“—Let us annihilate ‘Inverted Moon’! Right now!”

Bang! A hand slammed down on the desk, to which the perverted maid Villhaze let out a sigh. We currently found ourselves up on the highest floor of the Seven Crimson Office, the office room of Commander Gandezblood. However, the commander in question was not present.

Surrounding the desk were Villhaze and Chaostell Cont only. Nobody else was present. On a side note, the members of the 7th Corps were waiting outside the door of the office room, trying to gather what was spoken inside. Chaostell opened his mouth with great vigor.

“They are criminals having bared their fangs at the Mulnight Empire. We have to punish them.”

“We have yet to find their hideout. Even after the six countries worked together to find it for the past years.”

“We just have to find it ourselves. Or, will you wait for them to regroup? Is this really the time to be saying that?”

Of course not. Around one week ago, during the party organized by the Empress, a girl named Millicent had attacked Komari, and heavily wounded an upper brass of the Komari Squad, Belius, leaving him in an unconscious state.

That’s right, he still is unconscious. Normally, a wound like that should heal after a while through the power of the magic nucleus, especially after a week had passed. However, not even the wound where he had been stabbed was healed. The reason for that had been guessed by the blonde-haired big-breasted Empress.

“She must have used a heavenly tool. Only a heavenly tool can cancel the effect of another heavenly tool, a magic nucleus. Hence, the only way for that wolf man to heal is by using his own stamina and strength.”

In a time long past, where there existed no magic nuclei, society and its inhabitants were relying on a profession called ‘Doctor’, who supposedly could heal every imaginable sickness and wound. There still existed doctors now, but none of them could hope to compare to the magic nuclei’s effect, which is why Belius had to deal with this wound on his own.

Hence, Chaostell requested a battle of revenge, and the driving force behind this most likely was rage. Rage towards the terrorist who splattered his beloved commander’s face in spaghetti.

“Also, what was the imperial court doing! A terrorist made it to the deepest parts of the country! If that isn’t a national disaster, I don’t know what is!”

“The imperial court has meetings day in, day out. There is an important reason for that.”

“And what is that reason?”

“Spies might have snuck inside the Empire.”

“Spies…?” Chaostell glared at Vill.

“A teleportation gate had been set up inside that party hall. Since you are well informed in spatial magic, you should know about this, but <Teleportation> magic requires you to create two gates beforehand. Basically, someone must have snuck into that hall before the party, and set up a gate. An outsider should not have been able to do that. On a side note, the other gate has been found in a back alley located in the lower-class district of the imperial capital.”

“I see…So basically, the guys from the imperial court are trying to filter out the spies that snuck inside the country, as well as searching for other possible gates.”

“Correct. That is why they are carefully talking things through.”

“So irritating!” Chaostell let out a roar. “What problem is there even if spies were in our country!? We just have to overwhelm and chase them out!”

“…It seems like you are quite the unexpected muscle brain.”

“I know when to stay calm, and when to become passionate! And, I couldn’t be more fired right now! We should gather the corps right now, and control the vicinity of the capital!”

“That would be regarded as a violation of orders.”

“Ugh…” Chaostell swallowed his words.

“Komari-sama has given us the order to ‘Stay on stand-by until I come back’, remember? If you were to move separately now, your head would fly.”

“I-I know that, but…Where is her Excellency right now? I want her to give us the order to move out right away.”

“She seems to be inspecting enemy movements. She wouldn’t even tell me, her close aide, of her location.”

“Is that so…No, please wait, Lieutenant Villhaze. I cannot ignore that last part. Her close aid is me, Chaostell Cont.”

“Well then, do you know the color of Komari-sama’s underwear.”


“You don’t, right? Hence, I am the one worthy of holding this title. Anyway, Komari-sama will eventually contact us, so we cannot move on our own.”

“However…will her Excellency really come back?”

“What are you referring to?”

“The Komari Squad is like a torchlight before a storm. Johan has left the army, Belius is currently unable to fight, and Melaconcy is currently using his paid vacation to travel overseas. Now that even her Excellency is gone…”

Vill agreed to that. It made sense that he would be worried.

“—It will be fine. She is a great commander handpicked by her Majesty the Empress. She is a hero that will color the heavens crimson. She would never throw away her subordinates.”

