CH 13

Name:Hermes Today? Author:
Just when I thought that the dust had settled, Empress Dowager Xue told me, NO! I will definitely not die this easily.

This time when the dean called me to his office, I had already become familiar with the road to get there.

Pushing open the door, apart from the dean, there was also Xue Rong and a man wearing a suit in the office. Li Ruge and her uncle Xu Shuji were also there.

Xu Shuji quickly opened his mouth to speak first: [Student Song, this is Xue Rong’s father, he came to talk about Xue Rong’s plagiarism of the data.]

The renowned Song Group’s chairman looked at me coldly, curling his lip as a sign of greeting.

Given his manner, I definitely won’t be going hot in the face to paste the cold ass, in a sincere manner: [I heard that Xue Rong’s father is surnamed Song, is this the case?]

Xue Rong’s father wrinkled his brow, glancing at Xue Rong who shrank back.

[These are games between children, I don’t want this to go online since they are all still young right.] Xue Rong’s father said to Xu Shuji before turning to me and saying: [Rong Rong has been spoiled by me, isn’t sensible, I hope that you don’t mind too much. I apologise to you on her behalf, you can make a request and we won’t chase this issue, how about it?]

Although this was asking me for my opinion, his tone was so calm and collected that it was as though he was telling me.

I didn’t bother with him, glancing at Xu Shuji: [Xu Shuji, what do you think should be done?]

Xu Shuji sighed: [The school has its own difficulties, I know that you have been immensely wronged by this incident and as your teacher I will do my best to make it up to you, what do you think?]

After saying that dryly, he dodged my questioning gaze, sighing deeply.

Xue Rong’s father smiled slightly, supposedly thinking that I would compromise: [This thing is indeed Rong Rong’s wrong, the difficulties of the teacher I understand, you can be rest assured to punish Xue Rong, Song Group’s investment won’t be stopped.]

After speaking, Xu Shuji’s brows wrinkled tighter: [Anran, a lot of the school’s project are supported by Song Group, if it was just up to me I would definitely not put up with Xue Rong’s behaviour. But I also need to consider the future of the school. There are so many students and teachers that have invested a lot of their efforts. If Song Group discontinues their investment, this sort of loss we all have to bear the consequences. Anran, can you understand the teacher?]

Xu Shuji finished speaking, Xue Rong and her father glanced at us in dissatisfaction, perhaps it was because their felt that Xu Shuji’s straightforward method of explaining to a student was a form of losing face for them.

Xue Rong seeing that this situation could had an opportunity for change stopped crying, and began to provoke me by curling her lip. I laughed coldly, staring at Xue Rong and her father.

[Do you represent Song Group now?]

I couldn’t help but laugh now: [There is no way that Xue Rong’s lie of being Song Group’s treasure is believed by both of you now right? Has no one told you both to go get your brains checked out?]

[Turns out it’s hereditary that your family has a brain problem, I was going to say how could Xue Rong be so dumb, turns out its from your genes.]

Xue Rong’s father had been verbally beaten by me for nearly half a day before he could react, he had stayed at Song Group’s top executive position for so many years, perhaps he had not received this form of scolding in a long time. When he finally reacted by laughing angrily at me.

[Little lady’s lips are quite powerful ah, who knows if you can continue to be so steadfast in society.]

[Definitely more steadfast than yours, at least my manner is righteous.]

[I am at least the same generation of your parents, your father and mother may not have seen much of the world, today I will teach you a lesson. This society does not rely on your ability to talk, it relies on your ability to have a say. Young people shouldn’t take themselves too seriously, otherwise you wouldn’t even know how you died.]

Xu Shuji stood up and protected me behind his body, his eyes filled with a dissatisfaction: [Students at school would obviously be taught by teachers, Xue Rong’s father shouldn’t worry himself.]

I pushed Xu Shuji aside, staring at Xue Rong’s father with a hateful expression, pulling out my phone to make a call to my family.

I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart, who would have guessed that I still had to trouble my father to make an appearance, how troublesome.

My father happily picked up the phone: [Anran, what are you looking for daddy for ah?]

[Daddy, Xue Rong’s parental guardian wants to say some things to you.]

Xue Rong’s father saw me handing my phone over, and didn’t accept it: [Family members present is better, it’s better than having an insensible little girl talking.]

I smiled slightly: [My father is busy, just talk over the phone.]

I concisely described the current situation to my father and then said: [Daddy, right now they are using Song Group to threaten me and the school, you tell me what to do ah? He even said that you and mum both haven’t seen the word, and wants to help you both teach me some personal lessons.]

