The first day Mo Zhaoyun found Gong Waner, Mo's mother knew that Gong Waner was coming back. At that time, Gong Waner was still amnesia. She was glad that Gong Waner didn't remember those absurd things. But later, when she heard that Gong Waner had recovered her memory, she knew that sooner or later she would face these past events she didn't want to mention.

Seeing Mo's worried face, Gong Waner smiled and said, "Mom, let the past pass. Now I really hope you can treat your illness and get better."

Hearing this, Mo Mu's eyes were a little blurred. She took Gong Waner's hand and said, "Waner, after you left, Zhao Yun sent Chu Ning to the mental hospital. I went to see her."


Gong Waner looked at Mo's mother with an expressionless face. She didn't seem to want to hear about that. Because as long as she thinks of Chu Ning, she will think of Chen Chen who killed her and Mo Zhaoyun's children.

"At that time, I already knew all the bad things she had done, including taking Xuanxuan to provoke the relationship between my mother-in-law and your daughter-in-law. I didn't want to see her, but Xuanxuan wanted to see his mother, so I took him." so far, thinking of this past, Mo's mother still has a mixed feeling in her heart, she continued, "When she saw me, Chu Ning always begged me to get her out of the mental hospital. I knew Zhao Yun didn't allow it, so I refused her. Then she went crazy and began to curse. Moreover, Xuanxuan standing next to me didn't even look. Until then, I really saw her face."

Sometimes, hearing from others is not as shocking as what you see. Until that time, Mo Mu didn't know what kind of person Chu Ning is. She also really realized that what she did to Gong Waner is absurd.

"Mom." Gong Waner shouted, because she didn't know what to say.

Mo's mother smiled helplessly and said, "later, I lived in regret. I didn't feel a little relaxed until I knew that my leukemia had relapsed, because I knew that God was punishing me, and I was willing to accept punishment."

It turned out that this was the real reason why Mo's mother was unwilling to receive treatment. This was the knot in her heart.

Gong Waner frowned and said: "Mom, you know what? The moment I recovered my memory, I wondered why I should remember those sad things. In fact, at the beginning, I also had some resentment against you, so although I came back, I didn't come to see you and dad. But later, I realized that all these things were my life and my experience. There was nothing to escape, and there was no need to escape It's important to hold on. Moreover, the baby growing up day by day also reminds me that life should be looking forward, not always recalling those unhappy things. So, mom, let yourself go. "

"But, night, I was so bad to you," said Mo mu.

Not once?

Gong Waner smiled and said, "life has many parts. It's not just happiness and happiness. I don't want to worry about those things anymore. You forget it."

"Night son..." Mo's mother was very moved.

Gong Waner came forward, hugged Mo's mother and said, "Mom, I still remember when I first married Zhao Yun, you were very kind to me and regarded me as my own daughter. At that time, I told myself that I would also treat you as my own mother. Therefore, how can there be so much hatred between my own mother and daughter? Now, let's talk about things and forget those things together."

Mo's mother smiled with tears in her eyes and nodded. At first, she thought Gong Waner would resent herself. Now Gong Waner doesn't care about it anymore, and she has no reason to be hypocritical.

"Thank you, Wan'er," said Mo mother sincerely.

Gong Waner scratched his lips and said, "Mom, don't be so outspoken. I also want to thank you for letting me be your daughter-in-law."

With that, both of them laughed.

After laughing, Gong Waner remembered and asked, "Mom, in that case, you have no reason to stop receiving treatment now?"

Mo Mu was stunned.

"You have to wait for your grandson to be born," Gong Waner added, touching his stomach.

Mo Mu smiled and said, "then listen to you."

Hearing this, Gong Waner was very excited. He quickly stood up, ran to the door and said to Mo Zhaoyun, "Zhaoyun, mom promised to be hospitalized, she promised."

Mo Zhaoyun was a little stunned. After a few seconds, he hugged Gong Waner tightly.

At this time, the sun shines on the floor through the window, reflecting everyone's smiling face.


Three days later, Mo Zhaoyun found several world-class leukemia experts for Mo's mother, and Mo's situation is also under control.

However, their concern is, who will take care of Mo mu?

"Why don't you find two nurses? It's inconvenient for Waner to get pregnant, and his father can't stay in the hospital all day." Mo Zhaoyun suggested. Naturally, he can't take care of a pregnant gongwaner without talking about the company. He can only take time out to the hospital to accompany Mo's mother every day, and Mo's mother needs people all day.

Gong Waner frowned and said, "I don't think the nurse is so reliable. Besides, I can. Taking care of my mother is just sitting in the ward and accompanying her. I can't do it?"

"Night," Mo Zhaoyun said with a heavy face, "I won't let you go wrong this time."

