Chapter 1052 Lady Alede’s Prison

Name:Herald of Steel Author:
Chapter 1052 Lady Alede's Prison

Miss Linda did not reveal her plan to anyone, but only promised she would take care of it.

And then, not wanting the men to question her decree, decided to quickly distract them.

"My dear, Come, stay the night with us. Let us sisters serve you." Miss Linda very charmingly declared, as drawing the two men's attention, she very expertly undid the knots on her breasts, revealing her modest bunnies.

And with the spring invitation in sight, it was like an arrow of lust had pierced through both Lord Parker and Achillas.

Just like the lady had expected, they decided to drop the matter for tonight. It had been a long day and they could discuss it further after having their sexy meal.

Hence they dove right in.

And yes, it was 'they'.

The tall, handsome Lord Parker took the right, while the short but burly Achillas took the left, having no problem with sharing.

And neither did Miss Linda even in the slightest.

In fact, hanging her head back, and feeling the twin warm suckling on her chest, she actually rejoiced, lustfully singing, "Ahhh, yes... it's like I have a pair of overgrown boys. Mmmm...go on! Drink up mommy's milk. Drink up lots and grow up strong, hehe,"

Then with a giggle, she began to caress both her husband's and his lovers' heads lovingly, a motherly glow blooming on her face as she felt the suction on both her tender nubs increase, hot milk flowing out from them

Just from the way she was speaking and acting, you would think she was breastfeeding two infants, not committing the extremely immoral act of lying with two men simultaneously.

And it was perhaps only Lady Adele, who was sitting next to her sister who could sense the deviancy of it all.

This was not even the first time she had witnessed this.

In fact, this was even fairly common. However, although she had always wanted to, she could never produce the guts to protest.

Every time she thought of saying something, it would be like her very voice would be taken away from her.

Lady Adele was naturally weak willed, unlike either her younger or older sister.

She was no leader or no ruler, but easily swayed by others.

In another life, she would have been the perfect housewife, extremely obedient and never complaining, always happy to follow her husband's lead.

But in this life, this passivity came to bite her in the back, as it was through taking advantage of this that Miss Linda managed to rope her elder sister into her side.

She had promised Lady Adele's hand to Achillas, her husband's right hand man, and with that good food, good clothes, good homes, good servants, and in general a good life.... all if only Lady Adele gave her support to Miss Linda and her son's claim to the family seat..... as well as turn her eyes from a few questionable private practices her husband might have

However the cunning, always ten steps ahead Miss Linda had of course come prepared, as her eyes swelled in shock at such a 'rude' suggestion,

"How can sister say this? Have mere maids serve esteemed dignitaries of such caliber? How can you even say this? Won't they be humiliated? And what happens if they are dissatisfied with them and leave? Won't we be left without anything but humiliation? Can you live with such a stain?"

Miss Linda was very clever to draw Lady Adele's honor into this, before suddenly turning incisive,

"I also heard you have not consummated your marriage with Lord Achillas, sister. Why? Sure you got married in secret, but you were blessed by grandfather. You two are undoubtedly husbands and wives under the eyes of the gods. So why are you not sleeping with your rightful spouse?"

Miss Linda had put this question in a very innocuous tone, as if she could not fathom for the life of her why Lady Adele had not conducted her nuptial rites.

And this fake celibacy concern greatly irritated even the good natured Lady Adele.

'I have not slept with my husband because he was too busy screwing you in the ass, dear sister,' Lady Adele ground her teeth in rage, but could not spit out the words she wanted to say so much.

Miss Linda certainly detected this and found herself amused by it, relishing seeing her elder sister burn inside without being unable to vent.

This was Lady Adele's nature and Miss Linda knew it.

And so the younger sibling, smirked in her heart, 'A good few hard fucks with both of them should be enough to subdue her to my side, ' as Miss Linda then went to deliver her most potent words,

"Sister, join me tonight! Both my lord and your lord have asked for you to me by name. And they will certainly both become dissatisfied if you refuse. Then what if Lord Achillas proposes a divorce? I won't be able to help if that happens."

The threat of a divorce was a mighty powerful one, especially in a society such as Sybarsis and even more especially for a lady as high standing as Lady Adele.

It was the equivalent of a nuclear attack, as if a noble of her status, the daughter of an Earl was to get divorced, she would have little recourse other than to tie a long around her neck.

Because in a monogamous society such as Sybarsis, although giving a divorce to a powerful, noble wife was very tedious and even hard since the man actually needed to justify his action in court, but when it did happen, it was usually always blamed on the woman.

And after that, she was basically made an outcast and excommunicated from her current society.

Parents, siblings, friends, and even her own children would cut contact with her because she was believed to be cursed by the gods.

It was not even uncommon to kill a woman shortly after her divorce due to this or sometimes even as a punishment for the divorce itself.

And Lady Adele knew, that refusing to lay with one's husband was one of the justifications that could be used in court to initiate a divorce.

Of course, it would not hold if a wife refused her husband just once or twice, such as if she was tired, sick or simply not in the mood.

These were all valid reasons.

But if she totally refused to sleep with him... at all, such as in the case of Lady Adele and Achillas, where the former did not even complete her marriage rites, this made for a very strong case in court.

And hearing the threat, Lady Adele was clever enough to understand the underlying meaning, 'Join us or die.'