Chapter 5069 Forced To Be Honest 4

But honestly, I still don't forget to add a block to people first.

The boy said quietly, "I can say, but I need to change clothes first."

When is it Still smelly? !!

Everyone is angry!

Now, without waiting for a certain grandfather's shot, several people rushed up!

Although the boy was trained to be a high-strength player, he was beaten several times without any precaution.

At the end of the matter, he found a place and quickly changed his clothes. When he came back, he didn't hesitate and opened the door to see the mountain road: "I vaguely remember, very early ... very early, there seemed to be a death training ground What's coming. People in that period are not as weak as they are now, and a child is better than today's strong ones. "

Everyone was suspicious of the words of the teenager.

This is very early. What period is it?

When they wanted to ask, the teenager looked dumbfounded.

Obviously, the teenager couldn't say clearly again.

At this moment, the teenager looked around and said vaguely, "It's almost like this place."

Morien took a deep look at him, always feeling that the boy hadn't said the whole thing just now. But at least he knew what it was. Depressingly, this is not the secret passage they are looking for?

Instead, Qu Taner asked directly, "So what's the weakness here?"

weakness? The teenager tried hard to remember.

In fact, what he just said was the truth, he just remembered a trace of it. To put it simply, there is information about this place, and the flashes in the memory are messy, and he has not been able to piece it together. So, what's the weakness, he really doesn't know. However, the teenager knew that if he said he didn't know, these guys would not believe it.

But he would still say, "I don't know."

The city of Merian raised a raised eyebrow.

Qu Taner asked again, "How can we get out of here?"

The boy thought for a while, then shook his head again, "I don't know."

Everyone, "..."

One question and three wonders! What do you want? !!

The city of Merian raised his forehead a bit.

The boy looks innocent. God knows, is there bad water in his stomach?

I was thinking, should I use some inhuman means to confirm?

Suddenly, the air moved slightly.

Molian City's face froze, "Let's move to the right and rear!"

With that, he stretched his long arm and quickly took Qu Tan'er and Xiaojiaojiao away.

A few people beside Qin Ling did not hesitate, and quickly followed the action.

Almost, it was the moment they moved. Just now, the boulder they docked was blasted in place!


The claustrophobic space, gravel splashes!

The dust is rolling!

Mo Liancheng was the first to protect Qu Tan'er and Xiaojiaojiao immediately.

The others are not treated like that!

One accidentally, he was blown by the dust.


"Ahhhhhhh ..."


Coughing, one after another.

The three-inch land that was barely visible just now, because of the relationship between sand and dust, has become confusing.

The people covered their mouths and noses, and the dust gradually settled. They also stopped coughing and looked at each other side by side.

But it's a dying time, and the huge stone they just relied on turned into powder? !!

Then, after thinking about it, I thought, just now, I was afraid to slow down, they followed the stone, and the smoke was gone!

"Grass! This ghost place is too dangerous."

"Is this really a place of experience?"

"Yes, it doesn't look like a place of experience ..."


Qin Ling and others vomited.

However, the young man looked at it as if looking at a group of mentally handicapped eyes.

(End of this chapter)