Chapter 180

Name:His Silent Wife Author:砂糖
Shu Yao never thought that the marriage between herself and Li Chenxi would become prosperous one day.

He's a good man, she knows.

But more, she also knew that he did not love himself.

But I didn't expect that she was really surprised by the change of Li Chenxi recently.

Go to and from work every day, go home on time, accompany her and her children, and take care of ZHENG'ER. Although she is often asked to help deal with the company's affairs, she is no longer as cold as ice and ignored as before.

She doesn't expect her marriage to be happy enough to be admired by everyone. She just hopes to spend it peacefully and smoothly every day.

A lifetime, a double.

Catch one's heart, never be apart.

I also hope that the baby in the abdomen can be born healthily and safely.

In view of the easing of their relationship during this period, she was considering whether to tell him the news of her pregnancy again. She also saved herself from worrying every day and wanted to think of various ways to refuse to have sex with him.

Mo Wan asked her out to go shopping. Shu Yao was bored at home for a long time. Thinking of boredom, she agreed.

When Li Chenxi went out in the morning, he specially gave her a bank card. When she was still wondering, she heard his mellow and warm voice open, "there is no password or quota limit. You can use it freely."

Her instinctive reaction was to refuse. The next second, she put it directly into his hand and said in sign language, "I have money."

When K group bought the CCU project, it gave her a lot of money. In addition to buying an apartment in the city, there are many more.

Enough to pay for her mother's expenses in the nursing home and arrange for a physiotherapist. She doesn't need him any money.

Li Chenxi returned her bank card, "I know you have money, but yours is yours."

That's no explanation.

Shu Yi has no habit of spending money from childhood to big. Besides her father's money, she never uses one cent of others' money. Even if she died later, her expenses in school are scholarships she earned and Xue Caili and Xiao Kun are not required.

This has nothing to do with backbone or love and resentment. It's just a matter of personal habits.

Looking at her stubborn little appearance, Li Chenxi sighed helplessly. With the last word, she had no choice but to accept the bank card.

What he said is - as long as you are still my wife and haven't divorced, I have the right to support you!

So how could she refuse?

After receiving his card, Li Chenxi also told him that he could only spend the money of this card when he went out in the future. He would check it regularly.

It happened that she went shopping with Mo late, so she squandered it extravagantly!

They strolled all morning. She didn't buy anything. Most of them were small clothes and toys for ZHENG'ER. She also bought Mo wanwan a gift, which made her very happy.

As I was walking, I suddenly met a young woman. They happened to know each other. They were high school classmates.

As soon as we met, the other party directly invited, "coincidentally, today is the classmate's meeting. It's rare to meet you. We must go!"

Mo wanwan wanted to refuse, but the words didn't wait for the exit. The other party said again, "you haven't come to many classmate meetings. If you meet today, you can't lose face! Otherwise, how can you say hello when you meet in the future?"


Just as they were hungry, they had to bite the bullet and were dragged by each other to a Chinese restaurant in the city center.

The private room downstairs is indeed a gathering of students. Many people have gathered in the private room for a long time. They haven't seen each other for several years, but they are familiar faces, and the scene is quite harmonious.

Mo Wan said hello to everyone and sat down with Shu Yao.

However, as soon as he sat down, someone looked at Shu Yao and said coldly, "Shu Yao still can't speak! I remember when you were at school, because of this, it was quite twists and turns!"

"What twists and turns?" Mo Wan looked at the man unhappily.

"Shu Yao can't speak! Shouldn't a mute go to a school for the disabled? Sit in class with those deaf mutes."

"Yes! Shu Yao, where's your disability card? Show it to us!"

"When you went to school, you refused to take it out. It's too stingy!"

"I don't seem to have seen a disability card before! Let's get a long idea!"

In an instant, all kinds of words of these people filled the whole room.

Shu Yao's face turned red and white, and his beautiful face suddenly calmed down.

Mo wanwan was even more furious, slapped the table and stood up, "what nonsense are you talking about? What disability certificate? I think you are disabled! Brain, mouth and body disabilities!"


Some people were dissatisfied and were about to fight back, but they were held by several knowledgeable people.

The people looked at each other one after another, and the people who had picked up the matter immediately shut up.

Some people began to coax Mo wanwan. Many people were trying to make things right. Shu Yao had no choice but to pull Mo wanwan and signal her not to see things like these people.

Mo Wan barely sat down, but the anger in his abdominal cavity never went out.

"Evening, you are too serious! When you were at school, you two had a good relationship and always maintained Shuyao. In fact, everyone was funny, not intentional!" Someone is busy talking.

Mo Wan sneered and raised his eyebrows, "Oh? I think you mean it!"


For a moment, the scene was a little awkward. Someone had sharp eyes and noticed the diamond ring in Shu Yu's hand. He subconsciously thought of something and hurriedly said, "I heard that Shu Yu university has been in the first half of the year, and then he got married!"

"Yes, we have just returned home, but we have heard a lot of legends about you! I heard you married a rich family!"

"Your husband is still a big boss! It seems that he is the chairman of Li's company in this circle!"

Suddenly, many women's envious eyes were delivered to her one after another. Everyone knows how high the gold content of Li Chenxi is in China.

How many women dream of marrying such a man, but it's only a good dream, but Shuyao's dream comes true. May it not make people jealous?

It was because of jealousy that they attracted public discussion and siege.

Sure enough, the sour smell immediately spread out.

"What's the meaning of marrying into a rich family? You haven't seen it. There are rumors about the affair between Dong Li and Miss Han in the newspaper every day. It seems that Shu Yu's marriage is not happy!"

"That's right. How can a man like Li Dong take a fancy to you?"

"Shu Yao, when I got married, I heard you played tricks! Tell us, what tricks did you play to deceive Dong Li?"

"Don't be so stingy. Tell me!"

The crowd began to coax again. Mo wanwan's anger could not be controlled at all. He got up again and said angrily, "who told you to play tricks? It's also Li Chenxi's tricks. He married such a good woman as Shu Yao!"

"Oh? Is that possible?"

Everyone laughed loudly. In an instant, Shu Yu was like a clown dragged on the stage for everyone to make fun of.

curry favour by claptrap.

She closed her eyes powerlessly. The moment she met her classmates on the road, she should have thought that it would be like this.

She should have refused.

It seems that a few years ago, all the bad memories of the three years of high school emerged, being excluded, ridiculed and bullied

Hide your fingers under the table and clench them into fists.

But at this time, a nice male voice came like the sound of nature and crossed everyone's ears.

"If you say means, you did have some means at the beginning. Do you really want to know?"

Shu Yao was stunned and slightly stunned. Everyone raised their heads and saw a tall figure standing at the door of the private room.

Who is Li Chenxi.