The next morning, that perverted maid stood next to my bed, only wearing an apron above her naked body.

“Good morning, Komari-sama.”

“Yeah, mor—Wait, we’re just gonna ignore your attire!?”

Right immediately as I saw her, I felt a sense of danger filling my entire body. My pervert sensors have gotten much more sensitive as of late, I feel like. Whenever this girl approaches, I feel my hair standing on edge. I fell back to the wall, and glared at that pervert.

“I’m shocked you can wear such embarrassing clothes like that. Do you not have any shame?”

“I do not.”

“Don’t just agree to that! What am I supposed to respond now!?”

“Breakfast has been prepared. Today, I made Komari-sama’s favorite french toast. I did my utmost, so please eat up.”

“Eh, really? Yay~”

I sat at the counter table in my room, gazing at the plate Vill had prepared. It gave off a sweet scent, and looked terribly delicious.

“Can I eat?”

“Feel free.”

“Thanks for the food.”

I carefully put a piece into my mouth. So soft, and sweet. It makes me feel proud that I’ve been a shut-in the entire day. On a side note, Vill has been preparing my food as of late. According to her, ‘It is my duty as your personal maid’. As things turn out, she’s actually a pretty good cook. I do make cookies from time to time, but I can’t even hope to compare with her…Even though she’s just a pervert…

“That was delicious~”

After around ten minutes, I had finished my breakfast. My stomach was full, and my eyes were telling me to go for a second slumber. But before that, I have to brush my teeth. I put a bit of milk in my cup, taking a sip, when Vill raised her voice in a calm tone.

“Now then, since you’ve had breakfast, I’ll have you work, Komari-sama.”

“Pffft!” I spit out the milk in my mouth.

This wench—she would use such methods!?

“W-Wait. I worked like crazy yesterday, didn’t I? I have to work again?”

“Of course. What do you think a job is? Anyway, you have to change into your army uniform, so please take off your clothes. Up with your arms~”

“Can you not treat me like a small child!” I rolled myself up in my blanket.

As if I’d work every single day. I deserve a week off at least.

“Komari-sama, about today’s work.”

“As if I care. Tell my subordinates that I’m sick.”

“I think we’ve had this conversation before…But rather than that, are you sure? Today, the plan was for Komari-sama to choose her own Rider Beast.”

“…Eh?” I showed my face from beneath the blanket, and stared at Vill.

Rider Beast? You mean…that Rider Beast?

“Indeed, that Rider Beast. They say that a famous general needs a fine horse. Well, there’s no guarantee that it will be a horse, but…You have to choose your important partner now.”


If that’s the case…Then I guess I could step outside for a bit?

“Now, you have to change into your uniform. Today, I will definitely help you change.”

“…Hey, Vill, will I really get my Rider Beast?”

“Yes, her Majesty the Empress has given her permission. Now, raise your hands, please.”

“H-Hmm, how generous of that perverted Empress. By the way, where are we going? The farm?”

“There is a special barn near the Seven Crimson Office, and we will go there—Ah, Komari-sama, your skin is so white and beautiful. I could look at it forever.”

I see, a special barn…Heh, hehehe. I actually always admired having a Rider Beast. In the ‘War Chronicles of Andronos’, the protagonist had one as well. And, I feel like that Rider Beast could become my very first friend.

“I thought that there’s only demerits when becoming a Seven Crimson Deva, but this is an unexpected reward. Don’t you agree, Vill?”

“Indeed. I want to observe Komari-sama’s glorious appearance as you sit on the Rider Beast. Also, I want to help you take off your lower garments, so could you turn towards me?”

“Ah, yeah.”

This is going to be great~ I wonder what kind of beast it will be? But, I never rode on a Rider Beast before, will I be fine? I hope someone can teach me. How long has it been since I was looking forward to going out like this? Let’s go, Vill!


The worst possible scenario had occurred. Because I got so excited about the Rider Beast, the perverted maid used this opening to help me change my clothes. That being said, I feel good right now, so I wasn’t bothered with that too much, even though I’d normally scold her like crazy.

“We’ve been awaiting you, Gandezblood-sama. Now, please come inside.” A near-elderly wise vampire greeted us at the barn.

He apparently had received command from the Empress to care for this barn. I could pick up a clear radiance from his eyes when he talked about Rider Beasts. He feels like a normal person, and not a pervert or berserker for once.

“Rider Beasts can see into the hearts of us. They immediately find out if we hold wicked thoughts. That’s why, when dealing with a Rider Beast, you have to show kindness and respect.”

“I-I see. Kindness, and respect…” I carefully stepped into the barn, when a beastly and distinct scent scratched my nose.

But, the sight that opened up in front of me completely blew all of that away.

“Waaaah! There’s so many!”

I guess that’s about what you could expect from a barn under the direct control of the Empress, as even an amateur like me could tell how trained and excellent these Rider Beasts here were. It ranged from average horses to what looked like reptiles. I found one that looked interesting, and reached for it with my hand. It must be used to other people, as it showed no resistance to having his head caressed by me, and instead narrowed its eyes. S-So cute…

“Have you found one you’re interested in? This one came from the Fairy Land, belonging to the Mizuchi1 race. Probably the most gentle race out of every Rider Beast, but once they kick off the ground, you have to be careful not to fall off.”


Listening to the old man’s explanation, I observed the other Rider Beasts around. Each and every single one looked like it was wasted on me.