Seeing that Mo Zhaoyun and Gong Waner couldn't argue, Mo's mother had to speak and say, "Waner, just listen to Zhao Yun and find two nursing workers. If you have time, come to the hospital to see your mother and accompany your mother, so I'm very satisfied."

"Mom." Gong Waner still wants to take care of Mo's mother.

Mo's mother smiled, took Gong Waner's hand and said, "just listen to Zhao Yun."

Gong Waner looked at Mo's mother and Mo Zhaoyun. He knew he couldn't beat them, so he had to promise. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Mom, I'll come to see you often."

Mo Zhaoyun was helpless and shook his head. Now he had to care about Gong Waner's safety everywhere, but he also enjoyed it.


Time slipped slowly through my fingers, and three months passed unconsciously.

That night, Mo Zhaoyun came to the hospital after work. When he opened the door, he saw Gong Waner lying on the sofa and falling asleep. He shook his head reluctantly, looked at her, and sat next to Mo mu.

"Mom, how are you feeling today?" Mo Zhaoyun asked.

Mo's mother smiled. In the past three months, Mo Zhaoyun came every day and asked this sentence every day, but her answer was, "very good, don't worry." this time, of course, is no exception.

Mo Zhaoyun hooked his lips, smiled and said, "that's good. You should keep a good mood every day."

"Every time I come here, I always think about how to make me happy. It's hard to be happy," said Mo's mother.

Hearing this, Mo Zhaoyun smiled and turned his head to look at the sleeping Gong Waner. She often runs around and is really tired.

Mo's mother also looked at Gong Waner and said, "Zhao Yun, now that Waner has a stomach and her body is more heavy, you'll let her stop coming often. It's very tired. Moreover, I think she vomited several times today. You should pay more attention to her. It's not easy for pregnant women."

Mo Zhaoyun nodded. Gong Waner's reaction to pregnancy and vomiting is not two days a day. Every time he sees her so hard, he wants to help her, but he is always powerless.

"Well, it's late. Go home quickly," said Mo mu. In fact, it's not too late. She just can't bear Mo Zhaoyun working so hard.

Mo Zhaoyun hooked his lips and said, "then I'll go first."

"Let's go," urged Mo mu.

Mo Zhaoyun smiled slightly, then went to the sofa, gently picked up Gong Waner and left the ward.

Along the way, Gong Waner didn't wake up until Mo Zhaoyun drove to the parking lot of the apartment.

She opened her eyes vaguely and found that there was a big hand in the palm of her hand. She turned her head and saw that Mo Zhaoyun was also looking at her. She laughed and said, "what are you looking at me for?"

"If you don't look at me, how do you know I'm looking at you?" Mo Zhaoyun joked.

Gong Waner glanced and said, "I don't want to talk to you!"

Mo Zhaoyun smiled, approached her and printed a kiss on the corner of her mouth. He touched Gong Waner's hair and looked at her meaningfully.

"Unexpectedly sneak attack me!" Gong Waner glared at Mo Zhaoyun.

Mo Zhaoyun smiled and said, "it's not a sneak attack, it's a big kiss."

Gong Waner was helpless and didn't know how Mo Zhaoyun could say it so easily.

"Go home," Mo Zhaoyun said softly.

Gong Waner nodded and looked at him. During this time, they are basically like this. She accompanies Mo's mother in the hospital, and Mo Zhaoyun will pick her up in the hospital after work. Sometimes, because she doesn't spend much time with Mo Zhaoyun every day, she will be a little lost. However, seeing Mo's mother's health getting better and better, she temporarily ignored those children's feelings. Every time she came home, she cherished the time she spent with Mo Zhaoyun.

Mo Zhaoyun got out of the car, spared half a circle and opened the door for Gong Waner.

"I just seem to hear the baby say that he wants to be held by his father." Gong Waner is charming and her tone is soft.

How can Mo Zhaoyun refuse? He smiled, picked up Gong Waner and went back to his apartment.

The next day, the sun spread to the ground through the clouds, and a slight wind blew into the bedroom, waking Mo Zhaoyun.

He opened his eyes and first saw Gong Waner's sleeping face. He smiled, kissed Waner's forehead, and then hugged her. He looked at Gong Waner tenderly. His thin face didn't look like a pregnant woman at all. It is said that pregnant women will gain weight during pregnancy, but palace night children are thin everywhere except their stomachs. He touched Gong Waner's cheek, and his eyebrows wrinkled like the word "Chuan".

Like sensing Mo Zhaoyun's gaze, Gong Waner also vaguely opened his eyes. She got up a little angry, closed her eyes again and shrank into Mo Zhaoyun's arms.