Chapter 2472 Void channel 5

Qu Taner asked Yingtai Ying to prepare, and she quietly listened to what the altar explained to her.

After half an hour.

Hutai Sakura came back and said everything was ready.

Qu Taner glanced at them and said, "All enter the Jiuxiao Tower and remember that none of you can come out without me. Because I heard that there is a powerful force of void in the void channel ... Except for the gods above, most people cannot bear it. "

"Okay. Don't worry, we won't bother you," Sakura Sakura promised.

Qin Ling nodded.

Then everyone entered the Jiuxiao Tower.

Qu Tan'er looked into the void channel, gritted his teeth, and went in.

After stepping in, the eye is right. It is a chaos and darkness.

There was silence all around, but just after entering, there was a strong pressure, rolling over her body in all directions, as if to crush her body.

At this moment, Qu Taner had a feeling.

If your own cultivation is weak, you will be crushed by this power to the bones!

Because of the long-term preparation, when Qu Taner stepped in, she showed her purple body. When Ziqi covered her entire body, she felt a light body, and the pressure seemed to suddenly dissipate like tide, "Boss, as you said, there is Ziqi ... can you offset this powerful pressure."

"..." The altar boss was a little speechless.

Afterwards, under the command of the altar boss, Qu Taner kept going forward, often avoiding some unstable areas. I don't know how long it has been.

Because here is dark regardless of day and night.

No aura, no light.

Qu Taner couldn't count the time at all. "Boss, how much do you have to go? I'm alone ... very lonely."

—— "Boss, you said, how did you come over?"

— "Boss, this is deadly!"

— "Boss, I'm going crazy !!!"

— "Boss ..."

The dark surroundings are too quiet, day and night. As time passed, Qu Taner wanted to talk to someone. And besides the altar boss, who else? That's why she talks a lot, aside from some inferiority. At the same time, don't make your journey too dull.

However, an adult in the altar was about to be annoyed by her.

Simply, except when it was necessary to instruct her to walk, she shut up and did not speak.

"Boss, walk like this ... how do you remember the way?"

"You idiot! You haven't noticed after walking so long?" Lord Altar was angry.

"what happened?"

"Your boss, I am constantly consuming the power of the soul, and will give you a way forward!"

"..." Qu Taner shut up.

She had discovered it long ago, but she didn't want to admit it.

The boss of the altar finally broke into anger. "Look at it, you can't learn it. Next time you die in such a place, don't blame me."

"Yes." Qu Taner finally looked squarely, and became serious.

Then, the old street of the altar: "Take a closer look with the spirit. The surrounding power seems to be pressed from all directions. In fact, there is always a weak direction. Let's go to the weakest direction sooner or later You can get out of the void channel. "

Qu Taner reacted as he said, and as he said.

At this time, the Lord Altar repeatedly reiterated, saying: "This weak direction is not necessarily a straight line, but it may also be tortuous. Only walking in the weakest direction is the way out."

"Yes!" Now she really remembered.

(End of this chapter)