Chapter 5108 Unknown creature (3)

What kind of creature? The crowd was even stranger.

In curiosity, Qin Ling said, "Well, even if there is a creature in Tianchi, we don't have to hide it. So many of us are afraid that one creature in that area won't work?"

If the master shoots, he kills that creature in minutes, okay?

Actually, it's no wonder that Qin Ling has such an idea. After all, they have traveled a lot in many areas, and they have never encountered a strong man who can really be an opponent to the couple! Of course, today's unpredictable teenagers were automatically ignored by Qin Ling.

Therefore, Qin Ling felt that they had run somehow just now.

Qin Ling's remarks were shared by several people.

If it's just a creature, it looks like there really is no need to run so embarrassed ...

Morian City solemnly said, "Don't be careless."

The strange wave from the pool of water just now brought the feeling of Merian City to be extremely dangerous. It was a surging force that was about to move, just like the sleepy ancient beast, and the dangerous feeling before the awakening.

Intuition made him choose to avoid first!

Liu Qianshui seemed to feel something. He opened his mouth and wanted to ask something. Mo Liancheng immediately raised his arm to signal everyone to be quiet.

So everyone held their breath again.

The rare caution of a grandfather shows that the creature at the bottom of the pond is not simple.

Everyone stared at Tianchi without blinking.

There was no wind around, but the tranquil Tianchi, like a mirror, suddenly began to ripple round and round.

The ripple circle spreads in layers, getting faster and faster.

Then, the whole pool of Tianchi was shaking!

It's like the bottom of the Tianchi. Something is stirring the water, the bottom is shaking, the water is shaking, and it feels like it will overflow the surface of the pool!



As if something was leaping out of the water.

Splashes of water!

Huh? What about creatures?

Is there a creature? I didn't see it!

Everyone wondered.

Keep your eyes on--

Finally saw it!

This is a weird creature that looks like a mountain!

It's so big, it's transparent, like a transparent film.

Because there are no organs in the body, you can't find its existence at first glance. But when you look more closely, you will find that under the sunlight, the transparent floating film emits a slight dazzling light, reminding you that it exists.

"What the **** is this?" Qin Ling asked in a low voice.

There was only a teenager who could answer him.

The boy actually didn't want to answer him, but after Qin Ling questioned, everyone looked at him, and even Xiaojiaojia blinked with curious **** and bright eyes and stared at him without blinking.

The boy lowered his voice and told them, "It's called Silver Demon Jellyfish."

"Silver magic jellyfish?" Everyone was curious. Hear this creature for the first time.

The teenager told them cautiously, "It's an overcast to cold creature, and aggressive--"

Just now, Qu Taner sighed, "Well, this creature is so beautiful."

I saw that the upper body of the silver demon jellyfish completely exposed the water surface. Under the sun, the originally transparent body, like a rainbow, became colorful.

Everyone was instantly attracted to the past.

The green eyes of the teenager flashed a joke, "The more beautiful the thing, the more it can kill people."

Qu Taner smiled, "Is this like you?"

The boy's weird lips twitched and looked at him softly, "I can think of you as praise?"

Qu Taner said, "If you think so, I can't stop it."


Hearing these words, so kind.

(End of this chapter)