Chapter 1112 Confession (Part-2)

Name:Herald of Steel Author:
Chapter 1112 Confession (Part-2)

Upon hearing Lord Cassius's involuntary confession, Lady Miranda's head began to slowly spin, as all those suspicious acts from the past few days suddenly began to make sense and all those unconnected dots began to swiftly and neatly arrange themselves.

The long hours the man would spend staring into the outside, the strange times he would leave their room with the intention to go 'negotiate' with Miss Linda, and the strange, almost familiar perfume smell he would have on his body when he would return.

Lady Miranda had not bothered to pay attention to any of these clues because one, she blindly trusted her husband, two, she had far more important things to do and most of all, such filthy suspicions never even crossed the refined lady's mind.

How could a brother in law and sister in law, both married, ever cross that line?

And so it was only now she was beginning to understand her mistake- the mistake of blind trust.

While at the same time, Alexander pursed his lips in frustration too, kicking himself for not noticing this.

How could he have forgotten to take into account that that devilish woman would make such an obvious move?

It was almost cliche.

Sure Lord Cassius was a married man, so Alexander had not thought he would fall. And even if he did fall, Alexander did not think Lord Cassius would fall like this.

At best, Alexander had assumed the man might enjoy his sister in law as a fun time pass. Nothing more.

But Alexander forgot that should have been the case only under normal circumstances.

The absolute charm that Miss Linda was almost unnatural, and now it seemed another had fallen to her, becoming her thrall.

And realizing this, at last, Alexander felt like slapping his head for having missed this.

And thus from here on, he could see where this story was going.

And Lord Cassius did not disappoint Alexander's expectations, as Lady Miranda's shocked "What?", the man did not try to backtrack and correct this slip up.

But instead, having let the cat accidentally slip, Lord Cassius decided to for whatever reason go all out and reveal it all, in a move that some would say very bold while others would condemn it as being completely bat shit insane.

Why would you be confessing to all your crimes right inside the enemy's lair where they could do whatever they wanted to you?

But whatever the wisdom behind this act might have been, be it hubris, despair, or simply the urge to gloat before doing down, Lord Cassius first gave a hearty, proud chuckle, "Hahahaha," towards his stunned wife, softly clutching his stomach and arching his head lightly back.

Before quickly bringing it back, at which point Lord Cassius's pleased face instantly changed, twisting itself into a wild, vicious countenance, as he snarled with gnashing teeth,

"You want the truth? You want to know what truly happened! Okay, is the truth!"

"Yes, I helped Linda and Quentin escape the mansion. I did this by having the servants wrap her up in a carpet and carrying it outside... right under the noses of all the guards. Hahaha, and yes, it was me, me who stopped any of the soldiers from asking any unnecessary questions about all this. Hahaha, all me!"

Alongside this proud laughter, Lord Cassius turned to gaze at Alexander with a disdainful, victorious grin, snorting, "Heh! I should thank you for the obedient dogs you raised Lord Alexander. You have truly trained them well, heh heh. How lucky for me."

"Have you not wondered what we were doing in her bedroom all these past few days? Sex! We were having sex. Mind bendingly pleasurable sex! Something a barren, waste of a harpy could never give me."

Then at the end of his recount, Lord Cassius once again returned to his sour, acrid, hate filled tone, lifting his stubby index finger to curse Lady Miranda,

"Four years! Four years we have been married together and you could not even please me a tenth of what Linda had done to me in just the last four days. To think there were so many pleasures in sex. And to think I wasted all the years with you."

"You... waste! Shrew! Barren pig! Where is my son? Why haven't you been able to give even one child... You barren husky?"

Letting out such a vituperative tirade, the likes of which few had ever witnessed, Lord Cassius's acrid voice suddenly turned soft and melodious, almost tender like he was caressing a wounded bird, as he revealed,

"Linda has promised me to give me a son. She has even promised me to marry me. And she has promised to make my son the next Earl. Hahaha, together we will rule the family. Hahaha, me and her."

"There I said it. This is why I did it. This is why I.... "

"Shut up you maggot infested imbecile!"

It was finally at this point that Lord Nolan was able to recover from the head splitting pain coming from his leg and quickly gathering his thoughts, launched this ear spltting scream, trying to stop his son from committing suicide, if not double suicide.

But it was already too little, too late.

All that there was to confess had already been made and after hearing it, Alexander was so enraged that he was fully in the mind to execute both the men.

But perhaps even worse than this for Lord Nolan, despite his urging, Lord Cassius was nowhere yet done.

Because after finishing with Lady Miranda, the large man then suddenly turned his ire on Lord Nolan, in what was a life's first for him, as widening his blazing eyes Lord Cassius lambasted,

"No! You shut up you old bag of bones! I will not be silenced any longer. We are in this trouble only because of you. Only because I had to escort you to safety."

This was the first time Lord Cassius had talked back to his father, broken free of his control, and as he let this tirade out, to the large man, it felt so exhilarating.

There was no fear like he had expected, but a euphoric feeling like nothing he had ever experienced before.

And it was oh so addicting, it was like the sweetest drug in the world.

And thus, channeled by this drug like nectar, when Lord Cassius turned to look at the lying old man, he could only produce a deep pool of hatred towards them, as all the abuse he had done to him over the years flashed before him.

And then suddenly he kicked the lying man.

Kicked his own father!

Let us say no to Original! Don't take part in a crime! Don't patronize thieves!