“And, did you decide on one?”

Even if you ask me that, I could never choose one out of my own accord. Every single one looks great. While I was racking my brains, I walked deeper into the barn, when I spotted a single Rider Beast all alone. Judging from its outstanding fur, it must have belonged to the dragon race of Rider Beasts. It’s appearance gave off an air that made it hard to approach it.

“Old man, what about that Rider Beast?”

“That? Well…” The old man narrowed his eyes. “It is the most rare Mizuchi breed out of all, and we call it a Crimson Dragon. I only have one of this breed here as well. It possesses courage, strength, agility, making it quite possibly the highest rank of the Rider Beasts. However, regarding this…”

From that tone, I judged that there must be some problem with it. However, I felt some sort of connection between me and the Crimson Dragon. It’s probably because it gave off an atmosphere of loneliness. I slowly approached the stall, and called out to it, putting as much kindness into my words.

“Come here.”

“You can’t, Gandezblood-sama! It’s too dangerous!”

“What is? This guy’s the same as me. There, there~”

The Crimson Dragon had been wary of me at first, but eventually saw me as a harmless vampire, and slowly approached me. I gently touched its white fur, and it gave back a comfortable sensation. I moved over to its chin, its neck, when a relaxed snort came out of the Crimson Dragon’s nose.

“N-No way…”

“Fufu, surprised? Most people just regard this guy as a problem child who doesn’t get along with anybody, right? But, he and I are allies in that regard, so we can get along like this.”

This radiance in its blue eyes…to me, it looked like it didn’t want to meddle with anybody, rather staying alone. Because of its special features, like its white fur, it couldn’t fit into its surroundings. I understand that painfully well.

After I touched it for a while, the Crimson Dragon apparently had opened its heart entirely. It started rubbing its head against my chest, as if it asked to be spoiled even more.

“Wah, ahaha! Stop it, you’re tickling me!”

“…I’m sorry, but what is that Crimson Dragon…”

“Ah, Villhaze-sama? Several generals had tried to win it over, but they failed in the process… After all, this Crimson Dragon really loves little girls, and only opens its heart to them. When a group of students came to visit this barn, it only got along with the girls.”

“I see. That makes much more sense.”

“Rider Beasts can easily see inside the hearts of us. However, we can’t do the same thing with them…”

I heard Vill and the old man talk about something behind my back, but I wasn’t too bothered. I was just so happy to have found a new friend, that everything around me was blended out. I’m sure that the Crimson Dragon must have been feeling the same way that I did, as it pressed its nose against me.

“Alright, I’ve decided!” With clear feelings, I turned towards Vill and the old man. “I’ll make this guy my partner. Old man, you got no problems with that, right?”

“Y-Yes, but…are you sure?”

“Of course, we two are comrades. It wouldn’t be too far off to say that we are two bodies, one soul. Right, Bucephalus2?”

The Crimson Dragon neighed as if he was agreeing with me. I came up with his name on a whim, but I feel like it’s a great fit. From today onward, you will be my trusted partner Bucephalus!

“If Gandezblood-sama says so, then I have no reason to object, however…”

“No need to try any further. Komari-sama might seem weak and fragile, but she can be oddly obstinate at times.”

Then, why don’t I try riding Bucephalus for now? Those who call themselves generals on my level need to be skilled at riding Rider Beasts! —Also Bucephalus, can you stop tickling me like that!? Don’t lick my neck, will you!

Hence, it was time for riding practice. Since I was an absolute beginner, I had to learn how to even mount it, but thanks to Vill and the old man, I somewhat managed to succeed. But, when I eventually made it up Bucephalus, it felt like I was above the clouds. I was way too high up. It was around ten times higher than I had imagined. I was drinking milk every single day with the desire to maybe grow a bit more, but I don’t need this much. Just by looking down sideways, my body started shivererererer—

“A-Are you okay, Gandezblood-sama? You seem to be a bit pale…”

“W-What are you saying! I’m trembling with excitement!”

“That’s right, Forage-dono. A Seven Crimson Deva general such as her would never tremble in fear at riding a Rider Beast. She definitely isn’t about to break out in tears.”

“R-Right. Then, let’s start walking, Gandezblood-sama.”

According to the detailed and considerate explanation of the old man, I had to push my ankles against the belly to tell the Rider Beast to speed up or slow down. It was fairly easy to follow, and Bucephalus started trotting. Ohh, this is amazing! I’m actually doing this!

“That’s Komari-sama for you. You’re so skilled my eyes are tearing up.”

“Wahaha! Don’t you agree! Go forth, Bucephalus! Let us become the wind, as we aim for the end of the world!”

Bucephalus neighed again. It’s like he’s answering my feelings, as he was picking up more speed. Wow wow wow, am I a genius or something? Alright, I’ll just do a round around the royal palace—Hm? Hold on…

“…Aren’t we going too far? Bucephalus, me saying that we should aim for the end of the world was a play on words, okay? That’s why, stop…stop! Hyaaaaaaah!?”

At that moment, I really became like the wind. My brain couldn’t process it quickly enough. The Rider Beast Bucephalus that I sat on moved at lighting speed across the ground. The scenery around me went by what felt like in a flash. My eyes couldn’t even keep up with the change. Even after screaming, Bucephalus didn’t stop. This is bad, this is really bad.

“Stop…Stop stop stop!”

“Gandezblood-sama! Pull on the reigns!”