Vill tried to stay positive, but the 7th Corps really was about to fall apart. Komari is currently out scouting the enemy? Please. As if that girl had such courage to begin with. But, Vill had to continue lying about it, because otherwise the Komari Squad would fall to ruin.

Having left the Seven Crimson Office, Vill hopped on the horse carriage, and arrived at the Gandezblood Residence. She used the servants entrance to get inside, and made her way up to the second floor. She walked down the hallway, and finally spotted the room she was aiming for. She stood in front of the destroyed door, and spoke up with a ‘Komari-sama’, but no response came.

“Komari-sama, excuse me.”

She carried her feet inside the room. The inside of the room was dark, and countless books had been scattered all over the floor. The girl must have been devoid of any energy to even clean up. After a deep breath, Vill called out again.

“Komari-sama, how are you feeling.”


Something moved inside the bed. Vill was relieved to have received an answer, and continued talking with a kind voice.

“Everyone is worried. Please, won’t you leave your room only for a little bit?”


Vill was rejected without hesitation.

“If I leave the room, I’ll just get killed. I’m an irregular vampire with no strength nor courage, so I have no place outside. Staying as a shut-in is the best for me.”

“That is not the case. Lieutenant Cont wants to meet you.”

“As if I care! He’s probably disappointed in me! I was drenched in spaghetti! A Seven Crimson Deva was humiliated like that! I couldn’t even protect Belius like I told him I would.”

Vill swallowed her breath. She didn’t expect the girl to be hung up on that.


“A-And also…And if I leave, she will…”

She…There is only one person she could have referred to. Millicent Bluenight from ‘Inverted Moon’. She had been a fellow student in the same year of Komari, and the reason why Komari had been bullied into becoming a shut-in. Vill let out a sigh, and muttered a defeated ‘I understand’.

“Then, I will wait for when you’ve changed your mind.” Vill showed a slight bow, and left the room.

It’s been one week since Komari has started to shut herself in again. Being attacked by Millicent must have been some sort of trauma for her. Or, it could have been an explosion of all the stress she had accumulated. Either way, this wasn’t a preferable situation. She wouldn’t eat much food either, and sometimes doesn’t even respond over all. Right when Vill turned around the corner, Komari’s father appeared.

“Hey, Vill-kun. No success today again?”

“…Yes. I’m terribly sorry.”

He awkwardly scratched his cheek.

“I see. Well, it can’t be helped. To think that girl would appear in front of Komari under such circumstances, I never would have expected that. Man…it’s coming back to bite me, huh.”

“Excuse me?”

“Millicent, see. Three years ago, she was the vampire who bullied Komari, and I couldn’t allow that. I put false accusations of rebellion against the royal family on her family, and forced her out of the country. To think she’d come back as a member of a terrorist group to take revenge. How troublesome, really.”


“Well, leaving that side, I leave Komari to you. She’s weak, fragile—and too kind for her own good. Without you, she won’t be able to live on.”

“…I understand.”

“Yup. I have to get back to work now, so take care, Vill-kun.”

Leaving only these words behind, the man walked away. Vill observed his back grow more distant, and formed a determined fist.


The trigger was something trivial, I’m sure. I probably did something to agitate Millicent, and before I even realized what was going on, it was already too late. During class or magic practice, getting ignored was the least of my problems. However, Millicent’s actions escalated more and more, as she even talked badly about me in my absence, insulting me whenever I was around, destroyed my personal belongings right in front of my eyes, and even used violence.

But, I still tried to hold back nonetheless. As a daughter of the prestigious Gandezblood Family, I was not allowed to receive such treatment from a classmate. If my parents or the other nobles found out about this, the Gandezblood Family would be pulled through the dirt. That’s why I never asked anybody for help, and just put up with it. Even when I was ignored, when my shoes were destroyed, and when my books were ripped to shreds, my food wrapped in a dirt-cloth, I continued to cry to myself, and held it all in.

Because in my eyes, she was a poor girl who could only find joy in hurting others. With these thoughts, I continued to hold it all in. But, I soon reached my limit. I think it happened in the summer three years ago. I was called to the empty classroom by Millicent and her friends, when they asked me—

—Hey, won’t you lend me that pendant?

