1610: Word Stacks Level 1610 Answers

"Thank you, Lord." Lord Zun ordered four powerful elders.

A team of five people rushed up to the palace.

The formation method is limited to the Imperial Palace.

In the Imperial Palace, there are no restrictions. They knew this.


Imperial Palace.

Qin Ling turned back: "Master, five people are here."

"Only five?"

"It's five. A blue robe man walks ahead."

"Is he? Let Zhan Lao be prepared to isolate the secret technique. Let's close the door and fight the dog and catch it!" Merlian City smiled sneer, and Qu Taner beside him also slightly raised his lips, but she quickly yawned again, It's been a long time coming out.

Merian gently held her little face and asked softly, "Are you tired?"

"It's a bit, but I don't want to sleep. I'll watch you close the dog. Hehe."

"Naughty!" He shaved her petite nose petulously. As long as he wanted to see, then she would accompany him to watch, holding her thin waist gently, and bringing it into her arms. As for the nearby faint sparrow beasts, Morien City ordered them not to participate in the war and to watch.

When five people swept past the Baizhang stairs and entered the palace building, they felt abnormal.

The monster corpses in the imperial palace have been cleaned up, and even the odor is much lighter.

It just happened to be quiet in the courtyard, but on the building, the eaves, the roof, the ridge, the beam, the tree, the pavilion, etc. As long as they can stand, they all have the strange and ugly monster. Staring at them five with weird eyes, with a strong hatred.

Just today, weird, they just watch quietly, not attack.

"Respect the Lord, the situation is wrong." A middle-aged man whispered.

"My deity can feel wrong." Lord Lan Zun said indifferently, glanced around, no traces were found, and he exclaimed, "Dao friends in the dark, we just broke into here unintentionally, and have no other malicious intentions. I just want to be able to leave safely. I have no idea of ​​being hostile to you. Please come out and see. "

"Really? Inadvertently break into?" There was a faint voice in it, which was Morian City.

Just heard it, but disappeared.

Lan Zun said, "It is."

"When King is a three-year-old? Anyone can run around?"

"We came in through the gate of the Xuan Realm, so it was reasonable and reasonable," said Lord Lanzun.

Molian City asked again indifferently: "Then, how can you break in by accident. Who gave you the ability to break in here accidentally?"

"Some things shouldn't be asked, still don't ask." Lord Zun frowned.

"Without sincerity, you don't need to talk about it again."

He uttered a sentence, and suddenly, the whole courtyard was covered by a layer of mystery.

Mystery, isolate the breath here.

But in front of equal practitioners, this isolation technique can easily be broken.

Lord Lan Zun sneered: "Dao friends, if you are only in the late Qingxuan period, you will be disappointed." As soon as he raised his hand, he also threw out a light blue pistol and hit the air!

Suddenly, the old man in the exhibition was all pale.

The mystery of isolation he had just performed was suddenly broken.

Suddenly the atmosphere was rigid and tense.

No longer hidden, the exhibition group of ten people blocked the retreat of five people.

When Lord Lan Zun looked back, when his eyes fell on the old man of the exhibition, he was slightly dignified. But soon, the originally tight body relaxed a lot, and then showed contempt.

(End of this chapter)