I heard the old man’s voice from behind my back, but those words didn’t reach my ears. Filled with fear, my body wouldn’t even allow me to move my legs, and give Bucephalus the signal to stop. Of course, my partner had no idea about my fears either, as he just enjoyed the moment.


Johan Helldars was beyond furious. Near the Seven Crimson Office, there existed a training field. Even if this squad had gathered problematic soldiers and murderers, they still were a fully-fledged corps. On days with no battle, they would practice, and that’s why a great number of vampires headed over to the training field.

The battle between Belius and Melaconcy was especially harsh. The ground was scooped out, explosions rang out everywhere, and people occasionally got wrapped up in this, which even created casualties.

However, contrary to them, Johan did not hold such a desire to fight. He sat cross-legged on a nearby beneath in the shadow of a giant tree, munching on his lunch, as he tried to suppress his rage.

Of course, the target of his rage was none other than Terakomari Gandezblood. That small brat stole the seat of the Seven Crimson Deva from Johan. This wasn’t the first time where someone from a royal family misused their power to make it high inside the army. On the contrary, it happened on a frequent basis here in the Empire. The problem was however that this brat dared to embarrass Johan.

Just by remembering it, Johan was boiling with rage. On the day before yesterday, when Johan tried for a surprise attack against Terakomari Gandezblood in the Blood-drenched Room, she killed him without remorse. If she possessed strength befitting a Seven Crimson Deva, she should have been able to deal with that attack easily—That’s what he judged, and acted accordingly so.

And, as things turned out, Johan had been dealt with easily. In front of everyone’s eyes, his neck was crushed, and he died an unsightly death. As if that wasn’t enough, because he had died there, he couldn’t even participate in the battle against the Laperico Kingdom. There couldn’t have been any greater humiliation.

“I’ll definitely get my revenge…!”

He crushed the bone of his meat with his bare teeth. A follower of his let out a terrified shriek at that, but Johan couldn’t be bothered. He was completely focussed on how to get revenge. He would have preferred to go look for that commander right away and slaughter her, but just doing that would be boring. He had to pay her back for all the shame that had been brought upon him. First, burn away all her beautiful hair, and her clothes while he was at it. And then—

“Oh my, revenge is not something I can appreciate.” A voice suddenly spoke up behind Johan.

A man like a withered tree stood there, looking down at Johan. He was the self-proclaimed advisor of the 7th Corps, Chaostell Cont.

“…What do you want? I’m in a bad mood right now.”

“Aren’t you always in a bad mood? That’s why your head isn’t focussed when you need it.”

“Are you picking a fight with me?” Johan glared up at Chaostell, who just laughed it off.

“By the way, you just muttered something about revenge, did you not?”


“You’re not aiming for her Excellency, right?”

“Who else is there, huh?”

Chaostell shrugged his shoulders.

“Did you not realize that you cannot hope to win against her? Her Excellency Komari possesses exceptional strength.”

“Don’t talk stupid shit like that, it was nothing more than a coincidence! I’m being praised as the ‘Hellflame Slaughterer’, so how would I lose against a brat like that.”

“I mean, you did die.”

“I’m telling you, it was just a coincidence! An accident! That brat does not have any strength at all! Did you see her pale face when I attacked her? And, she closed the door instead of challenging me head on.”

“Even if that was the case, how do you feel about yesterday’s incident?”

“Yesterday? What are you on about?”

“The battle with Laperico Kingdom. You might not be aware of it because you couldn’t participate, but her Excellency had given a rather vague and illogical command as a commander. It was something someone with a long military service would say.”

“And what was that?”

“‘Let’s go get this party started’, that was the only order her Excellency gave us.”


“Isn’t that the best possible order for a corps like ours? She had perfectly grasped our individual desires after not even two days, and used that to her advantage. Even I felt like taking my hat off to her.”

“Even a chimpanzee could have come up with that! I knew it, she must have become a Seven Crimson Deva just because of her connections!”

“Oh lord…”

No matter how much Johan rambled on and on, Chaostell just shook his head in disbelief, muttering an exhausted ‘This is why brats are…’, not even trying to hide his annoyance. Yet again, Johan grit his teeth to a level where it made a crusty sound, and glared at the withered tree bastard.

“You shouldn’t underestimate me too much, or you’ll regret it.”

“Do it then. I was looking for a mock battle partner anyway.”

“Hyaha, alright then, let’s do this.”

Poof, a flame appeared in both of Johan’s hands. Chaostell was about to ram one fist right into his face, but decided against it.

“No, wait a second Johan.”

“Huh? Are you chickening out now? I’ll burn your hair roots to a crisp, so prepare yourself—”

“Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Out of the way out of the way out of the waaaaaaayyyy!!”

“Hm? —Blegh?!”

A dull impact hit Johan in the back of his head. He couldn’t even process what just happened. He didn’t even have time to feel the pain, and the fact that blood splattered from his head was unbeknownst to him. Without knowing anything, his world turned black. Johan died again3.


At that time, I was already beyond help. Bucephalus apparently really was planning to bring me to the end of the world, as my eyes couldn’t keep up with the scenery around me changing this rapidly. Hence, I gave up on thinking. It’s over. I’ll just take the hand of this old man, inviting me to heaven—I stood with one foot in the coffin, when…

My sight was turned upside down. Following that, I felt my body soar through the air. Apparently, I had been blown off Bucephalus’ back. The world felt like it moved in slow motion. I was doing several rolls mid-air, when a familiar face appeared in my view; the withered tree Chaostell, as well as dog-head Belius and rapper Melaconcy. Apparently, I ended up at the training area of the Mulnight Imperial Army. I even saw various other subordinates around. Everyone was staring at me in confusion and surprise.