Of course, I rejected that request. The pendant I carry around my neck is a memento for my mother Yurine Gandezblood, who had died a rare ‘Accidental Death’ in this society based upon the magic nuclei. As for Millicent, she enjoyed my reaction, actually showing resistance for once. Her followers immediately restrained me. She stretched out her hand for it, looking at me like I was some toy of hers.

And there, I cut a blank. Despair turns cowards courageous, you could call it. I hit one of the girls holding me on the face with the back of my head and let her lower her guard, running away with tears in my eyes. However, Millicent used magic (probably gravity-controlling magic), which let me fall over.

—Now you’ve done it. Look at this, that girl’s nose is bleeding.

I completely froze up, as I saw her glare down at me with pure killing intent.

–Right, I wouldn’t mind forgiving you with a pinky of yours. Kyahaha!

Give me your pinky—it’s a standard type of bullying. It’s not a metaphor either. The girls that are weak and get bullied have to cut off their pinkies, and give it to the other person.

I don’t remember much after rejecting that request. I feel like I was beaten to a pulp one-sidedly, and I might have fought back a bit that led them to bleed. Either way, the day came to an end, and I laid down in my bed, my body in tatters and hurting everywhere. But, it didn’t matter. My wounds will heal soon enough. What was the biggest problem? The heart.

Having my heart excavated by Millicent, I stopped going to school. All the anxiety and fear I had built up so far all started to burst out. What happened after that isn’t something I should talk about here.

Three years passed since that incident, and I had stayed a shut-in that entire time. I never went outside again, never bothered to interact with anybody, and just stayed at home, reading books, writing novels. After staying for a shut-in, I slowly felt the wounds in my heart heal. My father and the Empress must have seen that. Through their strategy, I became a Seven Crimson Deva, and slowly started to leave my safe space.

With this, I could finally forget about the past—or rather, these memories still existed, locked away inside of me, and I acted like none of that ever happened, which allowed me to talk with people normally. But, this time ended as well…because Millicent appeared yet again, pulling me back into those grim days.


I clung to my dolphin hugging pillow, and envisioned the worst possible scenario that could befall me. I thought I could do it as a Seven Crimson Deva, and acted all bossy, but in the end, I’m still a shameful shut-in. That’s why, I won’t leave my room. I’ve decided.

Three days passed. Millicent did not show herself again. Of course, that didn’t mean I would just forget about her. If anything, I was more sensitive to everything around me, as my body quivered by just a small sound. Vill always brings me food three times a day. Whenever she walks inside the room, and eventually leaves, she always talks to me, but she never once tried to sexually harass me again.

“Komari-sama, I made omurice for today’s dinner. You like it, right?”

“Komari-sama, we have such nice weather today, how about we go for a walk?”

“Komari-sama, I found an interesting book, why don’t you read it? I recommend it.”

She always left behind kind and considerate words. However, since this ‘interesting book’ was actually an obscene magazine, I knew that something was wrong with her after all.

Anyway, I gave a response whenever I felt like it, but kept quiet when I didn’t. I wonder what she’s thinking while being forced to deal with me? Sympathy? Empathy? Or because I’m rich? Because she gets paid a whole lot? Oh yeah, she did say that she ‘committed a ‘heavy crime’ before.

“Komari-sama, are you not writing a new novel?”


“Is that so. Then, show it to me once you complete it.”

Vill showed a bow, and left my room. Since the door was still broken, I could see her figure all the way down the hallway. Just who is she?


Chaostell’s determination was burning strong, as he looked down at the scenery from the top of the highest building in the capital, the Altova clocktower. He swore to take revenge on the girl who injured his brother in arms Belius, and dared dirtying his beloved Excellency’s face with spaghetti. However, the situation was fairly complicated.

Two weeks had passed since that incident at the party, and he could not find any more information that he could rely on. If anything, nobody even picked up on the enemy’s secret work, which is why a more relaxed atmosphere filled the royal court. The cabinet minister even said ‘Maybe they gave up and left?’ like the idiot he was.

“Her Excellency is still…”

Chaostell took out a picture from his chest pocket. It showed his beloved Excellency, wearing a school swimsuit as her cheeks were flushed to the fullest. This picture was his prized possession, and supported him even in his darkest times.

“Just where did her Excellency go…?”

Ever since this one incident at the party, Chaostell’s beloved commander has not shown her face in front of the 7th Corps. According to Villhaze, she was scouting out the enemy, but that was too suspicious too believe. It felt like that maid was hiding something.

