Chapter 1147 Caught Atop The Bridge

Name:Herald of Steel Author:
Chapter 1147 Caught Atop The Bridge

Alexander's men initially watched two of the enemy ships retreat with unbridled glee, finding the sight of them lifting their anchors and sailing beneath their bridge of great amusement.

Hence they grinned and cheered to themselves,

"Haha, Look! They are running! They are running!"

"Damn right they are! They were idiots to try father in the first place, hahaha."

"It seems their commander finally realized the stupidity of his action. Tsk took them long enough."

"Yeah, what a waste of so many good lives. What were they even thinking trying such a thing in broad daylight? I am surprised the men even held on for so long."

"Fools! Utter fools! Just because they are a few more than us they must have thought they could simply charge blind and we would be overwhelmed! Heh!"

"Mmm! As if we are not that weak!"

It was like this that Alexander's various officers disparaged Ser Robert's tactics while being perched atop the bridge, glancing at the sailing ships with a mixture of pride on their part and disdain for the other.

They were confident this engagement was by now effectively over, and the W for their side was already written.

Perhaps it was because of this that they did not treat the following fact with any sincerity, which was- instead of retreating towards the safety of their harbor, the two ships that were supposedly running away were actually moving towards the bridge, that lay in completely the opposite direction.

This was very strange.

But even the few keen eyed individuals among Alexander's crew who did notice this phenomenon put not much thought into it, only chalking it up to the men on the ships letting the panic get the better of them, and sailing straight ahead instinctively just because the stern pointed at that direction.

Or perhaps they went there to avoid the ever present crossbow fire.

Or perhaps there were any other million more miscellaneous reasons.

Whatever the case was, given the bashing these Margraves troops had received, none of Alexander's men thought these chaps had anything left in the tank.

So instead of paying attention to a few 'fleeing dogs', the legionaries instead focused their attention on the remaining attackers, who still refused to give up and kept on scaling up the steps despite being abandoned by two fifths of their forces.

Such a phenomenon was very unnatural, as you would normally expect the very opposite to happen- seeing a large group from one's own side leave the battlefield usually signaled that things were going south and that you too should leave,

But here not only was the attacker's morale not destroyed, but instead, it seemed to soar, as the men climbed up the ladder with great alacrity despite the enormous and macabre losses.

No legionaries, officer, or even Alexander was able to explain this unnatural zeal and so, with no explanation left, wrote it off as only a momentary burst of will produced by a hard and martinet commander who was driving his men to the edge of their endurance.

This could never last for long, and thus, the sudden great, fierce attack was seen as the 'one last push by the enemy' by everyone in Alexander's camp, thus laying credit in their minds to the claim that the enemy was close to snapping.

Thus the success of the plan brought great relief to him.

With the construction of the infantry formation in the rear, Alexander was effectively trapped on the bridge, with the ocean on either side, and the enemy main camp in the front.

Thus the only way he could escape was if he grew wings and learned to fly. And even then he would have to be content with the archers the Margraves had with them.

"Haha, the prey has been caught. All that we have to do now is close the net and bring the fish back home!"

It was like that Ser Robert celebrated his triumph over Alexander, feeling the long and bloody game had at last ended.

"Enemy at the rear! Enemy at the rear!"It was unknown exactly who was the first to notice the incursion at their rear, becoming alert after a sudden clanging thud of metal against stone pierced his ears.

But by this point, this warning had lost all its efficacy.

Because as Alexander and the others turned around and noticed the group of green armored men behind them, well their numbers atop the bridge were already too high to be dislodged by any force they could muster within a reasonable time frame.

Especially not when the force was growing larger every second, widening the beachhead at an alarming rate.

"....." Alexander was so shocked at the sight of this that instead of letting out a horrific cry or panicked shout, he completely froze like a statue.

And likewise, so did his heart.

Instead of starting to beat like a drum, it just stopped beating, as a freezing chill permeated through his hands and feet.

'How?' He mewled in his head, although that was rhetorical. He knew how.

He could see the ladders against the walls and the ships carrying them. The very ships he had thought were running away.

"Enemy in the front! Enemy in the front!"

Alexander did not get the time to curse his oversight, as, to prove that misery loves company, this loud cry pierced his ears from the other side of his unit, causing the man to instantly snap his head towards that direction.

And the sight made his already chilled heart almost freeze.

There was a brand new unit, dressed in full black heading straight towards him through the mouth of the bridge, with pointed spears and naked malice.

And the realization of his predicament made Alexander feel faint.

Let us say no to Original! Don't take part in a crime! Don't patronize thieves!