Well, I understand, I’d be just as shocked. Their admired superior turned out to be clumsy enough that she can’t even handle a single Rider Beast. Oh yeah, I’ll definitely be overthrown for this. And probably killed right after. If anything, I’ll die from falling off Bucephalus first.

I mentally prepared myself for a kiss with the solid ground, when I actually shared a passionate kiss with soft maid clothes—Fueh? Maid clothes?

“—My, Komari-sama, I keep telling you not to leap at me like this during the day. Please think about my own feelings.”

I carefully looked up, only to find an all-too familiar girl gaze down at me. There, I realized that the perverted maid was carrying me like a princess…How did she manage to keep up with Bucephalus? Magic? That couldn’t have been average speed—Also, can you not sneak your hands into my clothes, you perverted maid!?

“I-I won’t thank you for this.”

“Why are you stuttering, I wonder?”

“S-Shut up. Let me down right away.”


Vill listened to me, and carefully let me down. Ugh, my eyes are still turning…Also, that Vill is holding my hand, making sure that I don’t lose balance…Why is she so reliable so randomly.

“If it isn’t her Excellency. I am honored to meet you on this wonderful day.”

I finally stood on solid ground, staggering like a drunkard after my third bar, when Chaostell approached me, showing his usual cheerful smile. Damn it, why at a time like this…

“Chaostell. How are you feeling?”

“Thanks to you, just fine. The Komari Squad came here to train for your sake.”

“Is that so. I appreciate that.”

“Indeed, I’d love for her Excellency to join us.”

“Wahaha, what are you saying. If I joined you, everybody would die in five seconds.”

A wave of admiration filled the audience around me. These are all morons, I see.

“Indeed. It seems like this fool has died before he could even challenge the battle.” Dog-head Belius gave a cynical smile.

Fool? Died? What is that guy talking about? I turned around to look behind me, only to find a blonde-haired man laying on the grass. I felt like crying again. Isn’t that…

“Indeed, he has been stomped to death by Komari-sama’s Rider Beast.”

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!? I killed again!? And it’s the same guy from before!? He’ll totally come for my head, right!? I’d definitely get stabbed if I walked alone at night. And, where did Bucephalus go!? Did he run to the end of the world without me!? That moron!

I held my head in despair, when my subordinates caused a ruckus.

“Long live her Excellency!”

“Long live the killer!”

“Get rid of that guy!”


“—I’m not dead yet you morooooons!!!”

Poof, I felt insane heat building up at my back. Looking over, the blonde-haired man, who should have been dead, had his entire body wrapped in flames, as he glared at me. In the sight of this, I felt my entire body fill with fear and despair. This guy was still alive!?

“Your Excellency, don’t you think surprise attacks are a bit unfair?” The blonde-haired man spoke with a deep, resentful voice.

I had no words to counter that. But, I knew I had to say something.

“You are at fault because you didn’t evade.”

“Hah, that so? Then, you won’t have any complaints if I slaughter you right now, will you!?” The blonde-haired man ran towards me, his body still in flames.

Ah, I’m done for. The second these words popped up inside my head, Vill suddenly let go of my hand. And then, a miracle happened. I lost balance in that second, as my body tilted sideways, which allowed me to evade the incoming attack of the blondie.


“So smooth!”

“That’s her Excellency for you!”

“It’s like I’m watching a bullfight!”

“Just watching her gets me excited beyond the reasonable!”

Stop, just shut up. No, these guys don’t even matter. I have to do something about that blondie.

“Evading because of luck, huh!? Then, you just have to die this time!” The blondie fixed his posture, and came at me again.

If I don’t evade now, I’ll die. My instincts were telling me so, which is why I somehow managed to move my feet. But, because I was still feeling dizzy, they wouldn’t do what I wanted them to. Damn it, my semicircular canals are way too weak!

“Hyahaha! Burn to cinders, you darned command—Guha!?”


It felt like heaven and earth had been flipped. Unable to comprehend what just happened, I just let it happen. I knew that I fell over, but I barely felt any pain…?


Just when I thought that, I heard a loud shriek right close to me. I looked beneath me, and somehow ended up on top of the blondie. Not to mention that I had the index finger of my right hand directly stabbed into his eyeball!?

“That’s Komari-sama for you! You turned this situation around, and utterly destroyed his eyeball in one strike! You brought forth the greatest possible result from the least needed effort! If this isn’t the essence of Komarism, I don’t know what is!”

Thank you for the swift explanation, Vill. But, what is Komarism? Nevermind, who cares about that! I pulled out my finger from the man’s eye socket, and stood up. The blondie rolled around on the ground in anguish, screaming ‘My eye, my eye!’. When I looked around me, my subordinates were nodding in admiration. Even one of them was crying tears of blood, gritting their teeth with a ‘I’m so jealous!’. Who are you even, get away from me.

Also, what should I even do with this? Should I act like the tough guy again? I took a few deep breaths, and spoke up.

“Hmpf! This is what happens when you try to rebel against me! Next time it won’t just be your eyeball, but what’s inside your ass as well, so be prepared!”