“Your Excellency…I am terribly sorry…” Chaostell confessed.

The terrorist this time had been a girl wearing a fox mask. If they had managed to seize her that one night, none of this would have happened. In other words, this is Chaostell’s responsibility to carry. Nobody else was allowed to take that from him. However, finding the girl was all too difficult.

That is why he decided to search for Komari’s current location himself. Chaostell stuffed the picture back in his pocket, and activated his <Hell’s Gate> spatial magic. He took out a wooden box out of thin air, and removed a strand of hair from the box. It belonged to Komari, which he had secretly secured.

Using this blonde hair, Chaostell could confirm the location of her. In more detailed terms, by using the spatial magic <Magnetic Web>, which spans all over the imperial capital, Chaostell can locate the vampire this strand of hair belonged to. However, with the activation of <Magnetic Web>, this strand of hair will turn into raw magical power, and disappear. In other words, Chaostell had to say goodbye to his precious.

He had crawled after Komari countless times, and finally managed to find this treasure, meaning that it held immense value to him.

“..Can’t I just cut my belly instead…”

It couldn’t be helped. Chaostell told himself that another chance to acquire a new strand of hair, and faced the scenery of the capital below him, activating his magic: Spatial Magic <Magnetic Web>.

The strand of hair disappeared, as a web appeared from Chaostell’s palm, slowly enwrapping the entire capital. After a brief moment passed, the surprising truth opened up in front of Chaostell. The person he looked for apparently was located in the Gandezblood Residence.

Just as Chaostell had expected, she was not scouting out the enemy after all. At the same time, he wondered why she never showed up in the Seven Crimson Office if she was this close. But, he stopped thinking two seconds after. That girl must have come up with a plan Chaostell could never hope to comprehend. This meant that only meeting her directly could clear up anything. Indeed, he had to visit Komari at her home.

Normally, this act would be considered as an act of insolence towards the superior, but this was an emergency situation. His commander would surely overlook that. In fact, Chaostell even might be able to enter his commander’s room…Oh my. Chaostell started grinning just by imagining that. Suddenly, agical power filled the transmission crystal Chaostell had with him, as an annoying rapping voice rang out.

“Yeah! Medicine found, my knowledge profound. Belius woke up, so tough?”

“Wha…” Chaostell’s eyes opened wide.

Apparently, Belius had recovered. That was something worthy of celebrating, but wasn’t this rapper supposed to have been on a trip overseas? Or did he do that to search for the medicine? Well, not like it matters.

“Melaconcy, I leave Belius to you. I will visit her Excellency.”


“Because I don’t have any other clues at my disposal.”

“Yeah! Loiter around down if you need clues, but if you fail don’t get blues.”

The transmission cut off. Chaostell jumped down off the clock tower, and headed to the Gandezblood Residence.

* (A bit before that)

When Vill brought me lunch, I asked her.

“Why are you this worried about me?”

To that, Vill gave her response.

“Why would I not be. I love Komari-sama more than anything else in the universe.”

Stop lying—is what I wanted to think, but I couldn’t. If she really was after the money or a higher position, she would have definitely treated me differently. I fully ignored the currey, and just gnarred on the apple pear.

“I don’t get it. Vill, are you some little sister of mine that got separated at birth?”

“In that case, I would be your older sister. But no, that is not correct.”

“Then, why?”

Vill started blushing, and averted her gaze.

“I thought of explaining it before.”


“But, I was too embarrassed to say it.”

“Then forget about it.”

“Wait, don’t give up on me! At times like these, you should bite on with a ‘Come on, what are you so embarrassed for, Vill-chan? Tell your kind uncle~’, right!?”


“I’m sorry, there was no place for that joke, right…” Vill showed a reaction like she was reflecting on her actions, and stuffed her hand into the pocket of her apron.

Shortly after, she took out an envelope.

“My feelings are written inside of this letter. If you have the time, please read it.”

“If I feel like it.”

I stood up from my seat, and fell down on my bed, the pear still in my mouth. I felt a bit more comfortable today, which is why I tried talking with Vill, but this is my limit. Whenever I’m with that perverted maid, I’m forcefully reminded of being a Seven Crimson Deva, war, and the scent of blood. But, Vill still had something more to say.

