Don't think I don't know!

As for the Phantom Shadow who was still sitting at his table, Liu Xuefeng also did not kick him out. He still remembered the things Lu Fei had told him, and there was no need to make things difficult for him just because of this person.

"Boss, those people have already been chased away by us. Only that woman is left." Liu Xuefeng whispered to Lu Fei.

Now that they were chased away, if it was because of the other party's actions, they would injure the people they brought, which Lu Fei did not want to see, but now that they were here, Lu Fei did not want his subordinates to be injured because of such a thing.

"Okay, boss, I'll go take a look." Liu Xuefeng nodded.

Lu Fei did not dare to hand over this matter to Liu Mang, because at that time, the other side might even start to fight because of a few words of argument. Lu Fei still had to ask the other side some things, so he did not want to offend him.

With Enchanting Shadow's current identity, Lu Fei wasn't sure if he was a friend or foe, but he had to be careful.

"Mr. Lu, now that the person has been chased away by you, what do you want to do?" Manager Zhang said.

"It's actually very simple. Beat up this bar, then I'll extort some money from Shen Hongxuan." Lu Fei said without care.

Since he had come, Lu Fei did not plan to return empty-handed. No matter what, he had to extort some money and destroy the entire bar.

"Mr. Lu, although I do not know what conflicts exist between you and Shen Shao, there is one thing I need to tell you. Fighting against Shen Shao is of no benefit to you, the strength of Shen Family is not something you can imagine, right now you are only fighting against Shen Shao, but if Shen Shao's father were to come out, it would not be so simple."

"Sometimes, the Shen Shao would do something that no one could understand. He is still young now, and he has his father, so there is no need to worry about it." Sometimes, the Shen Shao would do something that no one could understand, and now that he is young, and his father is still alive, there is no need to care about it. The Manager Zhang advised.

"I know all about it, you don't have to worry about it, but whether or not you have the interest to work under me, don't worry, I can definitely give you a better treatment than you currently have, you don't have to refuse it right away, seriously think about it, the Shen Family is about to fall, you also have to prepare for your future life." Lu Fei said as he looked at the other party.

With regards to the Manager Zhang, Lu Fei still had thoughts of cherishing this talent. For the other party to have such unique insights, coupled with the fact that he could manage hotels in a neat and orderly manner, it proved that he still had some ability.

If you are able to destroy Shen Family, I will definitely work for you. I have had enough of doing so many years, when Shen Shao's father was around, he did not treat us as human beings at all, and I do not have any ways to deal with this. My wife and children still need to rely on me to earn money to support their families. Manager Zhang said somewhat helplessly.

"Alright, then you think about it. There's no mistake if you follow me. Of course, I also hope that you can be quick about it. I think you also understand the principle of providing coal in the midst of snow and adding flowers on top of the flowers." Lu Fei said meaningfully.

Manager Zhang nodded and did not say anything else. He kept calculating in his mind whether it was possible to go for it or not, whether he should continue to maintain the current situation.

"Boss, what do we do now?" Smash it? " Seeing the two talking, Liu Mang felt bored and asked.

"You guys can just directly smash it. However, you must remember, if there is anything of value that can be taken away, it must be taken away." Lu Fei nodded.

Seeing that Liu Mang had left, Lu Fei laughed: "Let's watch this show now. Oh right, I still need to call Shen Hongxuan and tell him the good news."

With that, Lu Fei immediately dialed Shen Hongxuan's number, and when the other party answered, Lu Fei immediately said: "Prince Shen, I have good news to tell you!"

Shen Hongxuan was overjoyed. He thought that Lu Fei was the one who told him about Ni Xier and asked excitedly, "What news?"

"Isn't this the tenth anniversary celebration of Prince Shen's Fleeting Time? I intentionally brought a few people over to play, but in the end, there were always people who came to cause trouble. In order to prevent the business of the hotel from being disturbed, I directly chased them away, but the bar was still damaged to a certain extent. The fortunate thing is that nothing happened to the person, so I couldn't wait to tell you the good news. " Lu Fei laughed.

After saying all that, Lu Fei could imagine Shen Hongxuan's expression on the other side of the phone.

"Well, well done, thank you so much." Shen Hongxuan said the word "Thank" very seriously.

"It's fine. Look at our relationship, I'm still a bit sorry for letting the person who destroyed the bar run away. Would Eldest Young Master Shen blame me?" Lu Fei continued to pretend.

"These are all small matters. I'll send someone to settle them later." Shen Hongxuan gritted his teeth.

"Then I won't say anymore to you." With that, Lu Fei hung up the phone.

"Lu Fei, don't think that I do not know that you are the one who did this, but you will not be able to live for long, after you die, watch how I play around on your grave." Shen Hongxuan scolded.

Although the "Fleeting Time" bar did not know about the Shen Family's top-notch properties, it was still a central pillar. It had now been completely destroyed by others, and even though he knew who did it, he couldn't do anything about it.

He had chatted with Lu Fei for a long time, but did not find anything wrong with the other party's mind. Since he could send out this point, then the only thing left was that the other party was indeed not afraid of Shen Hongxuan.

Just you wait, I think Shen Hongxuan will give you a call in a while, and ask you what's going on, as for how you answer it, it's up to you, I hope you won't disappoint me. Lu Fei patted Manager Zhang's shoulder and said.

Giving the other party too much time to think, Lu Fei couldn't wait any longer. If he had the time, Lu Fei believed that he would definitely be able to cultivate a talent that was on par with the other party.