A roar of applause filled the area. I don’t want this kind of work anymore. Can I quit now? Oh right, I can’t. Guess I’ll just vent out my anger later at that perverted maid. Inside of my head, I came up with the ‘Hellish Tickling Punishment’ for her, when the blondie pushed up his body.

“H-How dare you! I won’t forgive you for this!” He covered his right eye with his hand, pointing scorching hot killing intent at me.

I readied my body, not knowing what he would do. He put one hand in his military uniform’s pocket, took out something, and threw it at me. It was a glove. Eh, you’re throwing this away? I’m sure it could be used still. What a waste…

I was thinking that, when I realized that the air around me changed.

“Now this just got very interesting,” Chaostell commented, as he took a step forward.

What is he on about? The blondie glared at me, as the corners of his mouth went up, grinning.

“Terakomari Gandezblood. I challenge you to a duel.”

…What? Cruel? Jewel? Fuel? …Duel!?

“Wah, eh…”

“Haha, hahaha, I should have done this from the very start. It’s obvious that I’m stronger. During a one versus one, in a place with no mystery ingredients, I’ll definitely come out on top. Hey, your Excellency, you won’t accept that, right?” The blondie grinned.

I looked around me, utterly baffled. Vill gave me a thumbs-up. Chaostell did so as well. Belius had his arms crossed, and Melaconcy was dancing to himself. The other subordinates stared at me with eyes of expectation. I had not a single ally in this. Really now, that can’t be helped then.

I slowly walked forward, and picked up the glove from the scorched ground.I mustered the best arrogant smile I could manage, and announced.

“—Very well, I accept. Eventually, you will regret this decision, but then it’ll be too late, okay?”



The second I made it back to my room, I jumped on top of my bed, and deeply regretted my decision. Of course, the reason was obvious. I accepted the challenge of Johan Helldars without thinking twice about it. I can’t run away anymore. I’ll get roasted to a crisp by this man in front of everyone, and get removed from my position.

“Komari-sama, are you that happy about it?”

“Who’d be happy about that!?”

Vill had a calm expression as always. Does she not have any sense of danger? I guess that makes sense. I’ll be the one to die, not her.

“Ugh…What should I do…Should I seek exile? Run away? A neighbouring country? But, the chimpanzees will attack me…”

“Komari-sama, please raise your head.”

I buried my face into my pillow, about to break out in tears, when Vill called out to me with a kind voice. What does she want now, I thought to myself, and looked at my side.

“What do you want, pervert. I’ll report you.”

“Oh my, don’t use these words now. I understand your feelings, Komari-sama. After all, if you do nothing, you will definitely be killed.”

“That’s right! I’m at the end of my life! What should I do about this!? There were so many things I wanted to do before dying! Publicize my book, make a castle out of sweets, and—”


“Swim inside a pool of honey.”

Pffft, Vill laughed at me. Come on, I was panicking and blurted out things I never did. How can I live with this shame anymore. Maybe I’ll go die. Then again, I will anyway.

“It’ll be fine.” Vill smiled. “Have you forgotten? Even if you get killed, you won’t die4. The Mulnight Empire has its own magic nucleus.”

“I know about that! But, dying hurts, right! And it’s uncomfortable!”

“As I’ve said, you don’t have to worry. As long as you have me around, you will not die in a duel, no matter what opponent you may fight. Believe in me.”

“Eh?” I gave a baffled reaction.

What is she talking about? The perverted maid however ignored my confused gaze, and instead announced proudly.

“I am a special third-lieutenant of the Mulnight Imperial Army—Specialized in intelligence and subversive activities. Just leave everything to me. I will definitely bring victory to Komari-sama.”


And then, the day of the duel arrived. The Mulnight Royal Palace has a fighting ground annexed to it. It’s usually used for idol concerts or the end-of-year slaughter activities, but by using the right of a Seven Crimson Deva, you can even hold a duel here. Really, power and influence is everything you need, huh.

“Kyaaa! Look, it’s Terakomari-sama!”

“Your Excellency! Just kill off Johan!”

“Komarin! Komarin! Komarin!”

“Ahhhh, haaa…Komatan…So good…”

A great number of onlookers had gathered already, every single one looking at me like some drug addicts look at their stuff. And, these guys didn’t even belong to the 7th Corps. They’re all peeps from different corps, or even complete outsiders of the army all-together. Apparently, the fact that I would be participating in a duel was spread all across the imperial capital. No need to even guess who planned that, it was the people from my corps.

Because of these morons, I was about to die before the duel even started…I was really hoping we could finish this a bit more secretively. This isn’t even just the idiots from my 7th Corps, it feels like I’m some idol during a live concert! What do you all even expect from me!?

“—Komari-sama, how are you feeling?”

I suddenly heard the perverted maid’s voice in my ear. On the way here, she handed me a magical transmission device.

“How am I feeling? I want to run away…”

“Please try your best. You have to stand strong now.”

“Don’t wanna~ Let me go home~!”

“If you make it through this, I will offer you a wonderful reward.”


“Sleeping together with a beautiful maid ticket x5.”

“I don’t need that!”


“The amount is not the problem!”

“By the way, the maid will be Komari-sama.”

“What are you on about!?”

“These tickets will sell like hot potatoes.”

“It’s not even for you!? How much are you going to make me work!?”