“Komari-sama, there are a lot of people that are worried about you.”

Again with that? I’m tired of hearing that.

“There are probably more people like this that you would imagine…People that don’t care about your skill, your talent, your position…I just want you to know that.”

Another lie. The people from the 7th Corps only admire me because I’m a Seven Crimson Deva. The second I stop with that act, I’m just a brat who can’t do anything. I know that more than anything else.

“—Then, I will take my leave here. Once you’ve calmed down, please let us meet at the Seven Crimson—”

Suddenly, Vill’s voice came to a halt. Subconsciously, I glanced over at her. And then, I felt like someone had grabbed hold of my heart.

“Hello there, Komari.”


Millicent stood there. Right behind Vill. Even in this faint darkness, I could see her grotesque smile—and how she had stabbed a sharp sword into Vill’s back.

“Ah, argh…Komari…sama…”

Her white apron quickly turned crimson red. A red liquid started dripping down from her mouth, hitting the table below. Vill had an expression distorted in despair. Her legs were shaking, probably trying to keep her standing, but that didn’t hold on for too long, as she sacked on the ground. I couldn’t even use my voice.

“Oh my, what happened? Not going to say anything? I came to greet you, and this is how you treat me?”


“You’re as pitiful as ever. Just by someone getting stabbed, you grow pale. But don’t worry, I didn’t use a heavenly tool this time. With time, she’ll recover. Though, she won’t be able to move for a while.”

“Why…are you here?”

“Why? Millicent showed a fiendish grin. “I told you I’d come to meet you again. Did you forget?” MIllicent slowly approached me, but I couldn’t move a single muscle. “Kyahaha! There’s no need to be so scared. I’m not going to eat you. Not to mention that people might come bother us if I started killing you.”

Bother? Oh yeah, there’s a lot of people in this residence. But, just when I thought of shouting for help, Millicent fired a magic bullet from her palm, creating a large hole in my bed. Overwhelmed by fear, I couldn’t open my mouth.

“Scream, and you’re dead. Cause a ruckus, and you’re dead. You just sit there and listen to me.”


“That’s it, good girl, Komari. Then, to get back on topic. I did not come here to kill you today. It’s all to prepare an even more tragic slaughter for another time.”


“There’s way too many people who could interrupt us here, right? That’s why I want you to come to a certain place. Can you stand?”

She wasn’t joking. I will definitely get killed. I just looked at her in a daze, unable to even speak or nod.

“I thought so.” Millicent let out a sigh. “You’re not in a state where you can come on your own, huh. Well, I figured as much. You’ve always been nothing but trash, a crybaby whenever something bad happened. And yet, you have this ridiculous sense of justice with you. That’s why, let’s do it like we did three years ago.”

Millicent turned around, and picked up Vill with a single arm. It looked like a child carrying around her toy.

“I’ll take her with me. If you want her back, come to La Nerient city’s abandoned castle when the day changes.”


“If you’re even one second late, Villhaze will die. Naturally, you have to come on your own. You know what will happen if you don’t abide by these conditions, right?”

I felt despair fill my chest. Even if you say that…what…am I supposed to do?

“Anyway, I’m waiting for you. Don’t disappoint me again, Terakomari.”

Millicent left only these words behind, and walked towards the window, covered by the curtains. She fired off another magic bullet, and destroyed the glass, which created a roaring sound. Sunlight shone into the room. The terrorist didn’t wait for anybody else to arrive, and just jumped through the window, still carrying Vill under her arm. Having been left behind, I fell down on the bed.

The blood-drenched floor, the wall, the curry, Millicent, the stabbed Vill—I couldn’t believe the scenery in front of me. I didn’t want to. But, the pain in my heart spoke for itself, reminding me that this was reality.

What should I do, what should I do, what should I do—I held my head.

Around one hour passed while I covered myself with my blanket. Once my heart had calmed down, I was yet again reminded of the severity of this situation. Vill had been kidnapped, by a terrorist of all people as well. There’s no guarantee that she will be kept alive. Since the other party isn’t requesting money, I cannot use the influence of my family to clear up this situation. Millicent said to come to the abandoned castle alone. She said I can’t ask someone else for help. Basically, this is a problem between me and her.

