C2310 The truth has been said

This time, not only did Xiao Letian wash himself clean, he also washed Gladstone clean along the way.

No one should say that you are an ambitious person. Didn't Benjamin call you a schemer and a usurper? Today I'll break it all open and knead it to tell you, you are not a man of ambition, you are not a man of greed drooling over the throne of the Prime Minister.

It's not that Gladstone needs you, it's that the British prime minister needs you!

When the angle changed, the perspective changed. When the perspective changed, the hearts of people naturally changed. Previously, the elites of the Empire still had a sense of arrogance when they saw Gladstone. However, when they recalled their previous actions, they couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Gladstone had lobbied for his political ideas more than once before, and had stated many times that he was determined to work diligently on internal affairs.

If it wasn't for the fact that his Liberal Party was developing rapidly, who would pay attention to him other than his powerful abilities?

Over the years, the actual controllers of their empires had watched these politicians bounce up and down from the shadows. These politicians had faced them with the attitude of the upper class facing beggars.

All these businesses, financial oligarchs, and nobles thought that politicians were nothing more than puppets in their hands. Without them secretly supporting them, would these bunch of people, who only knew how to use their words, still want to step onto the stage?

But today, Xiao Letian's words had completely overturned the arrogance in their hearts. When the cruel truth was revealed within the situation, it was as if the onion had been peeled off, causing everyone to break out in cold sweat.

"So, we almost became the sinners of the empire. So, there are really hidden dangers under the golden age!"

No one could refute Xiao Letian's reasoning, because they had all felt the danger in their working life long ago. It was just that no one was able to explain the rules in a safe manner like Xiao Letian.

Especially those Factory Owner s, they were very clear about the status of themselves and their competitors. The boiler in the factory had been updated for many generations already, and the size of the spinning machine was getting bigger and bigger, more complicated, and the requirement of the locomotive processing parts was also getting higher and higher.

They had already felt the changes brought about by the advances in science and technology, and they had also discovered that senior blue-collar workers were becoming increasingly scarce.

It was not that there were no good jobs, but that there were no suitable people. Every day, the factory was filled with people who were extremely poor and unemployed trying to find a job, but even if you chose one or two hundred people, you might not be able to find one.

You can't even guarantee the basic literacy rate, even if you want to spend the money to train them in new machines! If he didn't even know how to read, how could he train?

Business leaders were deep in thought, while the financial industry's Bankers was sweating, because they controlled the issuance of imperial bonds, the yield on British bonds had been declining year by year for more than a decade.

This was especially true for the government bonds that were issued because of the war. The enthusiasm for buying was not as strong as it was in the past, and the return on the bonds were becoming lower and lower. This proved what Xiao Letian had just said.

"The whole planet is almost divided up, and the rest of it is input-output parkland, and Britain wants to colonize these places? Then, just wait till you've paid for your underwear! "

War was also a business, it was also considered an investment and production. If one could win a war with 100 million military expenditures, could the new colony earn back that 100 million?

If you say that you can earn it back, how many years would it take? Ten years, eight years, a hundred years? If the investment was big and the results were slow, there was even a possibility of them falling into the bottomless pit of garrison funds. That would be a loss of money for the transaction.

"What a powerful Eastern Führer. Just when the business and finance industry of the United Kingdom revealed some hints of a crisis, they were able to catch him so quickly. This man is so scary!"

This was the first time they sincerely called Xiao Letian their leader, the respect in these words couldn't fool people.

Xiao Letian was finally sure that the English pot of water was boiling. To be able to make Gladstone look at him with such an astonished expression, it must have touched his heart.

"Yes, Mr. Gladstone, I can understand your ideals, but at the moment, there are countless people in England who don't understand you. If you are a ambitious person, then you are a contender for power and profit, but that is the heart of a villain!"

"There is a hidden reason behind your success. In fact, it is because a hidden force at the bottom of British society chose you, Reformist!"

"Don't look at me like that, I, Xiao Letian, am even more unambitious. I don't want or dare to have any intentions towards Britain.

"I'm just like a gambler, betting all of my money on you!" That's all … Why are you still looking at me like that? Do you think I have the ability to subvert British politics? Are you all that unconfident? "

"I have clearly seen the development of history. I naturally want to closely follow the side of the victor … Although you as the victor do not have 100% confidence right now, but I do! In my heart, I have already identified you as the next British Prime Minister … "

"The reform of the British Empire is destined to be carried out by you, so you should be the one to write about the glory of the next hundred years!"

Saying that, Xiao Letian shrugged his shoulders and poured himself a cup of wine: "I already know that you are going to win, why don't I hurry up and bet on it? Could it be that he wanted to bet on Benjamin? Forget it, the negotiations between Benjamin and I in the afternoon ended on a bad note. We are simply not on the same level of thinking, wasting our time talking like chickens and ducks! "

This was the first time he said that Xiao Letian treated him as an equal negotiator, and did not have the haughty attitude from the beginning.

In his heart, he was extremely grateful to Xiao Letian, because he knew that he couldn't even say this out loud, so if he couldn't convince the eavesdroppers with these words, then the British Empire would have no hope.

It was a miracle God had given him to fill in the last hurdle on his way to the prime minister's office.

Just for this little favor, I have to protect you … Actually, I don't need to protect you any longer. The reasoning behind your words has been transmitted to the ears of the Empire's elites.

If you can convince me, you can also convince them!

Xiao Letian, your most dangerous crisis has finally passed. I don't dare say anything else, at least your life is safe!