That wasn't how the script was written!

After he finished speaking, Lu Fei no longer cared about Wang Zheng, and directly sat on the blade of grass in front of the Wang Family compound, closed his eyes and started to ponder.

But in this situation, let alone others, even he himself didn't believe it.

Lu Fei didn't care what the other party was thinking about, he just quietly felt the morning breeze. This comfortable feeling almost made Lu Fei fall asleep on the lawn.

Seeing that Lu Fei was quiet for a long time, Wang Zheng became anxious: "What are you trying to do? I admire you, okay? Please let me go, I won't dare to do this again. "

"Actually, I didn't plan to be more serious with you, but now that I've changed my mind, I won't change my mind anymore. You should just obediently wait here. Treat it as waking up." Lu Fei said without care.

Seeing Lu Fei like that, Wang Zheng could only let it go, and fiercely kicked the stone in front of him, as though he was treating it as Lu Fei.

On the other side, although the guard had Lu Fei as a guarantee, he still felt uneasy. He thought for a moment and directly went to Elder Wang's room.

Now that Elder Wang had not woken up yet, they decided to wait outside. As soon as Elder Wang came out, they would inform him of this matter as soon as he came out, in case anything really happened and he was after them.

"Brother Li, you can be considered an old man of the Wang family. What do you think we should do about this matter today?"

"How should I know? It still depends on the identity of that mister just now. But from his appearance, he shouldn't be too bad." Brother Li said uncertainly.

He was an old man guarding the Wang family and knew more about the Wang family than anyone else, but he did not understand Elder Wang's temperament after so many years. It was not that Elder Wang had a bad personality, but that he did not have the opportunity to interact with him.

If he had a good relationship with Elder Wang, he wouldn't be on duty so late at night.

"Sigh!" I hope that mister has some sort of status, or else we'll be in trouble. " One of the guards said worriedly.

It was already seven in the morning, and Elder Wang was already old. His sleep quality was not as good as the young people's, so he would wake up soon after sleeping for a while.

Just as he got up, he saw three guards standing outside the door. He asked in surprise, "What are you guys doing here? What happened? "

"Master, the young miss brought the mister. He had a fight with the young master in the morning. Why don't you go take a look?" The guard said carefully.

"What?" Elder Wang confirmed.

He understood Lu Fei's temperament very well. If there was nothing else, how could he have quarreled with Wang Zheng? Hearing the guard's words now made him feel puzzled.

Last night, the young master drank a lot and quarreled with the gentleman brought by the young miss in the courtyard. We don't know the specific reason, but we hurried over after hearing the young master's voice, but the gentleman told us that we would have to wait here for you to wake up and settle this issue. The guard explained.

Wang Zheng is so disappointing to the point that he is arguing with Xiao Fei. You guys didn't wake me up earlier, and only told me about it after I woke up. Elder Wang quickly said.

There was no need to think about it, he already knew that this was caused by his useless grandson, so he decided to rush over to see the reason behind it. Elder Wang had personally witnessed Lu Fei's methods before, if he used them on Wang Zheng, then things would be bad.

Although Elder Wang did not like Wang Zheng very much, he was still his grandson after all. His blood was in his body, so he could not just ignore what had happened.

After the guard heard Elder Wang's words, he did not dare to say anything else and hurried over with Elder Wang.

Not far away, Wang Zheng, who was still sitting on the ground, saw his grandpa coming over and quickly stood up and ran over complaining, "Grandpa, you finally came. Look at the people my cousin brought, they beat me up for some reason last night. Look at my face and heart, it's still swollen."

Wang Zheng did not give Lu Fei a chance to speak, he immediately raked everything onto Lu Fei.

When he was about to leave, Lu Fei had his eyes closed. He thought that if he did not make a sound, there would be nothing wrong, but Lu Fei acted as if he had grown eyes at the back of his head, and directly walked over to Wang Zheng's side and taught him a lesson.

Only then did he calm down. Not daring to act rashly, he stayed on the spot the entire time.

Now that his savior had arrived, Wang Zheng thought he would be liberated as well.

"What happened to Xiao Fei?" Elder Wang did not even look at Wang Zheng, and directly walked towards Lu Fei and asked.

"Regarding this, you should ask your grandson about it. You really treat this place as your master, I just came out for a walk and was scolded by him. If I wasn't so stubborn, I might have been beaten up by the guards already." Lu Fei said with an expression of indifference.

Seeing Elder Wang come over, Lu Fei told him everything that had just happened in detail. Even though his tone was very calm, anyone who heard it would be able to understand his words.

He, Lu Fei, did not come here to suffer, in the end, this matter was still implicated by the Wang Family. If Wang Zheng treated him like this, then if Elder Wang did not give him a good explanation, Lu Fei would truly consider the cultivation technique matter carefully.

"Speak, what happened!" After Elder Wang heard what Lu Fei had to say, he stared at Wang Zheng and asked.

He did not believe that this matter was like what his own grandson had said. If Lu Fei was really that shallow, he would not have achieved what he was doing now.

"Th-this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding." Seeing his grandfather's serious expression, Wang Zheng was also a bit flustered. He had completely forgotten the words that had come to his mind, so he said this in a flustered manner.

"You! Let me say something. " Elder Wang gave Zhang Zheng a ruthless look.

"Xiao Fei, what do you think we should do about this matter today? As long as it's something I can do, I will definitely do it. As for how Zhang Zheng will punish me, I will listen to you as well."

Hearing Elder Wang's words, Wang Zheng became even more panicked, he had thought that Elder Wang only asked that because he had his eyes on Wang Yuyan, but the script was completely different, it seemed like it was because of Lu Fei's identity that Elder Wang did that.

Elder Wang, I was originally an outsider, so I shouldn't have said these things. However, I'd advise you to pay more attention to the matters of the clan. Lu Fei nodded.