As if I’d do that. I am an advocate of peace and solitude. No matter what anybody says, I will stay a shut-in. No matter what happens to that perverted maid, it’s none of my business—


Or that’s how it should have been. Yet, why does my heart ache like this? Everytime I remember my days with that perverted maid, my chest tightens up. Vill never threw me away. During the duel with Johan, during the party when I was attacked by Millicent, she always tried her fullest to save me. And—all these days I stayed at home, she would always bring me food. How can I just ignore her when she’s in trouble? But, I can’t save her either.

I have to deal with true evil in the form of Millicent Bluenight. Not to mention that she holds a heavenly tool which can nullify the effect of the magic nucleus. I’m supposed to jump into this danger and save the princess? I’m not some hero. I’m better off leaving this to the stronger army, and—Oh yeah, I’m a commander myself.

Subconsciously, I flashed a wry smile. I’m a fake commander. Even if I wanted to, I can’t change this situation on my own. I’m a moron. I just used the vampires from the 7th Corps to my advantage, and acted like I was an actual Seven Crimson Deva. I kept complaining how I didn’t want to work, and yet I never tried to deny the fact that I enjoyed the days with Vill and my subordinates. When I shut myself in again, I was reminded of that fact.

Being alone means being lonely. I don’t feel like I’m alive. It hurts so much more than being forced to participate in a battle, being close to getting killed by my subordinates, and even more than being bullied by my heartless classmates. That’s why…I want to leave my room. I want to throw this trauma of being bullied into the trash, and call it a day. But, I have no strength, no courage, so my legs wouldn’t move.

If I even had an ounce of strength inside of me through some miracle, I want to go and save Vil right away. But, I’m an irregular vampire. I can’t save her. Throw her aside? I can’t. That would definitely break my heart. But then, what else should I do—

The envelope Vill had put on the table appeared in my sight. The letter inside should contain her honest feelings, right? I carefully got off my bed, avoided the blood on the floor as best as possible, and picked up the envelope. I opened it, and read.

To Whom it May Concern,

How are you spending these days, as the season is changing, the summer standing in front of our door? Well, we meet each day, so there is no need to ask that. I just felt like writing such a greeting at least once, see.

Now then, I would like to get to the most important part right away. Komari-sama and I, we actually met three years ago. You must be surprised, right? It seems as if you do not remember this, but I have not once forgotten about that moment. Back at the time, I was an irregular and poor student at the Academy. I was an utter fool, a good-for-nothing. And, as you might expect, a ‘weakling’ like me was bullied by my classmates. The leader of these bullies was Millicent Bluenight.

That wench has no regard for other people’s feelings. As long as she is happy and comfortable, she doesn’t care for others. By using violence and bullying like this, she rose to the top of the school caste. Just by remembering the days I had to suffer through, I feel my heart about to break. Of course, the weakling that I was had no chance of fighting back, so I was just toyed around with, and tried to bear with it.

In the midst of these hellish days, a ray of sunshine appeared…You, Komari-sama. You probably don’t even remember. I was bullied again by Millicent and her group, when you suddenly appeared, taking me by my hand, and pulled me out of that hell.

It must have hurt, right? It must have been tough, right? It’s okay now. You can’t lose against them—All of yours words reached my heart. Back during that time, I really thought of you as a messiah. If a person as kind as you exists, then this world isn’t as bad—-that’s what I thought.

However, what happened after that was even worse. You should know about this, because you became the new target of Millicent. She must have hated the idea of you interrupting her fun. But, I couldn’t do anything. Even when I saw Komari-sama suffering from Millicent’s attacks, I could not step forth like you had done.

This is my guilt. I couldn’t even return the favor after you have saved me. I am the worst possible kind of human being. In the end, until Komari-sama became a shut-in, and Millicent disappeared, I could only hide in the shadows.

That’s why I wanted to atone for my sins. I couldn’t stand the fact that the life of such a wonderful person such as yours would be ruined by fiendish bullies. Komari-sama always shines as brightly as the sun, possessing a gentle heart stronger than anybody. It’s my responsibility that you ended up this way. Plagued by the guilt, I worked really hard on myself, going through hellish training day after day.

But, when I think of being able to save you, everything feels so easy. I felt like crying at times even, but my feelings for Komari-sama supported me even in my darkest times.

