Chapter 720

Name:His Silent Wife Author:砂糖
"Have you thought about it? Are you sure?"

Shu Yao asked a lot in one breath, but the general meaning was the same.

Li Chenxi's cold eyes were tight and sluggish. He stared at her for a moment. He clearly saw through the worry and sadness in her eyes, but he pretended to ignore it and said, "yes, what's the matter?"

He took the finger on her cheek and said, "don't tell me, you have an opinion!"

Shu Yao frowned and looked at him. "I have an opinion, and I don't agree."

She took advantage of the moment when the man's thoughts turned slightly, directly removed his control, and took a step back, "Li Chenxi, you divorce me. I don't object. You can go through the formalities whenever you want, you can go through the formalities or not, and you can be affectionate with other women. I have no opinion."

"You can choose a suitable woman and marry in the future. They are all good choices, but this candidate must not be Wu Yan!"

Shu Yao believes in her intuition. The so-called "Wu Yan" is really not simple.

In addition, even if she may have guessed wrong, Wu Yan is Wu Yan, not someone else's cosmetic replacement. She had an unusual relationship with Jiang Jisheng, Jiang Qingqi and others. Such a woman is not suitable for him at all!

In addition, the thought that when he remarried, the woman would become the new mother of the children made her heart tense again.

"It's human nature for you to marry someone else, but Li Chenxi, you're not alone now!" Shu Yao turned her eyes and looked elsewhere. She deliberately covered the clutter at the bottom of her eyes. "You still have three children. Have you ever thought that the person who marries again will become the stepmother of the children."

"Li Lin and Xi Xi are just seven years old, and there are at least eleven years before they grow up. That is to say, in these eleven years, your life is not only your own, but also those children. Especially in the matter of family reorganization, the first thing you should consider is not yourself, but these children!"

Li Chenxi quietly listened to her speech, and slowly dyed a deep in her eyes, "so, what do you want to say?"

Shu Yao raised her hand and held her forehead. She was a little excited for a moment, resulting in some incoherent words.

She took a deep breath and tried to clarify her thoughts before she said, "another candidate, anyone except Wu Yan, can."

Li Chenxi looked at her and looked at her lightly, "including you?"

Shu Yao was suddenly stunned, and his almost awe inspiring eyes fell on him. At the moment when his eyes were opposite, the man smiled angrily, "you want to say let me choose you, right?"

She could not help but frown and knew that he would want to be partial. In the end, it was still so!

"I chose you last time, but what was the result?" He narrowed his eyes and misted his face. He took a step forward, roughly pulled her directly, and put her firmly on the side table. The falling handsome face was gloomy and terrible, "what did you do when I wanted to marry you and live with you from the bottom of my heart?"

"What did you do when the children sincerely accepted you?"

His strength to shackle her cheek increased, his fingers were deeply trapped in her soft skin, pinching her face to the utmost, "you abandoned me, played with me, and didn't hesitate to leave me, deliberately set fire, deliberately explode, and implicated two children!"

The man's cold voice was like the cold wind, and Shu Yao couldn't help pinching his fists.

Then, there was his slowly spitting words and sounds in his ears, "whether to consider for the children is my business, which has nothing to do with you!"

Then, he suddenly withdrew his strength and threw her aside. When she managed to stabilize her body, he saw only the cold back of the man.

Shu Yao was stunned for a long time, his slender and thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and even the tone of the exit was a little unstable, "it doesn't matter. I'm the mother of the children!"

Li Chenxi's footsteps suddenly stopped, and his face loosened slightly.

Shu Yao stood where she was, powerlessly closed her eyes, "I forgot everything and once denied that I was Shu Yao, but, but..."

"But from the first time I saw those children, I knew they were all my own flesh and blood!"

It may be the common psychology of being a mother, which is easy to empathize. After all, the sad process of pregnancy in October and difficult childbirth can not be completely forgotten if you want to be forgotten.

It may also be that when she returned to city a, when ah Dong and ah Jue put the investigated information about Shu Yu in front of her, she was convinced that she was Shu Yu.

It may also be caused by some consciousness that has been washed away from the mind but remains in the deepest place.

Many reasons made it difficult for her to explain and explain for a time, but she was convinced that the three children were her flesh and blood.

"I have nothing to say about the previous fire and runaway marriage. You can hate me or revenge me. You can do whatever you want, but the only thing that can't be changed is my identity as a mother."

"Li Chenxi, I still say this. You can find anyone except Wu Yan."

Li Chenxi's face full of haze was extremely ugly. He suddenly turned around and rushed back to her, grabbed her arm with one hand, "mother's identity? Why didn't you think about children when you ran away from marriage and set fire?"

"Have you ever thought about how happy they are to see you and how sad they will be when you run away and disappear?"

"You have cast shadows and wounds on the children's young hearts again and again. Now tell me what mother's identity you deserve!"

His fierce voice, like a storm, swept through the ravages, and his gentle heart was completely crushed in an instant, as if it could disperse with the wind.

She closed her eyes painfully, her long and dense eyelashes trembled disorderly, and she chose this way to prevent the children from suffering any spiritual trauma and shadow in the future!

If there were no hardship, she would not be so!

But she can't say, absolutely not.

She tried to suppress the surging and fluctuating emotions in her mind, clenched her fingers hard, let her nails buckle into her palm, opened her eyes again, and coldly fell to him, "even if I don't deserve it, this time, you should listen to me!"

"Listen to you?" Li Chenxi suddenly heard a big joke and sneered, but such a smile stagnated in a moment, because he heard her say a sentence——

"Forget your mother?"

The smile on Li Chenxi's face gradually subsided, replaced by unbelievable amazement, "my mother is still in your hand?"

From the day Jiang Wenyi disappeared, he guessed that she would have something to do with Shu Yao, but he was not sure whether she would really hurt her mother.

Even when she threatened to avenge her mother abroad, he didn't really believe it.

"Yes, I have your mother, and she's still alive." Shu Yao couldn't help saying this killer mace, "so if you don't listen to me next, I can't guarantee how long your mother can live!"

Li Chenxi's cold eyes tightened for a while. He didn't want to be angry and said, "an Wanqing, you..."

Shu Yao raised her hand to seal the man's lips without letting him go on. Her eyes were slightly cold. "Where was Jiang Wenyi hidden by me? No one can find it except me. Li Chenxi, do you want to try? Take your mother's life and bet on my child's happiness in the next ten years. Can I risk it, can you?"