Chapter 16: Adoption

Chapter 16: Adoption

Avoiding combat isn't just because of the danger.

The aftermath is a real pain.

One of the dummy bunkers was destroyed, and handling the bodies was also tough.

Burying them one by one is impractical; there aren't enough places to bury them.

In the end, I piled the bodies into the partially collapsed bunker and set it on fire.

One of the invaders had made it to the front of the main bunker and was partially burnt, so I had to drag him out.

While moving him, bodily fluids mixed with dirt and made the floor filthy.

Clearing the bodies alone is not an easy task.

I also had to dismantle the tents they set up and erase any traces.

All of this is work, hard labour.

During the battle, I didn't shed a single drop of sweat, but during the clean-up, I sweated so much I felt dehydrated.

There were no spoils of war.

The invaders' possessions were of such low quality.

Especially the food was unbelievable, even just looking at it.

The food they brought was dog food.

To be precise, it was a substance made by grinding dog food and mixing it with unidentifiable meat, hardened like a nutrition bar, but it was something I couldn't possibly put in my mouth.

When I saw that, I felt impatient.

A solution is needed.

These guys who appeared this time are just the tip of the iceberg.

The bunker facilities under the US military base remain intact, even surviving a nuclear attack.

That allowed me to loot the underground facility first, and then the scavengers came and took everything, leaving nothing behind. But if converted into a living space, it might be better than my bunker.

I never thought I would live in a place where a nuclear bomb had dropped.

But then someone like Lieutenant Colonel Choe appeared.

When one appears, there are usually others to follow.

I need to deal with the US military base.

I must take measures to prevent anyone else like him from coming.

But how should I do it?

Should I set a fire?

Or should I use the heavy equipment stored in the bunker to block the entrance?

Nothing seems to hit the mark.

I need a more powerful and straightforward approach.

For example, creatures like monsters.Follow current novels at

Or a group of gold and its mutants would work too.

But how should I acquire them?

And how can I keep them from attacking people on sight?

I thought about moving the sniper mother and daughter, but even I wouldn't go near them, so I gave up.

Frustrated, I added plenty of sugar to my coffee and connected to my mental oasis.

I clicked on the popular posts tab.

Let's see.

Before I started working, I uploaded a photo of a dog food bar.

I thought I might get some comments in a short amount of time.

But it's not on the popular posts list.

Did I only get one like?

But then...

"No way? What is this?"

I almost let out a curse.

Keystone: This is what the kids in Seoul are eating these days, lol.

The photo Keystone posted was none other than the picture of the dog food bar I had uploaded.

He had stolen my photo and was eating up the popularity!

SKELTON: (Skelton, puzzled) I took this photo, though?

I tried to protest, but there was no response.

Have I seen such a shameless person before?

I complained on the forum, but no one paid any attention.

Even my only internet friend, the human hunter, didn't show up that day.

As I simmered in anger, I glanced at the remaining popular posts, and there was a title that caught my eye.

Kyle_Dos: What's this?

Feeling down, I clicked on it.

A single photo appeared.

Probably somewhere behind the bunker, in the mountains.

It looked like an ordinary photo with unremarkable grass and trees, but within it, something eerie and distinctly peculiar gave off a chilling presence.

A pale cylinder with a glossy, non-reflective surface.

Kyle_Dos: I went to sleep and woke up to find this suddenly appeared. Does anyone know what this is?

Various responses were posted, but no one gave a proper answer.

It's something you couldn't possibly know.

That's something only countries on the brink of destruction can observe.

The name of that pale cylinder is a capsule.

It's a monster's egg.


Monsters start deteriorating the moment they enter Earth, but there are exceptions.

The first exception is classified as "Infiltrators."

Infiltrators are usually small species that can survive independently in Earth's environment without deteriorating.

The type that turned Chairman Jepung Ho into a zombie necromancer falls into this category.

However, they have weak combat abilities, though the term "weak" is relative.

The second exception is environmental change, not individual species.

When the energy from another world flowing out of the rift exceeds a certain threshold, the area around it warps into a shape similar to the world beyond the rift.

This is called Erosion.

In these eroded lands, monsters can survive regardless of their size or strength.

I've seen eroded lands in China.

The distorted form of the world we knew, twisted with malevolence, left us with no words other than "Apocalyptic."