And, after I managed graduating from the academy, my wish had been granted, and I was employed as a maid at the Gandezblood Family. Indeed, I’ve been working here for almost a year now. The only reason I hadn’t come to greet you earlier was because I didn’t want you to relive your past memories. I decided to watch you from the shadows, and wish for your happiness.

However, I couldn’t hold back any longer. The moment I heard that Komari-sama would become a Seven Crimson Deva, I had offered to become your own personal maid as support. I couldn’t leave this to anyone else. In the end, I had been employed as a personal maid under the Mulnight Imperial Army (which is why I have the title of associate special rank), and my reunion with Komari-sama was granted.

I was worried about what would happen during our reunion, but you had forgotten about me. I was unsure how to feel about that, but I just acted like it had been our first meeting. I’m terribly sorry for deceiving you like that.

I know that this letter has been quite long now, but there is only one thing I wanted to tell you, Komari-sama. You are a wonderful person. Stronger, more kind than anybody. You shine as bright as the sun. You stayed as a shut-in for such a long time, and yet you managed to recover from that. This is something worth celebrating, not something to loathe.

Even if Millicent were to come attack you again, who says that you have to listen? If you have trouble on your own, please rely on me. I know that I have betrayed you in the past, but I will never make the same mistake again. I will give you a helping hand for you to walk ahead. If you can’t, then I won’t force you, and stay with you until you are ready. Komari-sama, your happiness is my blessing, and my wish. Please, love yourself more.

Yours Sincerely.


The moment I finished reading the letter, it already fell down from my hands. I don’t know what to do anymore. Tears came falling down from my eyes. Vill was bullied by Millicent. I became her superstition. Plagued by the guilt, Vill became my personal maid…So that’s what happened. Why did I never remember? I probably never tried to.

“Damn it…”

How can I sit still now? Being shown such devotion, reading about such honest feelings, only a heartless bastard would not be moved by this. I tightly grasped my fist. What irony this is. It’s the exact same from three years ago. Vill is being held captive by Millicent. I hesitate if I want to go save her or not. If I don’t save her, that’s it. If I do save her, I will end up in her position—

No. Things are different now. I won’t let things go her—Millicent’s way again. Because of her, my life went off the rails. These three years, I just stayed at home, talking to nobody. I won’t let things end up like that again. As if I would. I’ll free myself from the past.

I don’t care how pathetic I look. The people can laugh at me. I will get Vill back, return to the 7th Corps, and fight with them, no matter what it takes—Well, I really don’t want to fight, but I really miss the noisy days I spent with them. Not inside this gloomy room, but under the sunlight, laughing together with everyone else—

“Terakomari-sama, you have a guest.”

I turned around in shock. A servant stood in front of the broken door. I wiped away the blood on the floor with a dust cloth.

“—Guest? Who?”

The servant showed a troubled expression.

“He named himself as Chaostell Cont. Apparently he is your subordinate?”


I hurriedly put on my military uniform, and waited for the man to come greet me. When I asked what brought him here, he let out a scream.

“Ahh, your Excellency, I can finally meet you again! What have you been doing this entire time!? I was worried to death!” Chaostell seemed like he was about to break out in tears, which filled my chest with guilt.

But, I can’t hesitate. I took a deep breath, and faced the man.

“Sorry, I was shutting myself in.”

“Excuse me?”

Chaostell’s eyes turned into dots.

“You can laugh at me as much as you want. I was just so scared of Millicent. My legs were shaking, and I could not take a single step outside my room.”

“Please stop with the jokes—”

“I’m not joking. I actually am—”

“No, you are joking. Aren’t you outside right now? How is that supposed to be shutting yourself in?”

It felt like something hit me in the solar plexus. Chaostell’s smile was as uncomfortable as always, but his eyes showed no disappointment whatsoever.

“Anyway, let us ignore this fact for now. There are more pressing matters.”

“Ignore this…”

“Your Excellency!” Chaostell spoke up. “You must be aware of it, but this fiendish terrorist has ruined your beautiful face during the Empress’ party. I cannot forgive that. Hence, we decided to search for this so-called ‘Inverted Moon’ on our own. However, all possible clues have dried up. Without you around, the Komari Squad was about to break apart as well.”

“You’re angry about that? The spaghetti in my face?”

“Of course I am. I am terribly sorry for not having been able to catch the terrorist in your absence. That is why I came here to ask you for help—please give us your orders.”

