Chapter 546 Phase Three

Name:Hero of Darkness Author:
Chapter 546 Phase Three

As part of phase three… Hector and Venessa were trying their best to go all out and take the second prince Rogis out of the race for good. 

Kahn had already handed them the recordings of the incident with human victims and now that the second prince was interrogated for the issue Throk Oakenshield. 

And how he misused his authority to ruin the life of an honest man, which the old dwarf clearly wasn't. Since the church and the dwarven race itself were involved, the imperial clan was having a headache with burying the issue unlike other matters. 

But at the beginning of the next week… the recording of how the second prince, some dwarven nobles, and the elites of the society who belonged to multiple demi-human races, some members of the church… was spread across the whole empire through the people working for both the first prince and the third princess… 

How Rogis humiliated the old man and his supporters beat up the defenseless and powerless humans to death just for fun and to feel superior about themselves was released… 

On top of it… his conversation with the old man where he talked about conspiring to kill his siblings, then get rid of the church and finally, enslaving the dwarven race was heard by every single citizen through these recordings. 

Nothing but chaos spread across the entirety of the Vulcan empire. 

The whole social structure of the empire was shaken to its core. And that very day, the second prince was arrested under the orders of the emperor himself. 

ρꪖꪁⅆꪖ ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​ As for the shaken population who were taken aback by this scandal… they had their own priorities. 

The Vulcan empire was indeed filled with racists who treated humans harshly and oppressed them for whatever reasons they wanted because of the deeds of their ancestors. 

The imperial decree by the current emperor which restricted their rights and what they could achieve in society to deter the same cycle of bloodshed like the past was just an excuse for them to release their anger on the human race. 

It didn't matter what skin color they had or what facial structure one had… a human was already condemned to a life of agony and injustice in the Vulcan empire for the past 3 decades. 

But now that the elites of their society, consisting of many demi-human races, dwarves and fireborne, and even some people from church were shown to be nothing but monsters… the whole population took a U-turn on how they treated humans in just a matter of days. 

Because at the end of the day, no racist liked to be called out. And after someone did… the first thing they'd do is to appear like they weren't racists to begin with. 

And when the entire empire was trying to avoid their guilty conscience, to not get associated with people like the second prince and those influential figures of the empire… 

The treatment of the human race changed dramatically as if there was no oppression or any form of partiality in the first place. 

The so-called 'No Humans Allowed' sign boards disappeared overnight and humans who worked their asses off to make ends meet started receiving equal pay in their respective jobs and professions as days passed. 

Soon, the entire populace that was vilified and was actually guilty of the crime wanted to retcon themselves and act like saints even if they still hated the humans. 

In just a week, even the imperial family changed the way they treated humans to maintain their facade of honorable rulers. 

And the Church of Hetrax that had barred humans from entering their buildings and monasteries of deities suddenly lifted off the ban as well. 

Because of this event, even the emperor was having a hard time maintaining his previous stance and wanted to find a way out and not appear like a monstrous tyrant just like his second son.ρaꪁⅆa ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​

Meanwhile, Hector and Venessa were rejoicing as both of them thought that it was solely their work to take out one of the competitors with the help of those secret followers who suddenly appeared one night. 

So even if Kahn didn't originally intend to… this plan by Rathnaar had impacted the fate of the human species of the Vulcan empire. 

Even he had no choice but to acknowledge this impressive strategy because this plan was far more meticulous than what he pulled off in Rakos empire. 

At the end of the day… someone was going to question who sent those recordings about Celine killing Ezekiel inside the forbidden region or her getting the tablet. 

And how did both Kahn's recordings about his death and the previous two coincidentally being revealed at the same time. 

There was this only one clue that Kahn had left as he had no other choice. One day, it was going to expose his plan to the three noble factions. 

And even then, they wouldn't be able to reclaim the Verlassen fiefdom as people already believed that it was one of them who killed Kahn and they already knew that the one to call his death a facade was the one behind his death. 

But here… Rathnaar didn't leave a single stone unturned. 

He even went as far as to use the history of the imperial family and used everything to their advantage. Hector being a needy man who wanted to make his mother happy by becoming the emperor… 

Venessa being the abandoned princess whose mother died in suspicious circumstances… and her father, the emperor himself not doing anything despite knowing the truth… 

He used everything in order to make these two pawns not only believe their side but completely trust them. 

One wanted to prove himself while the other wanted revenge for her mother's death. It was no different than the game of chess… 

But no matter whether it was the black or the white side who won the game. In the end… 

They would be the ultimate winner. 


Weeks passed and soon, an empire-wide announcement was made by the imperial authorities that shook the populace, the noble clans as well as the church. 

Meanwhile, Kahn and the subordinates who had taken over the Oakenshield company as part of their deal were delighted as soon as they heard the announcement. 

Because this was going to be the last part of phase three. And now, in front of the whole Vulcan empire… 

Rogis HoS Sigfreed, the second imperial prince who liked to torture and kill humans for fun was going to face… 

The Imperial Justice.