What appeared in Kyle_Dos's photo is the first type.

That's the egg of an infiltrator.

Use a special type of bullet that the reflective force field cannot penetrate to attack the capsule from a distance, causing the monster inside to come out. Then, handle it according to the type that emerges, following the manual.

"If I die, escape in my truck. The key is in it."

"What?! You're going to die?!"

I didn't come here with the intention of dying, but there are no guarantees in this world.

However, not taking risks when you need to act is connected to the 100% certainty of death that will come later.

I know it well.

I know how my unreliable colleagues in China died, how they became hopeless, and how they went insane.

"Let's get started."

The two axes surged with enough force to split the pale surface of the capsule.

Just before the axes made contact.


I stopped the axes with all my strength right before they touched the surface.

It was a feigned attack.

In human society, this might fall under the category of a prank, but monsters are not human.

So, they react.


I witnessed it.

The shimmering axe blade that appeared in the space in front of my neck.

It was a reflective force field.

A reflective force field is a monster's ability to distort and twist attacks directed at itself and return them to the attacker.

There are limits to the physical quantities that can be distorted, but humans have no defence against the retaliation caused by this distortion.

It's one of the many reasons why humans can't defeat monsters.

Fortunately, I had controlled my strength, so there was no chance of my axe accidentally decapitating me.

I let out a sigh of relief and retrieved the axes.

The space at the point where the axes made contact rippled like a black water surface, and then it disappeared as if melting into the space.

"It's safe."

When monsters don't want to come out of the capsule, they create a force field.

During that time, it's difficult to stop attacks that can't be blocked by the force field, and the capsule is torn open to reveal the monster.

I don't know the reason.

Maybe they haven't finished putting on makeup, or they want to sleep a little more, or maybe they're having a community meeting with other monsters.

Well, they must have their own reasons.

Anyway, using this inclination to check for safety is my own way.

If I had to name it, it would be the Skeleton-style Capsule Test.

With a moment of safety secured, I loaded the capsule onto the truck with Kyle_Dos's help.


Loot acquired.

"You really have no fear, do you? What if a monster jumps out from inside?"

Kyle_Dos rolled his tongue as he looked at the capsule loaded onto the truck.

"If I'm unlucky, I'll die."

"You've got a point there."

"Anyway, I have to go now since it's urgent."

"Okay. Be careful."

There was no need for many words between us.

Both Kyle_Dos and I got what we wanted from each other.

Besides, this isn't the end.

Why? Because I'll see your face on the community in a few hours.

Kyle_Dos waved his hand.

"Is this going to be a top-secret matter this time?"

I nodded.

"Next time, please like my post! I'll be counting on it."

"Depends on the content."

Kyle_Dos chuckled and raised his thumb, showing understanding.

Feeling the strong bond of the community, we said our goodbyes.


The spot where I placed the capsule was not a US military base.

That's too close to my home.

The location where I left the adorable baby monster was in the middle of a road that leads to both the US military base and my territory.

It's about 5km away.

A distance similar to the sniper mother and daughter who are my neighbours.

I have no idea what might come out of there.

It could be someone who creates zombies like the Necromancer type or someone like the Spider type who preys on the construction industry.

At least they won't come towards my direction.

Monsters tend to go where there are more people.

It's not 100% certain, but...

Still, this young one's performance is reliable.

Static: This is Exploration Team 23! There's a strange object ahead!Static: This is Road Control Headquarters. Drone observations confirm that it's a monster's egg. Turn around and get away from the egg as quickly as possible. This is not a recommendation, it's an order. Repeating...


A month has passed since then.

So, it's been 1 year and 11 months since the war started.

In the community, topics about the anxiety and complaints related to the influx of refugees have been popular in recent days.

Among them were Keystone's posts.

Keystone: Damn, it's screwed!

He said refugees have set up a camp in front of Keystone's neighbourhood.

Is this destiny?

The whole world may be in chaos, but I'm enjoying a leisurely late summer.


I don't give a damn.

Even at this moment, the adorable baby monster is still peacefully sleeping inside its round capsule, protecting my territory from the pests trying to enter.

But wait a minute.

Someone unexpected is about to disrupt my peace.

User ID: Sergent

I received a message from Lee Sanghoon.

This guy, who is manoeuvring through the collapsing Republic of Korea, is my saviour.

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