Chapter 1037 The Sixth Hero of Space

Name:Hero of Darkness Author:
Chapter 1037 The Sixth Hero of Space

After the Emperor of the Space Empire revealed the identity of his ancestor, Kahn was shaken and also perplexed after learning that the person he was going to meet was a former Hero.

[Wait, aren't all heroes and heroines of previous generations dead?] he wondered.

"I know what you're thinking. Just follow behind." said Sakamoto Hideyoshi and walked into a beautiful palace.

[This looks a lot like the Imperial Palace in Japan. I feel like I'm in the Sengoku Era.] thought Kahn to himself. Soon, they entered the top floor of this palace where someone was already waiting for them.

In front of the emperor shone a divine white light and revealed the condensed stature of a powerful being.

A 5-meter-tall and imposing white-haired elderly man awaited.

The grand persona glowing in white light through its body was dressed in a regal blue and black Kamishimo was seated on a Tatami mat, his two katanas strapped to his waist. The air carried an air of reverence as the Emperor displayed the utmost sense of respect for this being.

It was a similar scenario when Kahn first met Rathnaar in the Rakos Empire since the ancient being in front of the Emperor was also a... Remnant Soul.

"Paying respect to Sosen no Ten'nō!" spoke the emperor as he knelt on both his feet, revealing his vehement expression.

Kahn made a ninety-degree bow as per the tradition he knew. However, Argos and Vildred didn't even bother greeting.

Kahn could tell that this Ancestor was a Remnant Soul just like Rathnaar.

However, this apparition was a complete soul and not a half-soul like the latter.

Kahn looked at the Emperor and then the Ancestor...

"Thank you for inviting us. But may I ask why are we here?

And why are we friends now? I bet you were keen on finding and killing me for the divine key just like everyone else before the Conclave of Heroes." spoke Kahn abruptly and his tone carried a sense of caution as well as misgivings.

The emperor's expression went stiff but he regained his composed demeanor soon.

"Why this alliance all of a sudden just because the Hero of Time came back in the past?" questioned Kahn again.

The emperor questioned in a stern tone...

"You don't shy away from tough topics, do you?"

"Well, if I'm to trust an enemy, I need direct and valid reasons." replied Kahn.

Argos and Vildred only maintained a stern countenance as if they too shared the same sentiment.

"Well, it's because although the appeal of your divine key to gain 2 more apples of Eden is lucrative... in the end, we follow our God's will above our greed for power and authority.

Besides... the Empires serving Gods have been fighting a shadow war among themselves for far too long now.

There might not even be a world left after 8 years as per our God's estimation. So what good would having a Peak Saint in our ranks do?" responded Hideyoshi.

Kahn nodded and so did Vildred and Argos.

This alliance wasn't out of goodwill or benevolence but due to their need for survival.

And now that the God of Space himself had intervened in this matter, the Emperor had no reason to target Kahn, the Hero of Darkness.

For someone like him, the survival of his people and the empire was far more important than just gaining a powerhouse at this point.

Thus, one of the Empires that was previously hunting Kahn was now his ally.

The soul specter created a subspace that was different from the real world and true dimension.

Kahn was simply astonished. Because it was neither an illusion, a domain, or some magic formation... it was a completely man-made dimension.

"Now then, child. There's a reason why I called for you after receiving our God's decree." spoke the Ancestor.

"You have achieved the 3rd enlightenment in the Space Law, yes?"

Kahn nodded.

"Then among all the Heroes, including the current Hero of Space, you're the most suitable candidate." proclaimed the ancestor.

"Candidate for what?" asked Kahn, puzzled.

"The truth is... I'm the only Hero of Space who achieved the highest degree of control in the Space Law before my death among those who came before and after me.

And our God, Raum was very impressed with my achievement." said the Ancestor.

"In my generation of summoned heroes, I was also the strongest and killed the Demon God." declared the ancestor.

Kahn was simply stunned to speak. To hear that the old man in front of him had actually succeeded in killing the Demon God in his era.

"Unfortunately... Even I didn't know the perfect way to kill him permanently. So the God of Space commanded me to leave my consciousness behind as a Remnant Soul close to 600 years ago when I was at my prime as a Peak 8th-stage saint.

To train a future Hero of Space who met the condition such as achieving at least a 3rd enlightenment in the Space Law.

Sadly... I have not found my successor in that regard even now." iterated the ancestor.

"Our current Hero of Space is a young man who values honor, ethics, and morality. He also has a strong sense of justice and companionship.

Unfortunately, his mastery over the Space Law is not as adept as yours.

And that is why our God ordered me to teach you." explained the ancestor.

"Teach me what?" asked Kahn.

"How to achieve the 4th-enlightenment in the Space Law." Kahn was shocked.

"Besides, I want to hear what happened in our world." spoke the old ancestor.

"What do you mean by 'our'?" asked Kahn, partially anticipating the answer.

"I too am from the Earth, just like you."

Kahn kind of half expected this revelation at this point. So without wasting time... he asked...

"This type of architecture, the culture, some of the species I have seen, and even the way names and customs people seem to follow here...

Just who are you?" asked Kahn to the old ancestor with two katanas on his waist.

"Ah, I guess I should tell you the names people used to call me by." spoke the ancestor.

"Some called me the Sword Saint, some called me the Dual Swordsman while others called me Dual-wielding Samurai.

But you can call me..." spoke the old ancestor with a tranquil expression.

The very next moment, the floor beneath Kahn's feet shook as he was shocked to his core when the old ancestor, the 6th Hero of Space revealed his true name...

"Miyamoto Musashi."Fôllôw new stories at