Chapter 287

Name:His Silent Wife Author:砂糖
Outside the hotel, when Li Chenxi came out, he met Christine again.

She was chatting with the lobby manager of the hotel. She saw Li Chenxi get off the elevator, raised her eyes slightly, smiled and said hello, "what's the matter with Li Dong going out?"

He nodded slightly and was about to step outward, but when he passed Christine, he heard her say, "it's so late. If Li Dong has nothing else to do, why don't we go and have a drink?"

Li Chenxi's eyes are slightly sluggish. He has always been unwilling to contact with superfluous others. He unexpectedly responded by devils and gods.

In this way, the two went to the bar next door and sat on the high chair at the bar. Christine held a glass of beer, looked at the man around her and said, "the question shouldn't be asked. Did Li Dong quarrel with Miss Shu?"

Playing with the fingers of the wine glass, Li Chenxi turned his eyes and looked at her, "Oh? Why do you ask?"

"If I feel it, I'll mind my own business or gossip!" She smiled innocuously and continued to drink with a glass.

I remember that a few years ago, he and Shu Yu also came to France because of the CCU project. At that time, they met Christine. In order to promote their feelings, she did not hesitate to send someone to play a "kidnapping and wounding" incident. However, later, it became so big that some got out of control and had to take the initiative to apologize.

Although it has been a long time since that incident, it is worth mentioning that Li Chenxi really recognized Shu Yu's heart through that incident, and Christine was a great help.

So in essence, the impression of this woman in his heart is very good.

Li Chenxi didn't mean anything to dislike, but said, "it doesn't matter. I don't mind."

"That's good! I also look at you two from the perspective of bystanders. There seems to be a problem." She said.

Li Chenxi pulled his lips and sneered, "you worry too much. There is no problem between me and her."

She looked at him suspiciously, but turned into an indifferent smile and didn't say anything.

Li Chenxi was curious and asked, "should I be close to her in your heart?"

Christine almost didn't think about it. She replied directly, "shouldn't she?"

He was slightly stunned and smiled colder. "Don't you know? She and I divorced long ago!"

"So what? In your Chinese words, one day husband and wife 100 days of grace. In our western concept, men and women who have had a relationship are generally good friends, even better than good friends, as long as they have not had an essentially big problem."

Christine looked at her. Her open mind made her free and easy. It can be said that when she thought of anything, she would confess that she would never taboo identity work and hide it.

Li Chenxi frowned, held the wine glass at hand and drank it up.

"Although I don't know why you quarreled, Dong Li, just let me talk more. I can feel that Miss Shu still loves you. Even if she is a friend, you should treat her well."

Christine will never forget the rainy night five years ago. She designed the drama to stimulate them, reveal their true feelings and promote a good marriage. Unexpectedly, the situation went out of control.

That rainy night, she looked at him who was injured and unconscious. She walked alone in the rain for several hours to the drugstore in the town. Because she was mute and couldn't speak, she didn't hesitate to hurt herself just to buy him medicine and call for rescue

There are many ways to love someone.

Although she couldn't speak at that time, she showed her love for him in her every move, even in her eyes.

Over time, the old events of that year are still fresh in my mind and have a great impact on Christine. She often asks herself whether she can love someone as deeply as Shu Yao. For him, she can give up or give everything, even her life.

Li Chenxi drank two glasses of wine in a row. When he turned sideways, his bright star eyes showed a psychedelic depth. Looking at her, his low voice was hoarse. "Do you believe that time can change a person?"

"Of course!" She answered without thinking, curled her lips, smiled and waved to the bartender to pour another glass of wine.

Looking at Li Chenxi's gradually darkened Junyan, he seemed to feel something. His eyes flashed slightly and said, "but no matter how it changes, the essence will not change."

Li Chenxi took out his cigarette, touched one and put it on his lips. The lighter was lit with a bang. The faint smoke blurred his obscure outline. His deep eyes were dark and unknown, but his cool thin lips moved slightly, "is it the essence?"

"Everyone has his own bottom line. Unless there is an accident, no one will break it easily."

Christine turned around and looked around the bar at several foreign men sitting in the distance. Her eyes lingered on one of the blonde men.

"For example, I, the one over there, is my favorite type. Do you think I will go to chat up?" She asked suddenly.

Li Chenxi was slightly stunned, and glanced at the blonde man in the distance along her line of sight. He was very handsome, but he said, "aren't you engaged to Simon?"

She smiled. "My marriage to him has long been over! He's married again!"


"We are just a simple working relationship now." Christine spoke, but her eyes were still hovering over the blonde man in the distance.

Li Chenxi smiled bitterly. Who can guess a woman's mind? He just said, "then go!"

She shrugged, turned around completely, took a sip of wine, and said, "no! Do you know why?"

He shook his head and heard her explain, "although that man is the type I like, I also have my own bottom line, that is, never touch a married man!"


Li Chenxi turned his eyes and looked at the blonde man over there. Sure enough, there was a ring on the ring finger of his left hand. Although it was inconspicuous, it was a fact in the dim light of the bar.

He smiled, picked up his glass and touched her.

"Everyone has their own bottom line. No matter how they change, the essence will not change. By the way, most of the changes of women are related to men."

Christine's shallow smile is sunny. She puts down her glass and asks the bartender to pay the bill, but Li Chenxi stops her and takes the initiative to settle the account.

When she came out, she said, "I didn't expect Li Dong to be a gentleman. No wonder so many women like you!"

He scratched his lips and couldn't smile.

Christine waved to him and said goodbye. Seeing the woman go forward, Li Chenxi's dark eyes were uncertain. Suddenly she thought of something and opened her mouth hurriedly, "Christine, wait a minute --"

She turned around. "What else?"

"How much do you know about Jushi group?" He walked over.

It seemed that she touched some obscure topic. Christine's face suddenly darkened and stared at him with complex eyes, "why did Li Dong suddenly ask this?"

"Even if I'm interested, I don't know if miss Christine is willing to tell me something?"

His tone was light, but he was full of sexy and confused by his low mellow voice. Knowing that he had complex feelings, Christine was a little distracted for a time and could not refuse his request.

As everyone knows, in the car in the distance, Han Cailing's face is unpredictable as he looks at the back of the man leaving around the woman's slender waist.

A comfortable and fair is not enough. Now you hook up with Christine? What exactly does Li Chenxi want to do!

The sudden change made her a little unbearable. Her chest was more like a boulder, stuffy and out of breath.