, we will all die here."

After the passengers finished listening to Lu Fei, they became unusually quiet. No one made a sound, and if it wasn't for the fact that their bodies were trembling non-stop, no one would have thought that a fight to the death had occurred.

Lu Fei believed that in such a huge matter, the other party would definitely notify the dragon-group. Elder Long knew that as long as they cooperated with each other a bit, they would definitely be able to ensure the safety of the plane.

"Hm!" You should also be careful. " Qiu Yanyun nodded with a serious expression.

Although she could not see through the movements of the aconite, but just by looking at the murderous intent on their bodies, she could tell that their opponent was not simple. But this kind of person, with a spear in his hands, could be killed by Lu Fei in a short amount of time.

Lu Fei sneaked into the driver's seat, at this time he did not know how many people there were, but before he went to the driver's seat, he specially checked other places, and realised that there were no other people, which made him feel more at ease.

"Number 1, number 1, China has agreed to release him!" Lu Fei imitated Number 2's voice and knocked on the door as he shouted.

As for imitating other people's voices, these were all child's play to Lu Fei, so it was not difficult for him at all.

"Alright, as long as we are certain that it is safe to buy items, we will immediately kill the people on the plane." Number One replied with excitement.

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, his throat was already crushed by Lu Fei. Lu Fei supported him and shouted anxiously towards the inside: "Number 1, what's wrong with you, quickly come and look at Number 1. He seems to be too excited and fainted."

Hearing Lu Fei's shout, three people hurriedly walked out, Lu Fei did not hesitate either and directly killed off the three people inside, this time he did not speak anymore, he quietly waited, and whether or not there was anyone else coming out, using this method, to slowly nibble at them.

After waiting for around five minutes, seeing that no one else had come out, Lu Fei carefully entered the driver's seat. He realised that an airport staff member was knocking his legs together and sitting in front of a few tied up staff members.

Seeing this, Lu Fei was relieved, he snatched the gun from the hands of the staff member who was sleeping, and knocked him unconscious. He walked to the driver's side and said: "The plane is safe now, don't drive slowly."

Then, Lu Fei tied up the unconscious staff members, who were still unconscious. From the looks of it, it was the doing of the person who was beaten unconscious by Lu Fei.

When Lu Fei saw that the aconite was fully armed, he had thought that there was a hidden motive. Otherwise, how could he let these people carry so many weapons onto the plane?

After Lu Fei patted the staff member's head, he said to them: "Right now, the plane has nothing to do, just do whatever you need to do, and that brat is a traitor, I believe all of you have noticed, I have already knocked him out, later on, send him to the Police station for interrogation."

"Thank you, sir, or we'd all be dead."

These workers heard the intentions of the aconite, and they, who were already in despair, were saved even after not being able to think about it, and for a moment, they expressed their gratitude to Lu Fei.

"I'll leave this place to you guys. I want to see how the passengers are doing." With that, Lu Fei ran back to the cabin.

"The matter has been resolved. Tell the person in charge to block the news and settle the follow-up work." Lu Fei said to Qiu Yanyun.

Seeing that there were no injuries on Lu Fei's body, Qiu Yanyun was relieved, and told the person in charge of managing the news, but after hearing it, the person in charge was completely relieved, and in his heart, silently praised Lu Fei's actions.

"It's best not to do something so impulsive in the future. Otherwise, no matter how rich you are, you won't be able to spend it." Lu Fei walked over to the rich man's side and unhappily bandaged his wound.

"Little brother, I've been taught that I don't have any other ailments. I'm just scared of death. I haven't enjoyed this playworld enough, how can I die!" The rich man replied humbly.