[What is this? My dad’s anger reached a hundred percent as he roared through the phone: [Xue general manager, you come and pick up the phone right now, decided to rebel now ah! You’re running around ruining Song Group’s reputation!]

Xue Rong’s father was surprised and his eyes widened, his appearance of being an immortal elite disappearing, his uncertain expression landing on my body.

To be honest whether he picked up the phone or not didn’t matter, since I had turned on the speaker, everyone could hear my father’s angry scolding of him. From Xue Rong Rong pretending to be Song Group’s treasure, to him harbouring his daughter, using public office for private gains, using Song Groups name to do disgusting things in public, and finally:

[You have been fired! Tomorrow come to the office to handover your work, in relation to why you have been fired, Song Group’s legal team will tell you slowly.]

Where there was a strong fatherly presence in the middle aged man, now his face had turned ashened, his lips quivering and horrified surprise as he stared at me.

[Song Zhong, Song Zhong, can you listen to me—]

TN: Song Zhong, used to refer to one’s superior (Zhong) or another person in an executive position

I took my phone back, my father seemed to not want to hear him bullshit. Xue Rong’s father considered something for a moment and suddenly slapped Xue Rong across the face.

[Pah] sounded, and he had hit Xue Rong to the extent that she directly slammed face down on the table. Her face instantly turned red and swollen within moments.

Xue Rong had completely forgotten to cry, her lips opened to call out: [Dad!]

Xue General manager angry road: [Don’t call me dad! You trouble maker!]

Xu Shuji quickly supported Xue Rong to stand whilst looking towards Xue General Manager: [Xue Rong’s dad, you method of educating is not good.]

Within the chaos, I didn’t forget to take a look at my dean, at this time he also happened to be looking at me, when our eyes met, he immediately lowered his head. His face down to his neck reddened, his greasy hair became more slick, the sweat slid down and he didn’t dare wipe it away.

Ai, is that necessary?

[Xu Shuji, Song Groups support for the school projects is in order to help the Engineering students to improve, not for certain peoples private benefits. I know that you were being considerate of the school and its teachers and students, but is this form of harbouring acceptable to be swept under the rug?]

[If the school cannot distinguish between black and white, when we go into society, how would we make choices? This isn’t only about whether a student gets wronged, it’s about whether the school values the upbringing of its students.]

[Am I right?]

Xu Shuji guiltily closed his eyes, his facial expression was extremely ugly: [This matter was handled improperly by me, Anran—]

I interrupted him: [I understand your difficulties, Shuji. Don’t worry, no matter what happens, Song Group’s investment will always be towards the improvement of science and won’t stop casually.]

[I had initially not told you about my family background was that I was afraid that the school would give me too many liberties, who knew it would allow someone else to receive special treatment.]

I laughingly said: [I didn’t think that this benefit I didn’t experience, someone else did.]

While I was speaking, General Manager Xue took his briefcase and without a further greeting left to return to the company to plead for leniency; he was in such a rush he forgot to take Xue Rong with him.

The dean at that moment finally reacted, the person who he had been taking care of wasn’t the Song Group’s treasure, rather it was the Song Anran that he had been shouting and sentencing to death who was the real “Treasure”. Sighing deeply, he took a cup of water and attentively handed it towards me.

His face was full of smiles: [Anran ah, why didn’t you tell teacher this earlier, causing you to experience being wronged.]

I pushed aside his cup of water, with a face full of smiles whilst facing him: [Teacher Lin, I nearly forgot the things you did.]

After speaking I sincerely turned to Xu Shuji to say: [Xu Shuji, I hope that you would investigate this Dean Lin.]

Xu Shuji waved his hand, his eyes coldly regarding the dean: [This matter you do not need to mention, I already thought that after this incident was over I would investigate this matter very clearly.]

The dean’s face immediately paled significantly: [Xu Shuji, let me explain—]

I didn’t say anything, when the water is clear there would be no fish, this proverbI understood. At least Xu Shuji had the heart to protect students.

TN: The proverb in the raws is: 水至清则无鱼。I loosely translated it as above but the general meaning is that It’s not best to criticise others too much or else you end up with no friends. Feel free to look up further yourself tho.


Xixi Theatre:

Empress Dowager: *revival*

Daddy Song: *shoots down father of Empress Dowager*

Daddy Xue: *Slaps XR back into the underworld*

Xixi: *cringes*

Pig Teacher: *sweating with shaking cup* Your highness a cup of tea?

SAR: *Disgustedly pushes away* Greasy and dirty

Xixi: *looks for rubbing alcohol wipes to sanitise nearby vicinity* Damn people these days really don’t need face…all the grease from his has made my floor dirty