3680 Daniel M. Ryan r92.059

But when a person is irritable and confused, the routine will follow. In the end, the secret technique he used has no rules.

The fire dragon spurted, and the sky was dazzling.

Also, the wind family owner who was sweating coldly, gritted his teeth.

The owner of the Wind clan has lost control, and the broken jar has broken, because the horizontal and vertical barriers have disappeared, and this side is moving. Soon, the outside world will find this side and find the existence of the dark abyss. At that time, the dark abyss is not exclusive to the wind clan. Then, before that, he can't wait for the two young men to do everything!

However, the owner of the wind clan miscalculated again.

In the fury, the owner of the wind clan lost his mind and completely forgot that he was not the opponent of the two at all.

Once again, Qu Tan'er easily avoided the killing of the wind clan owner. His eyes were flat, but in the opponent's eyes, it was the provocation of the red fruit man, the wind clan owner was red with his eyes, struggling to use his palm.

"His!" Qu Taner gasped.

It turned out that the rabbit was in a hurry and really would bite.

Almost because of his care, Qu Tan'er, who was burned to the corner of his clothes, spit out his tongue at the blame and worry of Shanglian Liancheng when he stepped aside.

Look back at where you were standing.

She was startled.

Wait, what's that golden green in that dirt?

To see the mass of things, when is it, Qu Taner can't wait to step forward to fly the mass of things, "I rely on, Qu Jinlu, what do you die there ?!"

When did Qu Jinlu punch the floor in her clothes?

That dumb! When is it !! Do you still remember kissing the land? !! !!

Morian City also noticed and shot quickly.

Feng Jiujia had to be anxious, "Golden Green Flashes!"

Let a tortoise flash in danger, and it still has the title of a descendant of Archaic. In fact, so far, it has not been repaired as a little tortoise, isn't it too difficult!

Mo Liancheng and Qu Taner rescued at the same time, but that distance was too far. They found that Qu Jinlu was too late, and it was too late to save.

Qu Jinlu looked up blankly, and saw a color of fire, then dull, it also understood what was going on, it crooked its head and opened its eyes suddenly.

Death, in front of me, within a matter of seconds, Qu Jinlu whimpered in his mouth.

Just when everyone thought Qu Jinlu was in trouble, something strange happened!

The mystery of the owner of the wind clan suddenly disappeared at the moment when the golden song of the song was about to hit.

The world around is suspected to be frozen.

Immediately, thundering orc whistling sounded in everyone's ears, "Roar!"

The noise was so loud that the ears blew, the alertness was deaf, and everyone present was covering their ears almost immediately.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of swaggering grounds shook the mountains, and the majestic momentum suddenly swarmed from all directions in an instant. "Rumble--"

"What's going on?" Feng Jiu asked aloud as he felt his torment, covering his ears.

Qu Tan'er was also surprised. She had heard a lot of powerful orcs' tweets, but never, when she heard such a sound, she felt panicky. "City?"

Morian City carefully guarded Qu Tan'er behind him and looked around. At this time, probably, only his expression could maintain calmness and calmness, "It should be that ancient Turtle tribe, was awakened!"

(End of this chapter)