I had no words. Even if you tell me that, what am I supposed to do?

“An utter fool like me has no right to know why you have hid yourself for almost two weeks. But, the fact that you have appeared now—means that the time to fight back has happened, hasn’t it! Everyone from the corps has been waiting for this.”

Chaostell snapped his fingers. I felt magical power around me gather, as a magical circle appeared—Isn’t that a ‘gate’ used for <Teleportation>…No, that’s <Summon>. He’s calling someone here with magic.

“Your Excellency! You are safe, I see!”

I was baffled. The person who appeared from the magical circle is someone I recognized very well. He was the dog man who protected me during the party—Belius. He leaned against Melaconcy’s shoulder, slowly making his way towards me.

“Belius? A-Are you okay?”

“Yes. I won’t die from something like that.”

“But, you were in a coma for two weeks…”

“It wasn’t anything to worry about. I managed to be of use for your Excellency, so…No, you must have been able to defeat that terrorist in a second or two, so me trying to protect you was probably just needless meddling.”

“Yeah! Dead dog, almost dead dog, useless dog, apologetic blegh!” Melaconcy was hit in the face.

That punch must have hurt Belius as well, as he held his side in pain.

“…Anyway, let us have a return match. I, Belius Inu Kerbero, will follow wherever you may go, your Excellency. So please, give me your orders.”

“I, Chaostell Cont, will do the same. I cannot allow such a scoundrel to roam freely!”


I felt a pain like I was stabbed in the chest. They really have the wrong idea about my strength.

“Hey, everyone.”

I looked at the three, and asked.

“Why do you all admire me?” I immediately regretted saying that.

I knew it already. ‘Because you are the strongest’, they will say. What other response could there be? A second passed, and another, and another…I just waited for their answer, when they all showed a ‘What is she talking about?’ expression.

Chaostell spoke up.

“Because your personality is so kind. I’ve never met a commander like yours. Well, there’s also the part that your unripe physique is right up my strike zone, but your kindness does it more than anything.”

Following that was Belius.

“Frankly speaking, you are very considerate of others, and I like that.”

Melaconcy joined in.

“Only your Excellency raps with me. Everybody else is an idiot, see. That’s why, your Excellency understands me the most, and I want to boast.”

Ah…I felt the inside of my chest warm up. I was about to break out in tears. They’re all idiots, and criminals across the bank, but I still love them very much as my precious subordinates. Was I ever this happy before?

“I-I see.” My voice shook. “Then, you don’t care how strong I am, right?”

“Strength? No, I do very much care.”


Chaostell continued with an indifferent tone.

“Since you are a Seven Crimson Deva, you must be strong. If not, you’ll be overthrown by your subordinates.”


“Well, regarding your Excellency, I have no worries at all. After all, your Excellency is the strongest Seven Crimson Deva in history! And on top of that, you don’t get drunk on your strength, and instead always think of your subordinates! Who could not be attracted to you!”


Yup, I see. Me being strong just has become a premise, huh. Maybe I really should hide my true (nonexistent) strength.

“R-Right! You love the kind and strong me, yeah! Then, why don’t I fulfill your expectations!”

“““Oh!!””” The three raised excited voices.

These guys don’t know anything about me, huh. They really don’t—but I can tell that they put their trust in me. And that’s not only because of my strength, but because of me as a person. That alone was so reassuring for me. This meant that I had to respond to their expectations. That shall prove no problem, for I am the legendary sage, their superior, and one of the Seven Crimson Devas. I don’t have time loitering around here.

Hence, I turned around on my heel, and proudly declared.

“…Thank you. Because of you, I’m feeling more motivated than ever. That’s why, I’ll be making my way to defeat that terrorist.”

“So you know of the enemy’s location?”

“Yeah.” I nodded, and shook my head. “However, I cannot take you all with me.”


“Your Excellency!?”

Dissatisfied voices stabbed me in the back. I really want to take you all with me, you know. How easy everything would be if I could just tell them to defeat Millicent for me. But, this is my personal problem. In order for me to take one step towards becoming a proper person, I have to deal with this myself.

I turned towards my subordinates, and showed the best possible smile I could.

“Apologies, but this is my battle. You all stand by at the Seven Crimson Office, and wish me luck. With just that, I’m feeling invincible.”