“I will buy all of them, so do not worry. I cannot allow some ugly old man sleeping next to you. Also, this all sounds too complicated, so will you just sleep with me if I pay the money?”

“You’re sounding awfully like an old man now!!”

My motivation was slowly disappearing. What is this pervert plaguing me about only a few minutes before my death.

“…Hey, Vill. Let me be serious for a second.”

“Feel free.”

“Can I…really make it out of this alive?”

I heard a faint snicker. However, that only lasted for a second, as Vill spoke up with her usual calm tone.

“Do not worry. I am Komari-sama’s faithful servant. No matter what may happen, I will not cast you aside…Also, it seems as if your opponent has appeared.”

There, a loud roar filled the fighting ground. At the opposite side of where I stood, basically where the entrance of the challenger was located, the giant door opened with a dull sound. I gulped.

It’s about to happen. It’s about to begin. What in the world is Vill planning? I don’t mean to brag, but I’m as resilient as tofu when it comes to a fist fight. At the same time as I was thinking that, a person appeared from the opening the door provided.

“Te…Terakomari…t-today…I will…b-burn you to a crisp…”

It was Johan Helldars. However, something was odd about him. His face was as pale as a grey wall, and his legs were quivering, as he held his stomach like he was plagued by a harsh case of diarrhea. Oh, he fell over. Is he sick or some—Wait a second, is this possibly…?

“I poisoned him.” Vill spoke up in my ear.

“I knew it!!”

And what kind of poison!? Is that even allowed!?

“It was simple. Lieutenant Helldars eats lunch at the cafeteria every day. And the menu is always meat on the bone. That’s why I mixed deadly poison into every single piece of meat.”

“All of it!?”

“I had to make sure he would eat it. This will probably result in around twenty or thirty deaths, but that can’t be helped.”

You’re a terrorist now!? How can you be this cruel!? I mean, I’m happy that you’re going this far for me, but let’s use a more healthy method, okay! With the gaze of a starved beast, Johan walks towards me.

“H…Heh, what’s wrong, your Excellency? E-Even if you…start cr…ugh…crying now, I-I’ll burn…you to …c-c-c-cinders, and…send you to the …hospital.”

“I’m pretty sure you should be visiting the hospital more than anybody right now.”

“What’d you say!? Don’t underestimate me…!”

I wasn’t provoking you or anything. I’m genuinely worried, alright. But, my feelings were blissfully ignored, as a loud gong echoed, signaling the start of the duel.

“Kill him!”

“Go die!”

I heard voices around me, making my eardrums shake.

“I-I’ll kill you…Ugh, bleghhhhh!”


He’s attacking me while vomiting and excreting!? But, his speed was all too slow, resembling an elderly vampire. Or rather, he looked like a zombie who just got out of his grave.

“Hey, Vill! What should I do about this! Small children are watching right now!”

“Then, please use magic now, Komari-sama.”

“Huuuuuuuh!? If I could do that, I wouldn’t have this much trouble to begin with!”

“No, you just have to act like you are using magic. All you have to do is snap your fingers at my signal, and if possible so that everybody can see it. Five, four, three, two, one—Okay, now.”

I didn’t know what would happen, but I had no other option to trust that maid. Snap, I snapped my fingers. The next moment, a loud sound rang out, as Johan disappeared. No, more accurately, he fell. He fell down into a giant hole that had opened on the ground…Huh?


“What was that magic!?”

“She managed to create a hole directly under her opponents feet!?”

“What speed!”

“What power!”

“Wasn’t that high-tier <Monarchy Crusher> magic…”

“I couldn’t even sense any flow of magic coming from her?”

“So basically, her Excellency knows magic that can completely hide her own!”

“I see. High-tier <Invisible Angel’s Raiment> magic.”

“That’s her Excellency for you!”

“She’s so amazing!”

The audience started to speculate, when Vill spoke up.

“I dug a hole there last night.”

“Are you kidding me!?”

“Also, I prepared bamboo spears at the bottom of the pit, so Lieutenant Helldars should be pierced by now.”

Isn’t that a bit too cruel!? But, how is this even possible? There’s no guarantee that Johan would step exactly on the hole, right? Was she just betting on luck?

“No need to worry. I have prepared 52 hidden holes in this entire area. No matter where he would have run to, he had no chances of ever reaching you in the very first place. That’s why, please don’t move from your current position either, Komari-sama.”


It seems like I truly am standing in the middle of hell. Because of the fear, my feet wouldn’t move anyway, so don’t you worry about that…

Suddenly, I heard nervous voices from the audience. To my surprise, a blood-drenched Johan had climbed out of the hole, barely alive.

“Ha…hahaha…this is supposed to be magic? Don’t joke with me…you swindler.”

You are absolutely right.

“You set this up yesterday, right? Because you probably can’t win otherwise.” Johan glared at me with a beet red face, as he summoned flames in both his hands.

Indeed, that’s the case. I’m terribly sorry.

“What an insolent fellow. Komari-sama, let him hear it!”

I’m so sorry, but I have to act tough here, or I will die, Blondie.

“…Wahahaha! You say some interesting things! You’re accusing me of having set up traps? Impossible! Don’t you think you can win this, Johan Helldars! I don’t even need to move an inch to defeat you! I’ll squash you small fry, squeeze your blood into a bottle, and drink it after a comfortable bath tonight!”


The audience screamed, which led Johan to completely go haywire.

“Go ahead and try it if you can!!”

