"Tong Tong, don't think that if you are a screenwriter, you can be lawless, just be so arrogant, and nobody will pay attention to it!" Chen Fang is still wary of the image, although angry, but did not lose reason to curse.

"Mr. Shu, I only communicate with people. For those who can't understand people's words, I'm too lazy to bother. Again, I come to work and don't want anyone to use any excuse to disturb my work. This person is not very good-natured. As soon as I get angry, I especially like to disclose information. "

Tong Tong's lips are smiling, but Chen Fang's lips are pursed by his words. The anger in his eyes is like a storm, which may come at any time.

"Teacher Tong, you just entered the profession. It's better to keep a low profile when you do things. It's not wise to make enemies for yourself in such a hurry."

Shu Ge looked at her eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Thank you very much for reminding me. However, we are not related to each other, so I don't have to worry about it. If you can manage the people around you and don't bring trouble and trouble to other people's work, it will be of great help to me and the crew."

Tong Tong said, directly raised his feet forward, do not want to stay in a space with people, whether it is the action, or the eyes, is a total dislike.

The crew had already got on the bus in twos and threes and ran to the hotel.

Tong Tong is a screenwriter with the group. She is not alone, nor is she a star. She has no car. She wanted to rub the crew's car with Jian Yao.

Who knows, Jian Yao doesn't go to this evening's welcome banquet at all. She wants to go home to watch the little princess at home. She has never been to such a party since she gave birth to a child.

Tong Tong is so stupid that he can only find a taxi.

But I didn't know what evil had been committed. There were people in several cars in the past, and then for a long time, we couldn't see a car.

The sky is sinking, dark clouds are pressing on the boundary, and the wind and rain are coming.

Tong Tong looked at the time, then looked at the sky, and murmured to himself that it should not rain. She did not bring an umbrella.

However, as soon as her voice fell, the sky had begun to patter and patter the rain.

Tong Tong swears in his heart, so he can only put his satchel on his head and keep looking at the end of the road to see if there is a taxi.

It can only be said that her luck today is really bad, the roads are basically private cars.

Tong Tong decides that he must turn over the Yellow calendar when he goes out. Everything is too bad today. First he meets Chen Fang, the green tea whore, and then he can't get a car. Now it's raining.

Why is she so unlucky today!

Suddenly, a black business car stopped beside her.

Tong Tong is surprised and looks at the window. She sees that the window is pressed down and shows a handsome face. How can she be here?

Today must be her lucky day. She can meet Mu Rao by the side of the road!!

She must firmly remember today! Today is the anniversary of her encounter with Aidou!

"Get in the car."

See her stupidly standing in place, spirited flying, self-care smile, Mu around can not help but remind.

Love beans call, Tong Tong Tong looked back, left, right, this opened the door, rubbed on the car, quickly closed the door, action clean, see Mu around couldn't help but draw a lip corner.

"You are..."

"Can't let people see, in case of being photographed by paparazzi, it must be microblogging hot search, and you will certainly take this opportunity to tear you up at home." While talking, Tong Tong also looks out of the car with vigilance.

Mu around the lips flash a touch of light smile, watching her close to the ear lobe son hair stained with water, he took a paper towel and handed it over.

"Sort it out."

Slender white fingers with distinct bony joints and a tissue between the fingers. The child's pupil's heart beat faster. How could her family love beans be so good! How can it be so warm!

This is the tissue that Aidou gave her personally. She has to collect it. How can she use it to wipe her hair?


Absolutely not!

Then Mu Rao saw the girl beside her. Her eyes were shining. She folded the tissue very carefully and carefully.

Mu Rao said What do you do? "

Tong Tong: "collection."


Feeling AI Dou's doubts, Tong Tong immediately explains, "this is mugo. You handed it to me in person. It's an honor to be a fan! I'm going to buy a box to put it in. "

Then Mu Rao saw that she opened the bag on her back, folded a piece of paper towel in common, folded it neatly, and put it in her purse.

He really can't understand, "this is an ordinary paper towel can no longer be ordinary."

With a click, Tong Tong locked the bag and said seriously, "no, this is the tissue given to me by my idol! Round it up, it's a token of love. "


The car suddenly quieted down, and Tong Tong realized what she had said. Her face suddenly turned red and hot. She was chasing stars and killing people! Usually on the Internet is too indulgent, a careless figure leakage."That That's not what I mean. It's just That's what fans often say, so So I'm just used to it. "

Speaking of the back, Tong Tong's voice was as low as a mosquito's cry, and could not hear clearly. Fingers pulled at the strap of the bag, hoping to pry open a crack and get in.

It was quiet in the car. The girl's face was scarlet and her white cheek was pink. With some baby's fat smile, it was lovely.

"Fans usually say that?" Mu Rao thinks that if he doesn't make a sound, Tong Tong will surely die of shame and indignation.

Tong Tong finally raised his head and took out his mobile phone. He quickly entered the micro blog and the super words of Mu Rao. "Everyone is very cute and likes you very much. It's our daily life to clock in, do data, and fight against black."

As an old powder of bone ash level, Tong Tong Tong has a high status among fans and has a good understanding of the composition of fans. Seeing that Mu Rao is interested in this, he immediately turns into a little bee. He is diligent and has careful explanations.

Mu Rao often goes to the micro blog and looks at the entertainment news. He just doesn't know his fans very well. When he looks at the speeches in Chaohua, he has various appellations, such as husband, male god, Muge, Mu Shen, Zai Zai.

Think again Tong Tong Tong just said, Mu Rao think, she is still reserved.

Along the way, the car was basically filled with Tongtong's voice, introducing all kinds of things about the pink circle, talking about various kinds of support from fans, airport pick-up and so on, as well as some small daily life.

Mu Rao listened quietly and asked several questions from time to time.

Zhao Rui, who drives a car, thinks that the sun is really coming out of the West today. He has been following Mu around for so many years. He doesn't like noisy environment. In the past, a little actor asked for advice, deliberately approached him, and always appeared around him to talk. Finally, he said that you were too noisy, which scared the little actor away from him in the crew.

Some artists who want to take advantage of the opportunity to make friends also give up their ideas. If they can't make friends, they offend people instead, it's not good.

Since then, the circle will wear out, muruan like quiet, do not like noisy.

Zhao Rui takes a look behind him through a mirror, and keenly captures the smile between his boss's lips. He draws a big question mark in his head. Does his boss change his mind?

Until the car stopped, Tong Tong looked outside and suddenly realized a very serious question, "how do you know I'm going to the diner?"