Chapter 1024 Lord Parker Heeat

Name:Herald of Steel Author:
Chapter 1024 Lord Parker Heeat

Alexander stormed out of Miss Linda's small garden with a white hot rage that threatened to almost burn his heart to cinders.

It was to the point he even did not know where he was going in this labyranith like mansion, just that he was going somewhere that was not here.

While back at the garden, Miss Linda did not have the typical rueful facade one would expect a person who had just lost herself a potential ally to have.

You would think after trying to pamper Alexander so much and coming so close, only to lose it at the last second due to some ill advised, spur of the moment words, this scheming lady would be regretful that such a nice stack of cards came so suddenly crashing down.

But no.

The face that Miss Linda currently had was one of frustration and anger, as she pursed her lips and pouted, while at the same time, she worked quickly to turn herself decent- redoing the knot in front of her dress.

And the reason behind her 'weird' countenance had to do with the two armored men who suddenly revealed themselves from the two hidden alcoves of the garden, which were located at the corners and cataloged by all the greenery, both equipped with loaded crossbows!

"Pity...!" And as soon as they stepped into the light the shorter and bulkier of the two, possessing a great big beard muttered so with a deep, low sigh, sending a longing looking towards Alexander's back!

"Yes. I can't believe we did not take the bait." And his partner, a taller, much more handsome man with a fashionable goatee seemed to agree, chiming in with a nod.

Before shooting a smirking glance at the seated lady, "Looks like you are not as irresistible as you thought you were, Linda."

Yes, as you have probably guessed, the tall gentleman was Miss Linda's husband- Lord Parker Heeat.

And being poked by her partner like so caused the noble lady's face to further twist in frustration and fury,

"Small dicked chicken hearted peasant! Would not know what nobility is even if it spread its legs and asked to be fucked!"

It seemed contrary to her elder sister Miranda, this younger sibling's repertoire of curses was much more extensive as she let out a torrent of swears.

While the maid standing next to her, who too had become decent and managed to hide her bosom by now, chimed in to console her with a soothing tone,

"It is not your fault sister. We all know of your charms. And we could clearly see that Alexander thought so too. He was even just about to grab you when.... suddenly something happened. *Tsk*... pity, we were so close."

Going by this statement, it should be obvious that this frowning 'maid' was not really a maid, but the second lady of the house- Lady Miranda's younger and Miss Linda's elder sister- Adele in disguise.

And hearing her rueful laments, the short, well built man moved closer to her while nodding in agreement,

"Yes. That is indeed strange. We were certain that even if Lord Alexander had reservations about touching Lady Linda, he would not be able to pass the opportunity to get a couple of squeezes in of the maid. That should have been very natural. Everyone touches the maids."

The man had no idea why he felt like that, but fate did.

The young pasha had inadvertently managed to dodge an extremely sophisticated, well layered trap, all by just keeping his dick in his pants.

By not acting like a typical Adhanian noble and taking bites out of every meal he was offered, this young supernova had managed to unknowingly live another day and not be shot to bits by a pair of crossbows.

Because if Alexander had let this lust take over and decided to have a nibble, he would have found the food to be truly poisonous.

Both Lord Parker and Achillas, who was a noble himself, could have claimed to be defending their honor the moment Alexander did this, turning the man into a porcupine without giving him a second to explain himself.

Such 'honor killings' were nothing uncommon in Sybarsis.

And was even legal- if a man caught his wife cheating, he could kill both parties right then and there without any repercussions. He would even be praised for his bravery.

And this was what Miss Linda's side wished to exploit- justifying their act by presenting Alexander as a deviant who was accidentally killed when he tried to assault and rape the married ladies of the house.

And to make it even easier for him to fall for it, they even disguised Lady Adele as a lowly, willing maid, so that Alexander would be more likely to take that bait.

How insidious!

Of course, even if Alexander did really try to violate one of the parties, it would not be like his killing would be done and forgotten, his soldiers nodding their heads in understanding and mutual assent that their lord deserved to be punished like so for his crime.

No, it would of course create a tsunami like response, bringing over a tidal wave of grudge and umbrage.

There might even be a bloodbath.

But through all this, Miss Linda's side would always manage to hold the moral upper ground, enabling them to draw the support of neutral factions onto their sides.

While Alexander's side would have to contend in a foreign land with no allies and no great political rhetoric.

This would have put the idea of getting revenge for Alexander into the ground before it could even sprout.


Miss Linda's side really had thought of everything- either Alexander joined them right here, right now, or be killed.

And it was only through Alexander's cautious mind and a bit of help from Lady Felicia that he managed to avoid this death trap.