“Hey, Vill. What should I do now, he’s super pissed!”

“You honestly earned that yourself, but leave it to me…However, it pains me to say it, there are no more holes between you and Lieutenant Helldars.”

“Why!? Didn’t you say this place was riddled with them!?”

“I can only say that luck ran out on our end.”

“Stop joking with me.”

That moment, I felt something hot pass by my ears. In a panic, I looked back at Johan, who threw bullets of fire at me.

“Hyahahaha! Go burn to a crisp!”

“Wah, wai—Time out!”

The sight of his running towards me looked like a fire devil. Fire bullets came from all directions, aimed at me. And if that wasn’t enough, he possessed good control over them, so them hitting me was just a matter of time. I can’t move from here, after all.

“Vill! Should I snap my fingers again!?”

“No, it’s too late already.”

“Too late!? My life is over!? Stop joking—”

With me—I wanted to finish my sentence, when a great explosion occurred. I thought my eyeballs would pop out of my sockets. The impact of the explosion made it hard for me to stand. The epicenter of the explosion was the exact location Johan had stood on. Suddenly, I heard a voice from Vill, transmitted directly into my ear.

“A landmine.”

Eh? A-A landmine?

“It seems like he stepped on it. Which makes sense, since I buried around 96 of them here.”

“What kind of battlefield is this!?”

This isn’t just on the level of being prepared. Did Vill go this far, and worked all night just so that I wouldn’t die…?

“Now then, with this, Lieutenant Hellards should have been blown to smithereens, which means that you have won, Komari-sama.”

“I mean, that’s right and all, but…”

The smoke started to clear. I was a bit worried to find his body party blown all over the place. If so, I really didn’t want to see that—or so I was thinking, but I soon doubted my eyes.

Johan Helldars was still alive. He was crawling on the ground, but he still could move, closing in on me like a caterpillar. Even though he was in tatters, he did not give up. For a second, I was shaken by his unwavering determination.

“H-How…how dare you…! I’ll burn away your clothes…and embarrass you in front of everyone…! It’ll be a naked fire dance…Hehehe…”

What shook me even more however was terrifying fear. In a lot of ways, everything was too late. Johan had reached my feet. I could have easily moved away, but I was too afraid to step on a landmine…My fear however was useless, as I realized Johan had stopped moving all-together. He had died, for real this time.

T-Thank god…I mean, I really shouldn’t be happy about that, but still…For now, I had to put up a strong facade again. I stepped on his head with my right foot (as softly as possible), and announced.

“The rebel has been punished!”


The audience yet again raised excited voices, as even the people from the 7th Corps came running into the field themselves—Wait, you moron! This is an actual battlefield, so don’t you dare…Ah, whatever! Explosions rang out everywhere, but I stood still in the midst of these.

I’m happy that I managed to make it out alive, but seeing Johan this messed up, I just had to feel bad. I mean, he’s clearly the victim in this situation. I acted like a coward with cheap tricks, and yet everyone is cheering for me again with ‘Komarin! Komarin! Komarin!’ (while they’re exploding), so I couldn’t say I felt comfortable.

“Hey, Vill, I feel like I’m just deceiving everyone…”

“No need to worry. You truly are deceiving them.”

“Ugh…Well, you’re right.”

“You’re just too kind-hearted of a person, Komari-sama. As a Seven Crimson Deva, you need to be more cruel.”

“I guess…”

Well, thinking too deeply into it won’t change a thing. I just continued to observe the battlefield in front of me, riddled with explosions everywhere, as I let out a sigh—Ah, hey! Don’t get too close, you’ll wrap me up in this mess!


Thus, I managed to escape certain death. On a side note, Johan and the other people that died because of the explosions were transported to the hospital. Then again, it’s more of a safe-keeping place for the corpses, to make sure they can safely regenerate. Of course, it’s the place I never want to see from the inside.

Let’s get back on topic.

Absolutely tattered and exhausted, I moved my heavy body home, and headed straight for the bath. My body was sticky from the sweat and blood from I don’t even know who, glued to my hair and clothes. I’d definitely get a nightmare if I went to bed like this. Hence, I came to the changing room, but…

“Hey, I want to use the bath.”

“Understood. I will prepare a change of clothes right away.”


“Is something wrong?”

“What do you plan on doing while I’m taking a bath?”

“I had planned on fulfilling my work seriously.”


“Please, take your time.” With these words, Vill walked away.

Suspicious. Very suspicious. I don’t know what exactly is making me feel that way, I just know that something is off. I mean, she’s a perverted maid. She tried sexually harassing me countless times. There’s even times where I should have gotten the police involved.


I’m thinking too deeply into this, I bet. Yesterday, and the day before that, she didn’t try anything. For now, I have to relax, or I’ll die. With these thoughts, I took off my clothes, and set foot into the giant bath. I don’t know the size of an average family’s bath, but this one must be several times the size. I might even be able to swim in here…if I could swim, that is.

After washing my body and hair, I carelly set foot into the warm water. Around the time my shoulders made it as well, I let out a long and deep sigh that made me wonder if I just let out all the happiness inside of me.

“Haaaaaaaaa…I really thought I was dead…”

In my head, the scenery of the duel popped up. That blondie…Johan Helldars really hated me from the bottom of his heart. Then again, I can’t blame him. A girl with no real talent or skill became a superior of his. Johan is the correct one here. If the others knew about my true identity, they would attempt the exact same thing as him. I somehow managed to win thanks to Vill, but my luck might run out the next time someone challenges me to a duel—


In that sense, my one and only ally might be Vill after all. She won’t talk badly about me, and even accepts my weakness. She’s always saving me.

