Chapter 3360: Meet the Old Man Again 3

3360 .TRIP

Regarding this unreasonable point, Qu Tan'er didn't understand it, and Merian City couldn't explain it either.

This is just like Qiankun's Divine Realm. I don't know what banned their cultivation, which is mysterious and difficult to understand. To put it another way, when you saw the elders outside, they understood that they were not isolated outside the shrine.

However, just thinking of it, Qu Taner had another question.

I just heard the meaning of the patriarchs and elders. This should be the shrine worshipped by the Yunzhi tribe for generations. But since it is the shrine of the Yunzhi tribe, how can they isolate their children from the door?

It's really weird.

However, this is a matter for others, and it is others who are isolated, and Qu Taner is too lazy to worry about others.

Qu Taner looked up at the beast again.

Suddenly she chuckled: "Chengcheng, I remember."

"What did you think of?"

"Remember what happened just now." Qu Taner smiled. "We promised the old patriarch."


"It is for us if we see the gods in their tribe, we will tell the gods on their behalf. The children of the Yun tribe are incompetent, they cannot enter the temple, they cannot worship the gods, please the gods forgive them! Forgive them ... The words of the old patriarch were almost repeated, "But the old patriarch didn't tell us ... what is their god?"

The city of Merlin also looked dark.

Yes, I did n’t say what the gods are, but there is no such thing as gods.

Now that I've entered the main hall, I haven't seen it ... No, is that beast with a dragon head?

So Morian looked up at the beast again.

Qu Tan'er thought he was playing the idea of ​​that bead again, and he joked: "Chengcheng, the elders just now, seeing us coming in, seem to be anxious to replace themselves."

She deliberately paused, and she smiled slightly again. "So, if we can take the beads and they can come in, it may not be a good thing. Because it is possible for them to do the confession to God ... Chengcheng, the two beasts yesterday, I saw them cut off the meat. Shall we eat the meat today? "

Mo Liancheng's eyes flowed, with a smile: "I heard that eating the meat of high-level monsters is very helpful to Xiu Wei, and it's okay to eat."

"I think it's hard to swallow the thought of those orcs who can talk, even eaten ..."

"Just go into the country and do what you want!"

The couple actually stood in the main hall, and some of them talked!

What's more, the talk is about no nutrition!

Finally, the person hiding in the dark part of the hall couldn't bear it. "Okay ... how long do you want to talk?"

Listen to this voice—it's really the old man in the Void Ancient Temple!

Wasn't this old man telling them at the time, a ray of remnant?

Residual soul is also such a cow fork? Or is it that the old man is flickering at all?

Merian City and Qu Tan'er were not surprised at someone in the dark. After they stepped in, it didn't take long for them to notice that someone was staring at them secretly. Of course, this look is not malicious, and I guess it is the old man who inherited the ancient temple. Therefore, they are so happy to pretend they don't know who can't help it!

Because of this, the husband and wife can start chatting casually, and respond to changes constantly.

Seeing the expression of the couple, the old man understood that they knew him long ago and could not help but sigh.

In the end, he couldn't help but speak out.


PS: Good night! ~

(End of this chapter)