Chapter 3950: Calculation succeeded 2


At this time, let alone the old treasurer and the two slaves convinced that even the city of Merlin could not help but applaud.

Bear it again and again, the old treasurer can't bear it anymore!

Although he was sent by the family to look after the small pawnshop, this pawnshop has been in charge of most of the family's economic income. The owner is very polite to him!

Today, again and again, being humiliated by a little girl.

The heart, which was always as silent as stagnant water, was ignited into anger. At the beginning, the sparks of Mars gradually grew, and the fire became large. At this point, the old treasurer even moved to kill.

Things about the treasure map can't be leaked out, this little lover is so deadly.

Originally, he thought, first confirmed the treasure map, and then asked about the situation of the little lover. After all, there are still some things that they haven't figured out, such as which family the little lover came from, dare to hide the cloud Clan, the treasure map of the private collection, this family is simply guilty of death!

Not to mention the death of one or two bloodlines that ran away from home without knowing shame, that is to kill the whole family.

The smile of the old shopkeeper, "Then wait until you have a life to leave here alive!"

At the end of the speech, he waved his sleeves, blocked two slaves in front of the door, and flew forward quickly.

While Qu Tan's body was screaming, Merian fought with two slaves.

The old treasurer just stood aside, watching with cold hands.

For the strong who think highly of themselves, the weak do not qualify for them.

Although, those who are weak are humble enough to kill them. However, there are also people under their own hands to teach.

However, the old treasurer was surprised that the city of Merian could actually catch the tricks of two slaves!

It's a personal talent! It's a pity that his vision is not good and he will be dragged by a woman with a long grass on his head.

The old treasurer glanced to the side and shrank into a horror, the tarnished Qu Taner, and the contempt in his eyes became clearer.

In the fierce struggle, at the beginning, Merian City was still calm and right, but gradually, he seemed to be a bit weak, and Qu Taner kept screaming beside him. He seemed to be affected by Qu Taner and was distracted a few times. In the end, even the initial calmness receded, his tactics started to mess, and then--

A fire dragon sprayed head-on, and he had no time to escape.

The fire dragon hit Merian's chest, only to see his figure in the air, and then, with a snorting noise, a spit of hot blood spewed from his mouth.

The grains of red dots are like bright and charming flowers, and they open in the air.

In the corner, Qu Taner screamed in pain and fear, "Fu Jun!"

She wanted to step forward, but didn't dare to come forward, "You want a treasure map, just take it and let my husband! Let us go!"

As soon as Morien gritted his teeth and endured the pain, he suddenly took a tube of jade from his arms and threw it into the air. "Treasure map, I can give it to you, but let me go!"

The emerald green fluorescence is lingering, although it is not sure whether it contains a treasure map, but just looking at this jade axis, it is already an extraordinary thing!

Rao narrowed her eyes of the knowledgeable old shopkeeper. Thinking of the possibility that a treasure map is contained in the jade shaft, his body reflected it faster than his brain and instinctively.

I saw that the old treasurer's body had not moved, but the jade axis was stopped by the invisible mysterious force in the blink of an eye, and then fell into the hands of the old treasurer!

(End of this chapter)