“…I guess I really should be thanking her…”

“Please do. If possible, not with words, but by using your entire body. Can I start by hugging you?”

“I thought soooooo!!!”

The second I heard the words ‘If you would excuse me’, I started running. However, since the perverted maid possessed much better reflexes, that ended up in a failure. Not even after five seconds, she captured me, sealing away my movement.

“Damn it! Why are you here!? Weren’t you supposed to be working!?”

“I was lying.”

“And you don’t even try to hide it…Wait, don’t touch me there!”

I continued trying my best to resist, as I shed tears and shrieks. Suddenly, I saw some red spots on Vill’s hands, who wrapped around my belly. Isn’t this…

“Now, Komari-sama, let us share a warm bath together…”

“You, aren’t you hurt!”


It felt like time came to a halt, only for the perverted maid to immediately distance herself from me. With an indifferent expression, Vill hid her hands behind her back.

“I just hurt my hand a bit. Thanks to the magic nucleus, it’ll heal tomorrow.”

“But, that looks like it really hurts…”

“Pain will vanish just as quickly. It’s nothing of importance.”

That’s clearly not the problem here. Also, is this because she…?

“Tell me how you got hurt.”

“I won’t.”

“This is an order. Explain it.”

Vill kept quiet for a second, unsure what to respond, but eventually saw that my decision won’t change, and resigned herself.

“I dug deep holes in order to kill Johan Helldars.”


“I dug them all with a shovel.”

“You did that by hand!?”

“I can only use poison-related magic after all.”



We continued to look at each other, not speaking a word. I could see the cheeks of the perverted maid growing more red. It’s not because she stood naked in front of me. Rather, she probably felt embarrassed about the fact that I found her wounds. That is some crazy personality she has there.

“…I am terribly sorry. I showed you something unsightly.” Vill lowered her head in an apologetic way.

It’s like she was a completely different person from a few seconds ago…Really, what a moron she is.

“There’s nothing unsightly about that.” I made up my mind, and approached Vill.

However, the second I made it in front of her, I grew flustered, and sat down inside the water, embracing my knees.

“Vill, you worked hard for me. Without you, I definitely would have died today. I’m…well, really thankful for that. That’s why…you don’t need to hide anything from me…How do I say it…it might sound a bit heavy…but, I’ll accept everything…so…”

My words started to get stuck in my throat. You really can’t put someone’s feelings into words. But, I hope that at least a bit of that got through to her. Then again, I myself am not sure what I was even trying to say.

“A-Anyway, thank you. That’s all I wanted to say. Did you get it?”

—She probably didn’t, is what I thought.

“I understand.”

“…Eh? Really?”

“I fully understand that Komari-sama truly loves me.”


I think that’s a bit different from what I was saying, but I take it.


“What is it?”

“You haven’t changed at all.”

I snuck a glance at Vill. Oddly enough, she was smiling a bit.

“I’m trying to be a peaceful vampire after all. I’m different from you or the other perverts in the corps.”

“No, that’s not what I meant…” Vill stopped her words.

I don’t think it was that important, so I didn’t try to cut into it. Instead, I brought up something I was worried about for a while now.

“…Hey, isn’t it hard always being with me? It must be tough always protecting me from dying….”

“That’s not the case. I have a special talent after all.”

“Your poison magic?”

“<Nucleus Liberation>.”

The heck is that.

“It is a strength different from magic, and a bit hard to use, but…Anyway, you don’t have to worry, Komari-sama. I don’t think of supporting you as hard or a lot of trouble.”

I don’t really get it.

“…I see. But, why are you this clingy then? It’s making me a bit uncomfortable at times.”

“Because Komari-sama is an unparalleled beauty.”

“I know that, but that’s not the point. I was just wondering if you had another reason for that.”

A sigh escaped Vill’s lips.

“I have committed a crime.”

“I know that.”

“Eh, you do…?”

“You constantly sexually harass me, right.”

Vill had a perplexed expression. If you got fired, I could put that into your CV, you know?…Wait, isn’t that the weakness I was looking for? Maybe with this, I can finally have her stop bothering me with the whole strawberry milk curse?

“It’s not a crime that you are aware of, Komari-sama. It is a crime much heavier than you might imagine.”

“Even heavier!? So you played pranks on me while I was sleeping…!?”

“I do that every night, so no. It is something that happened a long time ago, and I decided to become a maid in order to repay this guilt I have accumulated. Once the right time comes, I will tell you about it.”

“I-I see………Hm?”

I feel like I heard something rather worrying in there, but because Vill’s expression seemed so conflicted, I couldn’t comment on that. A heavy crime, huh? Since she sounded so sincere about it, I doubt it could be anything perverted. If she doesn’t want to talk about it, then it can’t be helped.

Like this, the two of us enjoyed the bath for a bit longer. Oddly enough, Vill didn’t try to sexually harass me any longer. Somehow, I feel a bit disappoi—Hold on, no no no! Wake up, me! You’re being poisoned without realizing it!

1 A dragon-like beast

2 Horse of Alexander the Great

3 Is this some fate reference? LANCER GA SHINDAAA

4 What is this novel, some giant fate series reference?