Chapter 1059 Fanwai Pian: Leaving 5

Fresh, cool and comfortable. Right now, it is the season of early autumn.

"Chengcheng, we are finally back." She opened her eyes slowly.

With a single glance, she froze.

What is this place? desolate? Abandoned? !! This was the first feeling she felt.

It is not the gate of the former Xuanjie. The environment is different.

Qu Taner did not expect that Zhenxinzhu would send her to a worn platform. On the platform underneath, the matrix method is described, but it seems to be incomplete, coupled with weeds and vines, and the broken walls are not guarded.

Surrounded by a completely strange, there are no mountains and mountains as originally imagined.

Qu Taner glanced around and felt that it used to be like a courtyard.

Fortunately, however, Qu Taner is currently in the morning, "It's okay not evening."

When she arrived in a strange place, she just wanted to use Tianyan to look at the surrounding environment, but she soon found that Tianyan had restrictions here. There are limited places to see, and the surrounding area is white and blank, as if there is a layer of something blocking it, it is not as convenient as the naked eye. The situation was a little weird ... but she didn't pursue it or think deeply.

Qu Tan'er looked at the city of Mo Liancheng, and saw that he was nothing strange, so he picked him up and walked off the platform. Just a few steps, she was surprised. Under the wall not far there is a white bone and a human skull. There were lush weeds there, covering up something.

Qu Taner frowned.

As you go further, you may see one or two corpses at a distance, but the corpses seem to be a long time away, with only bones remaining, and the bones are somewhat weathered. This situation did not last for hundreds of years, but also for decades. She didn't think much, and went quickly.

This place is so weird!

Even in the daytime, she had a gloomy feeling.

What's more, right now, the most important thing is to find a city to inform the Mo or Qu people to pick up people. Along the road, after walking for a while, she came out of this deserted courtyard and found that one courtyard after another. It ’s just that it ’s as big as it can go?

Wherever she went, there were hundreds of huge buildings, pavilions, and pavilions. At the same time, she also saw a large training ground, animal training ground, etc.

However, they are all old, leaving traces of ancient times. Just a glance, it gives people a thick vicissitudes and sadness. Yes, it was very sad and tragic, along the way, she saw hundreds of bones, some were incomplete. It can be seen here that there was a **** battle.

Qu Taner walked for more than half an hour, and finally got out of this big building.

Just stepping out of the high threshold, Qu Taner took a breath.

Outside, there are thousands of steps!

Standing high, looking at a glance, there are dense buildings, streets, public places, etc. below, but I haven't seen a person, a living thing? It's an empty city! A silent city, except for the sound of the wind.

She shuddered.

How could it reach such a place?

However, it is not difficult to imagine how prosperous it once was here.

Needless to say, Qu Taner hurried down the steps. After dozens of steps, she couldn't help turning back, and there were two ancient fonts on the solemn gate: the imperial palace.

"Imperial Palace?" Qu Tan'er pursed his lips. "Where did you come from? No one."

She was a bit puzzled. What made a place crowdless?

(End of this chapter)