Chapter 1012 Lord Cassius’s Objection

Name:Herald of Steel Author:
Chapter 1012 Lord Cassius's Objection

Alexander kept the presumed use of his new machine to himself for now, not knowing how applicable the contraption would truly be.

He had no idea how deep the mines were or if the machine would even be able to perform as expected under real life conditions.

It was still in the prototype phase after all.

He did not want to let his promise get Lady Miranda's hopes up, only to fail later.

Thus keeping that option to himself for now, Alexander moved his back forward from the sofa to at last ask the all important final question, "So what does my lady want me to do now exactly? Force Miss Linda to give up her claim and convince your family to support you? Or share power with her?"

Alexander clasped his hands as he posed.

"Force Linda to abdicate please." Came the instant answer, Lady Miranda clearly revealing she did not have the slightest intention to share power, warning, "My lord does not know Linda. Sharing power with her would be like putting an axe to one of my own feet. She will be nothing but a hindrance."

Alexander however was not impressed by this answer.

Because according to what he came to know, Miss Linda held all the cards while Lady Miranda had nothing.

No army, no supporters, and no money.

So what the eldest daughter of the house was basically asking of Alexander was to turn a pauper like her into a king almost overnight.

A very, very hard thing to do in the best of times.

Alexander might have actually considered it even then if all Miss Linda had was the Margraves family because he thought he was much more powerful than them.

That way, once he was successful, he could have made Lady Miranda and by extension the Margraves family into his puppet.

But the slight hiccup here was that Miss Linda was not alone.

Instead, she had the backing of a power similar if not stronger than Alexander.

Thus to depose Miss Linda Alexander would need to engage in a full fledged battle with those 22,000 men standing only a short distance away.

And with only 5,000 actual soldiers of his own, that would be nothing but suicide.

Alexander would not face them in battle unless absolutely, positively forced to.

Thus with that simplest option out of the way, Alexander frankly asked the next natural question, "So how would you like me to do it?"

Because Alexander did not have any idea. ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

"...." And neither did Lady Miranda, seeming to be in the same boat as Alexander.

The task of dislodging her very firmly entrenched sister from her throne appeared very hard, at least without a bloodbath.

And facing her infuriated spouse, Lady Miranda in a very rare instance prudently decided to take a step back instead of trying to cajole her husband into the plan, thus reassuring him with a comforting smile "Of course not, dear. Lord Alexander was just jesting. We both know no one in the family will ever accept us if we did such a thing. We are just throwing out new ideas here."

Lady Miranda knew that although most of the time her other half had a weak spine and bent whatever way she asked him to, even he had his limits.

And this was one of them.

Lord Cassius was a good man by nature and would never sanction such an act against one of the members of his family.

Something which caused Alexander to sneer in his heart describing the man, 'An honorable fool. Fit to be a great steward but a rotten candidate for a lord.'

In Alexander's opinion, a truly skilled lord was one who was an upright gentleman under the sun, yet unscrupulous and cruel under the moon.

Not rigid and inflexible like the one before him.

Thus given Lord Cassius's absolute veto on the matter, both Lady Miranda and Alexander decided to pretend to drop the idea, with Alexander also quickly chiming up to buttress Lady Miranda's claim that they were just spitballing here.

It was unknown how much of that bluff Lord Cassius actually bought. But he did slowly take back his seat, so that was reassuring.

From this, the duo of Alexander and Lady Miranda understood that if they did truly go ahead with this clandestine plan, it would have to be done unbeknownst to Lord Cassius.

As for the resulting fallout, well that was indeed one of the determining factors that the pair would have to analyze before truly committing the act, should they choose to.

But even without Lord Cassius's objection, Alexander doubted he could actually do it.

The reason?

The Heeat family.

Miss Linda's son, Quentin was likely the son of the successor to the ducal family and the grandson of the current head.

Killing him would not be prudent- the Margraves already had enough enemies.

Thus this was really just Alexander poking to see Lady Miranda's resolve.

And the lady's cold heart ready to do whatever it was necessary to win her the throne did manage to adequately impress Alexander.

She had come a long way from that naive, inexperienced girl he had met almost 5 years ago.

The trio was unable to come up with any strategy on how to remove Miss Linda without force for the moment.

Thus Alexander shifted to the reason why they were not able to do so- The Heeat family.

"How much my lady want to deal with the Heeat family? Fight them? Or cut a deal with them? Such as give them a cut of my market and work with them to stop the piracy and get a better rate for your routes from the council."

"We already did. But they want to eat us whole and not even leave scraps." The acrid tone told volumes about that idea's feasibility.