Chapter 340 has no plans yet

Only when Su Huixian is not pregnant can she make sense of so many things.

Because the two people had a sharp heart, after saying these words, they couldn't help but smile at each other, and in the eyes of each other, they saw a tacit understanding that was difficult to describe.

Lu Heting said: "However, based on this alone, it cannot be used as evidence, nor can you repay your innocence. More direct evidence is needed."

"Yes, I think so too, so I can't see the doctor, so I will come back to you to report the situation as soon as possible." Subei said.

"Go back first, and prepare again. We may be able to find the doctor directly and let him confess everything." Lu Heting already had a plan in his heart.

Subei actually has a plan.

I just don't know, is the plan of the two people still the same as before?


The speeches on the Internet have intensified.

Subei did not speak, and Su Huixian could even take advantage of her physical discomfort to stop her voice at all.

Many reporters contacted Qiu Minxuan, and Qiu Minxuan refused to accept interviews on the grounds of personal privacy and inconvenience to disclose.

The more so, the more curious the outside world is.

Some young nurses couldn't resist the reporter's attack and revealed the situation to them, telling them that Su Huixian had indeed miscarried and was in hospital for recuperation and suffered great physical damage.

The young nurse also revealed to them that Subei must have done the thing, because Su Xingfu, Xu Zhiqin and Du Luo kept saying this.

There were also a few young nurses who sympathized with Su Huixian and accepted a video interview from the reporter: "Su Huixian had a really difficult time during this period. I personally heard that the Su family escaped to pursue Subei’s responsibility, but she was caught by her. Discouraged.

She herself is not in good health, she shed tears all day long, but her attitude towards us has always been good.

Speaking of which, I have changed my view of her and Subei.

I sincerely hope that Subei can take on his responsibilities and at least come forward to apologize. "

The reporter got these revelations and immediately posted them on the Internet - Subei doesn't even have an agent now, and Song Ruinian doesn't have much affection for her. Between her and Su Huixian, she naturally chose Su Huixian.

After these materials came out, Qianyu Entertainment did not speak at all.

Silence is the biggest slander of Subei and the biggest defense of Su Huixian.

Su Huixian lay on the hospital bed, watching the situation get out of control, and all the denigration went to Subei alone.

The nurse came to change her infusion medicine, and she thanked them very politely. In creating her own persona and using the people around her to speak for herself, she has been proficient since she was a child.

Dr. Chen walked in and adjusted some infusion bottles for her. In fact, they were nothing more than nutrients, not medicines at all.

After the adjustment, Dr. Chen sat down and said, "Miss Su, when are you going to leave the hospital?"

"No plans yet."

Dr. Chen said, "Then you will give me the follow-up payment first. I have been under a lot of pressure during this period."

Su Huixian glanced at him, what pressure can he bear? No one doubted him, and he didn't need to take care of his body. It could be said that he didn't need to pay anything.

She said: "Go back, I will hit you on the card."

"Thank you Miss Su."

"I still need to recuperate for a while. During this time, you still have to appear in the hospital every day. Dr. Chen, I need to rely on you, but there is still a lot." Su Huixian said with words.

(End of this chapter)